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If terrorists can tell their leaders of their countires of what they really want, the leaders can perhaps consider some reasonable offers to them and this offer can be given after a majority pass through a public referendum. I guess what they want may be self-govern of their cultures, respect of their religions and land of their own for a peaceful and affordable living to survive or propagate their national identities. Then terrorism may be eliminated.

2007-01-17 17:29:45 · 13 answers · asked by ? 1 in Politics & Government Politics

13 answers

Terrorists want to win period!

When man lived in tribes and fought each other their technology was pretty close so they won based on other factors. This pretty much held until after WW2 when the super powers were born.

In a situation where the other military force is too strong or too advanced for you to fight you turn to guerilla tactics. In the 1770s when the Americans fought the British they didn't fight fair with Britain. They staged terrorist activities like dumping a ship's full cargo of tea into the harbor (Boston Tea Party), they also didn't have a lot of professional soldiers, like the British did. America needed its manpower to work the land so they formed a National Guard; the Minutemen. At that time warfare was done with mass attacks from low ranked troops organized by nobility. The nobility was of a higher class and so were not legitimate targets for the infantry. Only nobles could fight nobles, this was a tradition that predated the Crusades. When the Americans revolted they ignored that rule of war. A simple sniper not only could take out an officer, but they would concentrate on the officer and not attack the infantry.

When you are in a position where you can't win a war then if you want to continue to fight you have to do so through different means. Some people would do it in politics, others would form dissenting societies and clubs, a few would from an underground movement, while still others would turn guerilla and finally a few would turn to terrorism.

The difference between modern terrorists and unconventional fighters of any other age is that the terrorists break a rule of war; they attack civilians. When the Americans revolted they concentrated on military targets. Yes, there were attacks made by civilians on civilians on both sides, but you never say a military or paramilitary force exclusively targeting civilians. The terrorists don't have any chance of winning a conventional war, usually because their support base is heavily outnumbered, under armed and/or of a lower technology level. So they attack soft targets; civilians.

The Japanese probably invented the suicide bomber with kamikaze attacks, but these were still soldiers going after military targets. Terrorists use civilians to go after other civilians in a manner where the only risk the terrorist takes is in assembling the bomb.

If Hezbollah wants to fight Israel then they can't do it by armed invasion, so they toss rockets randomly across the border. If they targeted military bases then the military could defend against those attacks, and anyone killed would be a soldier who has some expectation that this might happen. Regardless of what they do if they attack a military unit then they are fighting someone who not only has a chance of killing them, but they have a good chance of defending themselves. When a terrorists attacks they want to miss military concentrations and target civilians; people who have no expectation to be involved in a war. This is why most governments call terrorists cowards.

After WW2 the Cold War broke out and neither side wanted to risk fighting the other. However, that didn't make the tensions go away so they fought proxy wars; like the Korean War or the War in Vietnam.

Currently Iran is at war with the US, and they have been since the hostage kidnapping of US Diplomatic personal in the early 1980s. Iran can't beat the US in a fair fight so they haven't declared war, and will never make that risk. Iran claimed the hostage crisis was done by angry students, yet they made no attempt to control them or to free the hostages. They liked that the US, the most powerful nation in the world, was helpless against them. During the 1980s civil war broke out in Lebanon with displaced Muslims fighting Christians as they attacked Israel. The UN got involved to stop those attacks by sending in a US Marine lead peacekeeping mission. Iran's response was to form Hezbollah in 1982 and one of their first actions was to drive a suicide bomber in a truck full of explosives into the Marine Barracks killing most of them. So the US got out of the conflict leaving a power void. Hezbollah filled that void and started launching rockets at Israel (who Iran thinks is a puppet of the US). Israel's response was to invade thus dissolving the country into a decade of civil war. When Israel finally started getting headway against Hezbollah the rocket attacks stopped and the terrorists melted into the population and peace broke out. Then Hezbollah started taking over the politics of Southern Lebanon, they were helped by Syria’s habit of assassinating the effective leaders of Lebanon (Syria wants to take over Lebanon).

In the spring of 2006 Hamas was having problems resisting Israel, since they refused to acknowledge Israel’s right to exist. They were losing international support since the UN backed the US position. Hamas then kidnapped some Israeli soldiers. When Israel started to put the pressure on them by the summer suddenly Hezbollah started firing rockets into Israel again. Thus taking the pressure off Israel, who will be forced to get the soldiers back with a lopsided prisoner exchange. This didn’t cause the rise in the price of oil, what caused that was the FEAR that Iran would stop selling oil in support of Hezbollah. The US hasn’t gotten any oil from Iran since the 1980s, so the US supply wasn’t threatened, but with the oil supply for other nations threatened those nations caused a run on the oil market forcing the price of oil to skyrocket (which just put more money into Iran’s pockets). And so the condition continues today.

In the future Iran will get nuclear weapons. The technique they use to refine uranium is very expensive and takes a lot of equipment, which isn’t required if you are using that uranium as fuel for a power plant. The Iranian nuclear production plant is buried deep under ground because Israel bombed their first plant out of existence. Iran is using plans and information sold to them by Pakistan so they don’t need to do any research, all they need to do is to get the equipment (which North Korea and those who used to work for Pakistan’s nuclear program are willing to sell them), refine the uranium, create and then test the bomb. If the pack the shell of the bomb with nuclear waste then they don’t even need an exceptionally good bomb to make a huge impact. Iran will never use an atomic bomb, unless they are attacked; they aren’t that foolish. Instead they will “sell’ their atomic bombs to Hezbollah who WILL use them.

Terrorists want to win by any means possible, they don’t want to negotiate or compromise and they don’t have the power to fight war on respectable circumstances. Normally they would be a disgruntled minority of no major problem and no military threat. Terrorists break all the rules; they ignore military targets for softer civilian ones, they attack where they are strong and hide when they are threatened inside the population, they ignore compromise or negotiation when it suits them and at other times they pretend to negotiate or compromise.

Terrorism creates the huge problem in that now a small radical group has no need to obey any laws and are free to promote their radical agendas even if a vast majority objects to them. They don’t need to develop common sense or reason; they just need to be willing to kill, and to do it in the most efficient manner possible.

2007-01-17 19:08:36 · answer #1 · answered by Dan S 7 · 0 0

Minority ethnic groups, religious communities, whatever... ought to learn to live and work together for the common good of their respective countries. Especially if they don't get what they want. It is far more positive, productive to work peacefully through the democratic process of the country to achieve some kind of integration with the mainstream.

"Terrorism" to achieve whatever their objectives will be met with force and they will be squashed - the harmony and good of the majority take precedence. The first step of any terror organisation is to renounce violence without any precondition. This is paramount.

If Libya - which once sponsored terrorism - can now regain international acceptability, there is no reason whatsoever for any country, organisation, or group to continue killing civilians. Totally unacceptable.

2007-01-17 19:37:41 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

No, but I love the question! Are the 461 Islamic terrorist incidents, 3240 killed, 5126 injured in 21 different countries due to American.. imperialism, colonialism and “oil theft”? This happened because they have a flawed religion, and they have all been brain washed from birth.

2016-03-29 02:42:55 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

They want everything. They want to take over control of the countries. There is no negotiating with such people. The only way to end terrorism is to kill all the terrorists.

2007-01-17 17:46:25 · answer #4 · answered by yupchagee 7 · 0 0

We as a good citizen should not offer anything for them, we should eliminate the terrorist so the terrorism will be eliminated.

2007-01-17 17:40:46 · answer #5 · answered by anobangtanong 3 · 0 0

they've stated repeated times that they want you to convert to Islam,if your not then your not human. that's from Al Qaeda spokes man at least. look at any hot spot in the world the last 30 years--90 percent at least is Muslim militants fighting to have Independence --a few examples, south Philippines-Timur-south Thailand-India Pakistan over Kashmir,Russia and Chechnya, Yugoslavia, USA and Iran Iraq Somalia Mogadishu,Libya Syria,Israel vs you pick Arab country,etc

2007-01-17 18:03:39 · answer #6 · answered by evildoer86d 2 · 0 0

They want to bring the United States down as the superpower.

2007-01-17 17:41:16 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Did you read this before posting it. Since when have terrorists been reasonable people. They strap explosives on themselves and then blow them self up. That's not very reasonable behavior.

2007-01-17 18:22:38 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Freedom for the oppressed in a good sense.

2007-01-17 17:40:31 · answer #9 · answered by saumitra s 6 · 0 0

ameriaca are the terrorist i cant believe ppl are so blind not to see what is going on. and terrorist the word tells you what they want, terror. the best way to deprive you citizens of there freedom is to get them to give it away in the interest of protecting them from an imaginary enemy. fear is the best form of control

2007-01-17 17:34:32 · answer #10 · answered by skytzo ! 3 · 0 3

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