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i'm pro-choice for abortion AND suicide. we all know the arguments for and against abortion, i won't discuss them here.

but my question is, if you're so pro-choice about letting a woman end her baby's life before it begins, where the hell do you get off telling someone they shouldn't have the right to end THEIR OWN life? it's their life, not yours. why do you think you deserve control over someone else's destiny?

and if death is part of life (which it so obviously is), how can you say that we have freedom in america to live as we choose, when we can't die the way we choose?

why are people allowed to create life any time they want through pregnancy, but someone can't end their own life, even if they're in terrible physical or emotional pain?

yet some slower forms of death like eating unhealthy, not exercising and smoking are perfectly legal.. hmmmm

2007-01-17 16:21:48 · 26 answers · asked by some_one1234 4 in Entertainment & Music Polls & Surveys

26 answers

Something else strange is that most pro-lifers support capital punishment.........makes you wonder

2007-01-17 16:30:17 · answer #1 · answered by Lolitta 7 · 3 0

You sorta answered your own question. As ignorant as it is. You feel that a person should have the right to chose to live or die? Yet an unborn child does not?

The right to live or die can not be established as to a fetus or the living person is why this is such a debate. Simply because a person has lived outside the womb and been given a name does not forfiet the right of the infant yet to be birthed.

If the freedom of choose is a given right then why do we offer it to the person in a hospital bed with cancer and NOT the infant within a uterus?

Would you say that the cancer/aids patient or someone on life support (inter-uteral umbibical) should be offorded the chance to say rather they want to live or die?

Is it simply because we, as the public, can SEE the hospital riden patient and NOT the growing life within a woman? Thus we can more easily say to give that patient "self terminting" rights? Because we too, can see the suffering of that person?

So perhaps abortion and the choice to end our own or someones else's suffering is far apart from the question.

To end a "living" life is a social comment that view are williing to give. It is selfish and self serving thinking to allow ABORTION.

Society detaches itself from the unborn because we can't see the life it holds.

Your statement of "yet some slower forms of death like eating unhealthy, not exercising and smoking are perfectly legal.. hmmmm" is ludricrous.

These are also the rights we all indulge in. Eating, smoking and lack of excericise are human errors that we will all pay for in the end.

Legal because we all have the freedom to buy veggies or pork chops, exercise or not, smoke or not.

Why are people allowed to create life via getting pregnant? Because our bodies allow us to! Why can't we decide to end our own life. Because once you are born your life effects others and the world. Once you become a part of those that see, know and love you? You have a duty and loyalty to those that birthed you, loved you, married you, the children that you had and lives that YOUR life has effected.

Your life is NOT your own.

The person that seeks suicide or death by assitance should not be given LAW to justify a decision that would remove you from those that require you here.

What should be granted, my feeling is, the right to add family into an equation that MIGHT cause one to be able to choose death over their current painful exsistance.

Life? What does it mean?

2007-01-17 17:11:06 · answer #2 · answered by Anna M 5 · 1 1

Pro Choice Suicide

2017-01-16 15:44:26 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

For the most part, I'm pro-choice. I'm this way because it is the law of the land. The Supreme Court in 1973 declared that state laws banning abortions were unconstitutional. And until they change their decision or a Constitutional Amendment is added banning abortion, it is the right of the mother to decide what to do. If she is against abortion, she does not need to have one. If she is pro-choice and does not want to carry to term, she can have an abortion. For me, personally, I've never been in a situation that a girl I was with wanted an abortion, so I don't know what I would do if it was my child. I would like the child to have a chance at life, but at the same time, I'm not the one that has to carry it for 9 months and experience child birth.

2016-05-24 02:25:17 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Abortion and suicide are not related. Though they both deal with the life and death they do not consider the same taking of life.

Someone can be pro-choice but still believe in a limit on the trimester when one can get an abortion as most pro-choice individuals are. The abortion arguement--from the pro-choice standpoint--is more about when is the fetus alive. People who are pro-life say from conception, people who are pro-choice say in the late second trimester.

Someone who's anti-suicide doesn't believe someone has the right to take their own life. This has to do with someone who is already alive. Furthermore, nine times out of ten the suicidal individual is someone crying out for help and doesn't genuinely want to end their life.

The abortion arguement is related to when someone is considered alive, the suicide arguement is someone taking their own live.

2007-01-17 16:31:11 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Because suicide is killing a human - being pro choice doesn't necessarily mean you think they should have an abortion - you just don't want the choice to be some man sitting in a robe telling everyone what they can and can't do. Personally i am pro choice and on the fence on suicide. i know that in the cases of extreme physical pain i do believe in not forcing the person to suffer, however i do think emotional pain can be dealt with if the person allows it. Great question with no clean cut answer.

2007-01-17 16:27:43 · answer #6 · answered by purple dove 5 · 0 0

I am pro-choice, and sometimes anti-suicide, sometimes pro. I think people should commit suicide when they are at the end of their lives and have nothing but pain and suffering ahead of them because of a disease. However, just because some depressed teen thinks things will never get better, doesn't mean he has the right to inflict pain and suffering on his family and friends! There are times when suicide is the best option, and there are times when a person is mentally ill, and their life could've been better if they had gotten help. When you commit suicide because of a painful terminal illness, you're not only saving yourself suffering, the people you love won't have to suffer watching you waste away. When you commit suicide cause OMG SHE DOESN'T LOVE ME MY LIFE IS OVER the people you love will hurt more than you hurt now in your depression.

2007-01-17 16:29:22 · answer #7 · answered by T.M.Y. 4 · 0 0

I don't know- the same reason they are pro-life but shoot the abortion clinic doctor because they say he's committing murder. Suicide is against the law so what do they do- arrest you for attempting it? People in this country are so screwed up. How can you be religious but be racist? How do you justify killing a doctor because you don't believe in aborting a fetus because that's murder?

2007-01-17 16:31:25 · answer #8 · answered by wrjones559_1999 3 · 0 0

I believe someone who would follow this criteria is someone who believes that life doesn't happen until birth. Obviously it's an argument that will never end. That's why politicians continually bring it up, to get the masses to argue about this, instead of what's going in government.

2007-01-17 16:28:50 · answer #9 · answered by Dan 2 · 1 0

I never quite thought about it that way. Thank you. This is an important ethics question every man and woman needs to face and explore, as someday, we all will. Life and Death?
I suggest a new Yahoo!Catigory: life and death lessons.

I like the way you thinque!


2007-01-17 16:25:14 · answer #10 · answered by Freesumpin 7 · 0 1

I am pro-choice. And i think that assisted suicide and or suicide are fine as well. It's not my place to judge. Just as long as they don't get blood or brain matter on me (j,k). But really it's not my place.

2007-01-17 16:30:22 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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