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If I were leader of Earth, I would get rid of the monetary system. Everybody will work at what they like to do. However, for food supply, every body will have their turn at planting crops and reaping it.

2007-01-17 18:34:40 · 34 answers · asked by roy s 1 in Politics & Government Politics

34 answers

Without Neocons that's for sure, they can live with Shiites they support in Iraq.

2007-01-17 23:40:25 · answer #1 · answered by UNCLE FESTER 3 · 7 0

Great question! If I were the leader of the Earth, the first thing I would do, would be to abolish the Federal Reserve, and the World Bank, and the IRS, etc.!!!! Then I would set up the government to be just like the government described in the Conversations With God trilogy by Neale Donald Walsch! Put simply, this type of government is modeled after the way the United States was originally set up!!!!

2007-01-25 15:38:37 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

This is a fun question.

If I was THE leader of Earth....My main goal would be education and mind/intellect expansion.
With all the potential the human mind has I would have to take it as far as my life time would allow me to! The advancements that would be achieved would be nothing short of miraculous!
The way we feed our bodies would be 'simplified'. The nutrients needed to survive would be delivered via liquids. Oral ingestion of food would be considered a luxury just like 5 star dinners are now.

This would eliminate starvation and also take our human focus OFF of FOOD. No cattle=no methane, no wasted growing of grain, no related diseases. No Grocery stores= no landfills. No dishes=no detergents in the water ect.

Another thing would be housing. Everyone would have a 'space' that was theirs. No homelessness. This would be achieved by having modules. The Japanese already have them. They would be round and dome shaped and be able to withstand extreme weather. Also provide heat, cooling and security.

Transportation on the ground would be achieved with magnets and hot air. Interconnecting tubes would transport people to and from their destinations. All procuring of goods (shopping) would be done via delivery. A system of order and delivery would be the only method of 'shopping' and it would eliminate a huge list of time and energy wasting activities!
When you're finished with your daily contribution to society, you go to your module and have free time to do what ever you please.
Watch 'the tube' , or ???
The wastefullness of our present society becomes very clear when you start looking at the difference some real effiency would make.

2007-01-17 19:36:43 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

If I were leader of the Earth I would declare war on the Marso-fascist terrorist bacteria from that evil red planet that threatens our security and our way of life.

They hate that our planet has water and an atmosphere so we must preemptively invade and bring Earth-style terraformation to that inferior form of bacteria. They must adopt our system of government and laws (like our law of gravity). Bacteria attacked us first! It wasn't the same bacteria, but bacteria none-the-less.

Martian bacteria will attack us on our soil! It is only a matter of time. We're fighting them over there so we don't have to fight them over here.

God bless the work that our troops are doing over there terraforming that land of chaos, but we're not coming home, until the job is done. This is all part of the larger War on Bacteria.

Not all bacteria is bad. Some bacteria keeps us from getting colds. That is the kind of bacteria that we want leading the Planet Mars. The bacteria of Mars has voted for the first time in history and they want the good bacteria to lead them. They now have the most progressive forms of bacteria leading their planet.

This is a war between good bacteria and evil bacteria. Some people might criticize that I want to bring the evil bacteria back to earth to hold them in what we call "Justice-Free Zones." (Who can argue with Justice and being Free? We might as well call them Fun Zones!) Listen, all I know is that, this is evil bacteria that we have in these zones and we risk wide spread attacks if we let the bacteria in the Justice-Free Zones have lawyers and rights.

God bless Earth, and no where else!

2007-01-24 12:38:29 · answer #4 · answered by Marcus 3 · 0 0

Have you ever farmed? It really is not for everyone and you would have a revolution on your hands very quickly. A system without money will find other things to trade in instead, how many loaves of bread is a PC worth these days?

The only way to rule earth is with an iron fist, otherrwise you'll just get factionalism on your hands who will fight each othe, People will follow the Cross the Star the Oak tree whatever you want and one set of idiots will think there way of worship is right. Another set of people will want more salad and will wage war on the neighbours for a little bit extra lettuce,

People are people, they are inherent survivors as a species, and will always try to get more than they have. There will always be people who want to do things their way and as such anything you do as leader will be seen as repression.

Ultimately leadership is temporary, what would happen aferwards?

Until we get to Human V2.0 I doubt it will ever be possible to rule the world.

2007-01-17 19:18:16 · answer #5 · answered by pete m 4 · 1 0

You would return the Planet Earth to an Agrarian System. We have already done that. Only Third World Countries like Somolia still work that way.

2007-01-25 14:26:05 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Become peaceful,happy, loving, pure and blissfully content.

Full of all virtues, complete and perfect,completely vice less, non violent and live by the highest moral codes.
Be the example that others could follow. The land would be fertile.
The population small.People would have perfect control on their creation.
Life expectancy healthy and long lasting. No sorrow or suffering.
No starvation,jails or police or hospitals.

2007-01-22 06:20:52 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Your leadership sounds like a receipe for your almost immediate overthrow. I ain't being forced to do no farming miladdo. I already do what i enjoy to do and I buy my food at Marks and Spencers or Tescos.

In perfect world though... yes I'd get rid of money when we have the tech to all live well. Money = poverty as they say in the Culture.

2007-01-17 18:40:40 · answer #8 · answered by Joe Bloggs 4 · 1 0

Nobody can lead an entire world... Successfully anyway. I wish everybody on this planet could all go under the same rules of peace and love, but that's not going to happen my friend. You see, where there is humanity, the devil is just above its shoulder.

2007-01-17 18:42:00 · answer #9 · answered by Mr. Info 3 · 2 0

I would first learn from the mistakes of others throughout recorded history. Then I would look for the common needs of all mankind (food. shelter,healthcare,compassion and spirituality) I would search out similarities instead of differences and build unity from there.

I would use the unbelievable power of "leading by example" to influence others peacefully.My examples would be fueled by truths,morals and sound living principles.

I would create a society that is compassionate to the needs of all not just a few.I would offer the power of prayer relative to spirituality as a tool for all to thrive!

I would tell as accurate as possible the story of one of mankind's greatest assets.I would create a society that is inclusive not exclusive.I would use Jesus as my mentor and try to impress others to follow his message of peace!

Finally I would teach all the exercise of "Forgiveness" as it is the greatest gift we can teach one another!

I would suggest that we all "Make Peace our Passion"

2007-01-25 14:16:58 · answer #10 · answered by H2OMASTER 2 · 1 0

A good thougtful question. What joy it would be not to have to earn but to be able to get down to developing ones true skills and talents. We need to find someway to get everyone joining as a team. Countrys, Religions, Class Structure, Schools all split the team and it should be one big team. This may not happen until we are invaded by another planet

2007-01-21 23:20:26 · answer #11 · answered by Professor 7 · 0 0

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