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Why not eggs? Or Coffee? I'm sure there's a story behind this (marketing ploy?). A great link for this one would be appreciated!

2007-01-18 03:31:09 · 14 answers · asked by TreatyFrum 2 in Entertainment & Music Comics & Animation

14 answers

You’re right, there are some great stories behind it. Originally, Popeye got his super powers (not his strength, but his invulnerability) by magic. That’s right. (Refer to my recent best answers on Popeye, for more details.)

When Popeye first appeared, he was hired by Olive Oyl’s brother, Castor, to work on their ship. Castor’s uncle, Lubry Kent Oyl had given Castor a rare African Whiffle Hen, named Bernice. Rubbing the head of the Whiffle Hen gave one luck. Castor wanted to go to the casinos on Dice Island and break the bank.

(He practiced on Popeye first, winning his salary back by shooting dice, so Popeye had to work for him for free!)

After Castor cleaned out the casino, the casino owner sent his hood, Jack Snork, rowing out to where their ship was moored, to kill them all and get the money back. Snork got on board their ship and shot Popeye fifteen times in the chest at point blank range. Popeye stumbled backward and fell into the hold.

Bernice, the Whiffle Hen came to him! He rubbed her head all night long. That gave him enough ‘luck’ to survive any number of beatings and maulings! In the morning, Popeye clobbered Snork and they went home rich.

That is what makes Popeye unkillable. He even survived falling out of an airplane once, from thousands of feet in the air, because he landed on his chin! The spinach came later.

IIRC (I’d have to check my archives to be sure) Popeye was working for a wealthy man who wanted him to teach his son to be a he man. The boy had long curly hair, wore Little Lord Fauntleroy clothes, and read all the time. He was weak and sickly. When Popeye found out that he ate practically nothing but cookies, he told the boy to start eating meat and vegetables. He fed the boy spinach, cabbage, beets, potatoes, parsley, celery, carrots and other things to give him vitamins and build him up. Then he taught the boy how to box!

(Popeye was a prize fighter in his spare time, entering the ring at one of those country fairs where the local champ would stand against all contenders, $100 if you could last three rounds. That was back in the Depression when $100 was huge money.)

So Popeye started taking his own advice. I think Elsie Segar (his creator) choose spinach as being the toughest to digest, for comedy purposes. Then he stared fighting more dangerous opponents, like gorillas and robots in the ring. But Popeye beat them all.

After Popeye was in animated cartoons, that’s when the spinach angle was really hyped up and even overused. Segar wasn’t interested in it if it didn’t hold potential or long term laughs. Spinach was just a short term gag with him. Maybe it would be referred to again, someday. But the Texas spinach farmers built a huge statue to Popeye. And he became associated with spinach in the public eye.

If you can, get hold of the reprint collection of the Thimble Theatre newspaper strips, where Popeye first appeared. They are funnier than anything published today, and well worth it.

18 JAN 07, 2036 hrs GMT.

2007-01-18 07:33:33 · answer #1 · answered by cdf-rom 7 · 0 0

I think he was used to advertise Spinach, because Spinach started to sell well after Popeye's creation. Here is an strange fact; In Crystal City, Texas (a spinach growing comunity) they erected a statue of Popeye because of the boost in sales. Also there was another statue in Alma, Arkansas (the so called Spinach capital of the world) ( I have no idea, is those statues still there) :)

2007-01-18 03:55:04 · answer #2 · answered by Sakura ♥ 6 · 0 0

They settled on spinach because, at the time, it was thought that spinach had 10 times the amount of Iron as other green vegetables. It turned out that it was a matter of a misplaced decimal point... but by then it was too late and the green leaf was associated with strength and Popeye!

2007-01-18 04:40:46 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

It's a conspiracy. All the mothers in the world came together and wanted their kids to each spinach! and all other veggies!

Actually, i think it was just a random choice. When Popeye's was first produced, the world was still in the 'moral' age, when TV was part of public education & spreading of all messages good. Naturally, Popeye had to toe the line.

Anyway, we can't expect Popeye to get strong after chugging a few mugs of beer now, could we?

2007-01-18 03:46:41 · answer #4 · answered by Hulabaloola 3 · 2 0

Popeye is just a cartoon. Not even if you ate all the spinach in the world you wouldn't be like popeye.

2016-05-24 03:26:56 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I'm not to sure but I bet it was a marketing ploy to sell can spinach or fresh. Lets face it most people hate spinach . What a better idea than to make your target KIDS!!!!!!!

2007-01-18 04:23:29 · answer #6 · answered by lucyshines49 4 · 0 0

In comparison to most other vegetables, Spinich has more vitamins and minerals. Thus the stuff needed to make you big and strong... all-be-it, the wait time is a little bit less in the case of Popeye..

BUT, the man is a freak of nature anyway, look at those tumors, he calls arms!!!

2007-01-18 04:19:42 · answer #7 · answered by doctor_76 4 · 0 0

Because,smokin some Indo to get strong woulda been totally Inappropriate for kids!Coffee woulda been inappropriate,too....Poppin some Steriods woulda been inappropriate,too....
Eggs...(It WOULD be fine but its too time consuming!)taking the shell off the egg is like a 3 minute job! he needs a Snappy source of energy!

2007-01-18 07:41:20 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Hard to tell, the originator has long since gone. But it could have been a financial interest in spinach.

2007-01-18 03:42:56 · answer #9 · answered by MT C 6 · 0 0

I guess because spinach is supposed to make u strong if u keep eating it.

2007-01-18 03:40:21 · answer #10 · answered by game_king11 1 · 0 0

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