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We poison the earth , we fight wars, no one will ever really win, why dont we find solution to our common problems , religion should not be an obstacle , common sense is only needed, we would all benefit . Money is obsolete, it is time to change and we can if we do not let fear guide us. we invented money we can let it go !

2007-01-17 17:10:10 · 10 answers · asked by ? 1 in Politics & Government Politics

10 answers

LOL Thank you, Rousseau!

2007-01-17 17:15:42 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Hug a tree, dude.

Say, how many people do you suppose have become so accustomed to the modern lifestyle of an industrialized nation, that they depend on it?

You just killed them all.

There's no easy way to go back, not without killing a whole lot of people. Are you willing to take that step?

Currency is just a symbol for money. Money is just a tool of exchange that allows men to trade goods and services that they have produced in a market economy. Take away modern currency, and money will still exist... people will use gold, sea shells, chips, etc. Take away money, and you're taking away the unspent hard work of many many people. You'd have to kill a lot of people to take away their hard work and posessions.

But, hey, enough of that... Let's go on to your next flaw.

You're making the glib mistake that all people have the mental, emotional or spiritual capacity for true altruism and peace. "Common sense" is totally subjective, buddy. What makes sense to you, in a nice warm climate with plenty of water and food, doesn't work for people in an extreme climate where such is scarce. It seems your "common sense" is built around an artificial world, probably supported by your parents or a community that you take for granted.

Maybe we can have a central governance that enforces your ideals of peace? Oops, paradox! Catch 22.

Hey, I'm sorry if I'm coming across as a jerk. Really, if you can figure out how to get it to work, I'll vote for you. But, good luck eliminating the survival instinct from people. That's the only way it will work. Otherwise, you'll have people who insist on survival, and are willing to go to greath lenghts (like go to war) to improve their chances of survival. I know I, and a lot of other people, will go to such lengths to protect oneself and everything one worked to posess.

2007-01-19 10:46:07 · answer #2 · answered by Janne 4 · 0 0

Well at least you have a vision....
Many problems...
1. People are competitive... and collecting material things is the biggest competition now

2. Extremeist Islam (NOT real Islam.... Islam is not evil, terrorists are) poses a problem... their position is "convert or we will kill you, oh and btw we don't care if you convert"... doesn't tend to bring the world together

3. If we get rid of money... ~all industries fall apart... how do you deal with the BILLIONS of unemployed??

4. How will we all the get bare necessities of life... (food, water, shelter)?... barter?.... doubt it

Well a visionary with a 1/2 vision and no method with which to implement it.... keep thinking about it and come back when you have a method to put your ideas into reality

2007-01-17 17:20:11 · answer #3 · answered by TBird 2 · 1 0

Because it only takes 1 to make a war but 2 to make peace. As long as there is at least 1 entity that does not want peace, there will be war.

I think that fighting is hardwired into the human psyche. At 1 time it was necessary for survival. With modern weapons, it could be our doom.

2007-01-17 17:55:54 · answer #4 · answered by yupchagee 7 · 0 1

I do think you are a good man and looking for answers, and you are 100% right we have a most dangerous enemy at our door and it doesn't only affect one group it has it tentacles out to snare all of us , wheather or not we are Christan , Muslim, Hindu , or what ever you are , and if we are to defeat this enemy we had better join forces, as he is a very strong entity, I wish some one had a organization to join to help fight this ( one world gov0 business, and we had better embrace one another stand together or we won't survive,

2007-01-17 17:41:51 · answer #5 · answered by james w 3 · 0 0

People have come to an age where trust means nothing for the most part, until people can begin to trust others. they will not understand the concept of surviving as a speices. They will only look out for their own interest until they see the truth. as a man once told me " I can only show you the door, you are the one who has the choice to walk through it. I personnally think for most part religion cloud their judgement of others. until the boundries of religion can be over come. people will be blinded by conflicting issues of what they were taught.

2007-01-17 17:24:13 · answer #6 · answered by ClarenceF 1 · 0 0

I just answered a question from the President of India with regards to freeing our world of terrorism. I think that answer will be helpful to you as well...

Mr. President,

I will answer your question and tell you the truth, however unfortunate it may be.

We will never free our planet from terrorism.

Our world is plagued, we are plagued, by evil. A long time ago evil entered our world, and we (mankind) have been on the front lines of the War of Good vs. evil ever since. This is the truth.

As I read over the answers provided thus far, it is heartening to know there are so many good people in the world. Alas, as well-intentioned as they may be, this is a war we will be fighting until the due time has come.

We could be nice to them; we could respect them, we could try to understand them; we could negotiate with them; we could try to ignore them; we could make them prosper economically; we could show them love... but this will not defeat or eliminate evil, which is the true root of terrorism.

Kiran Bedi is a wonderful example of our amazing species. She speaks from experience with love and wisdom. Education is a critical component to reducing the pervasiveness of terrorism. But I ask you this: how? Evil terrorists are breeding these children. Are you going to simply walk into a terrorist camp and explain to them you are going to educate their children? You will be shot. Send another group in... and they will have their heads cut off. These are brutally savage people.

So... what do we do?
Kill them! I know... no one wants to hear this and few people are willing to accept it. But we must. They are a cancer.

Ghandi was a great man, and we can all learn much from the example this historic leader left us. But I tell you the truth: these evil monsters would cut off his head. Ghandi was a noble man of great wisdom, but his philosophies will not free our planet from evil.

"All evil needs to flourish, is for good men to do nothing."

We are only in the beginning of this new war. This War on Terror is far more vast than most believe, for evil is far more pervasive in our world than most understand.

I am sincerely sorry I could not give you a more encouraging answer Mr. President. But I have told you the truth.

God Bless you!

2007-01-17 17:17:45 · answer #7 · answered by Daniel 2 · 1 0

Wow! Nicely said.
I've always wondered why someone like Bush is willing to spend us into oblivion when it's his own children and grandchildren who will inherit a debilitating debt. I think the answer is that he and his kind think that there are two classes of humans, and his family, not matter how great things get, will be the ruling upper class, and will ALWAYS get the tax breaks and ALWAYS get the last few drops of fossil energy on earth, and will be able to BUY the last few drops of clean water, etc. What he does not count on is the kind of revolution you are suggesting - it's great!

2007-01-17 17:15:48 · answer #8 · answered by firefly 6 · 0 1

I love your statement man. I often rip $ when I don't really have it. Peace on Earth is the only way out!!! One LOVE MY FRIEND> LOVE will set JAH, GOD, BUDDAH< KWAN YEN< JESUS< ETC> AND ALL of us free. I miss it in ZION!!!I wish they would leave our animals and trees alone. I don't really care too much for snakes though!?>>>+++xoxox+=+Atlantis is HOME 4 me!720...Thumbs down, ehhhhh???????peace peace peace +++++ was that due to my question regarding this stupid government system world? xoxox to the one who asked......A LOVER NOT A FIGHTER>>>>>>>.

2007-01-17 17:19:55 · answer #9 · answered by Alexandra W 1 · 0 2

That is a great question, and I can't imagine anyone who could argue with it.

2007-01-17 17:15:47 · answer #10 · answered by Longhaired Freaky Person 4 · 1 1

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