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Cottaging for gays is allowed, Muslims can protest on our streets"Kill the western infidels" any one can come here and claim benefits, our kids are taught about being gay at the age when they shouldn't even be thinking or knowing about sex and it seems the only religion they are not taught about is christianity, the list is endless It seems the only people who are discriminated against are hetrosexual white brtis. Am i being paraniod or do you agree it's time we said enough is enough.

2007-01-17 19:56:32 · 18 answers · asked by SilverSurfer 4 in Society & Culture Cultures & Groups Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

18 answers

I agree 100%

What I dont like is people telling me how I should think.

For example I dont dislike Indians as a race. I simply dont want them in Britain. That is my opinion. Why should I be called a racist?

2007-01-17 20:00:25 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 7 2

The thing is that the heterosexual white Brits have had it their exclusive way for so long that some of them become paranoid when the law develops so as to protect others. That is not necessarily a criticism, but it is the way cultural development works. Certain parts of society (and the law) will always be ahead of other parts of society. But I would hope that no sane person would now think that they should, for example, be permitted to put a sign outside a bar saying 'No Blacks' - until 1976, this was permissible and there were similar cries of 'white society bombarded by political correctness' at that time.

This question is typical of that - it is sensationalist and largely misleading, although its confrontational language does hide some real issues. Obviously, there are some geuine concerns about balacing different liberties - I too sometimes think that this country is too generous towards fundamentalists or those who will not allow debate (but this applies to fundamentalist Christians, such as those who chose to publicise personal details of individuals who worked for the BBC when the channel broadcase Jerry Springer: the Opera, as well as the generally more obvious and more vocal fundamentalist Muslims, such as those who rage and threaten and burn when cartoons of Mohammed are published, or the Sikhs who protested violently when a theatre in Birmingham sought to show a play raising difficult social issues - including rape - in Sikh society).

Although I doubt that you are genuinely antisocial, I detect a certain homophobia in this question too - if the concern is that children are being taught about sex earlier than they should be, well, fine - that is an arguable point of view; but it is not right to somehow imply that homosexuality in particular deserves to be held back for older children only.

2007-01-18 04:21:09 · answer #2 · answered by Matt 2 · 2 0

We are a tolerant liberal democracy... part of our identity is that we let people do what they want.

We are no longer the sort of country you want us to be I'm afraid. In fact we probably never were ALL christian, straight and against public demonstrations.

Don't worry, the country is a lot stronger and content for being tolerant.

I'm sure there's some stuff about you that doesn't quite fit in... explore it. Don't repress yourself too much.

If you try and make yourself into someone you are not (an old fashioned daily mail reading briton), you will be unhappy.

That identity may feel good in the short term, but long term it divides you from people (could you be friends with a gay/muslim/non westerner?).

2007-01-17 22:03:28 · answer #3 · answered by psychedelic_fighter 2 · 2 0

Because we have lost the bulldog spirit.
We have become far too politically correct.
We are now a nanny state
Our children can't enjoy the normal childhood joys in case they hurt themselves.
White British people are the only ones accused of being racist even though most ethnic minorities are openly racist.
Join the commission for common sense like I have it will probably do no good but worth a try. Also mums army they are a pressure group who are trying to get this useless government to do something about yob culture.
now I am going to be controversial.
Britain for the British and I mean all British whatever colour if you were born here fine.
No more immigrants at all
Get out of Iraq let them sort themselves out
Bring back punishments that fit the crime
Tattoo all sex offenders so we can protect our children
Get rid of all of the stupid laws which no longer give us free choice.
Make people claiming dole work for their money we need litter pickers, more street patrols at night, dog sh!t scooper's etc, I bet they'd soon get a proper job them.
Decent benefits for those who really need them.
Make being an M.P totally unpaid
Make MP's use state school system
Make M.Ps use NHS
Use National lottery money for education and health and let the arts fund themselves.
Teach kids parenting
Abolish political correctness this is supposed to be a free country and people are entitled to their opinion.
Right - I think thats the country put to rights for now - I wish.
Bring Back Common Sense

2007-01-18 00:15:25 · answer #4 · answered by mummylove 3 · 3 2

Cottaging is not legal, and so is dogging, sex saunas, and prostitution (mainly done by straight people)! It is just that the police are having difficult time controlling it. And muslim protests inciting death are taken to court and put in prison for doing so, example of score of muslim extremist are in prison right now!

I am shocked as to the amount of homophobia and BNP supporters on here. Teaching homosexuality is NOT given in schools, but only lessons about tolerance. Feeding people homosexuality will not change anything, most gay people were feed and brain washed hetrosexuality for life and did not make them different, because they are born that way - see references.

My friend, you are being paranoid. It is not time to say enough, but time for the BNP supporters stop throwing dust in people's eyes and treat real issues: Controlled immigration, fair foreign affairs, and economy...if they want any chance of getting anywhere because British people are NOT STUPID!

2007-01-20 07:45:31 · answer #5 · answered by Fadi S 2 · 2 0

Cottaging for gays is allowed,... Still a lewed act in public last time I looked, think you still get done for it.
Muslims can protest on our streets"Kill the western infidels.... No they can't that is a hate crime and against the law.
any one can come here and claim benefits..... Well actually they can't. Many people are in holding centers only getting food and clothing but I do agree that we tale in too many immigrants.
our kids are taught about being gay at the age when they shouldn't even be thinking or knowing about sex .... well I think I would interprate that as our kids being tought TOLERANCE. The earlier they know about all of that stuff, the less stigma is attached to it. No amount of brainwashing is going to actually MAKE a kid gay.
it seems the only religion they are not taught about is christianity,.... I believe our kids, and indeed ourselves should not be totally ignorant about other people culturs or religions, but why is religion being taught in schools anyway? This should be a personal choice and we have Churches for that!
It seems the only people who are discriminated against are hetrosexual white brtis,,,,, When was the last time, as a "heterosexual white brit" you were obviously turn down for a job because of it? Or have you had anyone yell at you" You fcuking white, straight cnut!" in the street?
Undoubtedly, resident brits are being overlooked for housing in favour of housing immigrants and that is WRONG.
These immigrants that come in and "take all our jobs" are only taking the crappiest jobs that we don't want to do anyway. If more white UK born residents stopped thinking that cleaning toilets and working on production lines wasn't "beneath them" then we wouldn't have as many people on the scrounging off the dole and it would be much more difficult for immigrants to come to this country with the premise of "getting work"

2007-01-17 20:19:40 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 2 4

Politically correct Downing Street morons I'm afraid!

Next time a canvasser comes to your door and asks you to vote for them, ask them one question, 'I'm white and British and proud to be so, will you back my claim to go and live in Pakistan - India - Afghanistan - Iraq - Iran as a political refugee from this oppressive British Government and also back my claim to free housing, benefits (paid for by the people of the chosen country) and allow me to stand in the street preaching against the Islamic Infidels'.

He'll laugh at you and then run a mile!

This is not a rascist comment - this is what I actually said to a LibDem councillor when he came a calling - I haven't seen him since! So some good came of it at least!

2007-01-17 20:11:32 · answer #7 · answered by jamand 7 · 6 1

well it's part of the price we (I'm canadian) pay for our social structure. I can't say that I agree with all the negatives...but I don't ever want to agree with everyone.
Personally I think that sex is harmless if it's between two consenting adults...if you were gay and a child you would know how important it is to have some education. Why on earth do you think that teen gay suicide rate is so high? I can deal with sex..it's a basic human condition--it's part of who and what we are. I cannot condone the violence...that is where I really draw the line.

2007-01-17 20:02:08 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 4 1

Your are absolutely right and the inherently corrupt Labour party backed by international capital will continue to destruction of our race, heritage and country.
Sadly the ballot box currently offers no alternatives as there is little difference between new Labour and Blue Labour.
Only when the so called Conservative Party is completely destroyed will a credible alternative to labour emerge.
Meanwhile, vote for either UKIP in a Tory area or BNP in a Labour area and attempt to accelerate the Tories downward spiral.

2007-01-17 20:20:57 · answer #9 · answered by Clive 6 · 1 2

I totally agree.
It's not just about race/religion etc though. I find standards are dropping in every aspect of life.
I don't know why we put up with it. We should be more like the French people and be willing to stand up and fight for our rights.

2007-01-18 03:16:25 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

Kids are taught plenty about Christianity. Usually there's some kind of war associated with it. Kids also need to be taught about being gay. There are not teaching them about putting their pee pees in a butthole.

2007-01-17 20:27:30 · answer #11 · answered by closetcoon_fan 5 · 0 2

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