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I am 15 years old and I think I am gay, and I have tried to stop myself from thinking about it so I have sort of accepted that it's just the way I am and there isn't much I can do about because I have tried to make myself not be gay but I still am always attracted to guys. Now that I have accepted it, I really want to tell people. I don't think I will ever tell anyone, but do you think it's weird to have those thoughts? Like I keep wanting to tell my friend that I really trust, because I feel like I am hiding something from them and my other friends. Am I weird??

2007-01-17 16:21:25 · 18 answers · asked by danhh 1 in Society & Culture Cultures & Groups Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

18 answers

no your not weird your just closet gay and not yet out and gay people are actually normal no matter wat anyone say

2007-01-17 16:26:07 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

I think that you should shout it from the roof tops, because like you said you cant change it so you might as well be it. The longer you put it off , the harder it is going to be to tell people. Plus the people who love you , love you and being gay is not going to change that. I am 41 yrs. old and I just told my best friend and nothing changed between us, but I hadn't told him because I thought he would alienate me,but he didn't. Now everything is all good. Plus when you are gay you have to find love or something close to it when you are young and pretty. So get busy young man and be happy because for real only you can make you happy. Have a good life.

2007-01-18 03:12:33 · answer #2 · answered by Robert 8031 1 · 0 0

ok what you should is research homosexuality. that will give you some insite on being gay. i myself am not gay but i have 2 gay uncles and of course me being 16 finally asked them why they are gay. they told me that your born gay and etc. so i thought about it and if you think about it its true. Every person starts out as a girl when going from a fetus to a infant so during that time from going to female to male something probably didn't cross over like what your attracted to. so don't think its weird. with telling your friends i would because youve been friends all this time and nothing has ever been weird and being gay shouldnt affect your friendship, and if they dont accept it, ya its gunna hurt but that just shows you who is your friend and who isnt. hope that helped.

2007-01-18 00:33:53 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

No you are not weird. Science if finding more and more evidence that it is in the genetic makeup. Although some may choose the "lifestyle" some are born that way. Which ever you are be proud of it. Be yourself, treat other humans decently and with respect. Enjoy life without steping on the rights of others.
Last but not least you can always move to a bigger city when you get older if you are in small town backwoods USA.

2007-01-18 00:29:18 · answer #4 · answered by beautysmistress 1 · 1 0

No you are not weird! You are going through what a lot of gay men have, are, and will go through. Take a breath and think about what will work best for you, who to tell, not to tell, and or when to tell. Your feeling good about yourself is the most important thing right now. Do what your gut tells you to, without being to concerned about others opinions of you. Check out a PFLAG chapter near you. If you start to feel overwhelmed, or depressed, under no circumstances, keep those feelings to yourself, get help immediately. With a little time, things will get clearer, and easier....Good Luck

2007-01-18 00:50:26 · answer #5 · answered by Dusenberg 2 · 0 0

No, you are not weird at all.
I think most gay people go through similar feelings. Some come out young and say to hell with anyone who does not accept them and others, like me wait till much later in life when I was finally able to accept myself to come out.
I can only say that your not alone and to love yourself, your feelings are normal and when your ready, you will tell someone, your true friends will not abandon you.

2007-01-18 01:16:28 · answer #6 · answered by chuck 3 · 0 0

Honey, you're making a big deal out of nothing. I was 14 when I decided "Hey, I like men."

My advice: Don't try to stop yourself thinking about it. If you're gay, you're gay. If this is just a phase, you'll get over it and it will be great because you will have learned something from it.

So tell your friend. Once you tell one person, you just can't stop telling people. Or just get a boyfriend and, rather than making such a huge deal about it, just drop randomly into the conversation, "Oh, yeah. I really want to see that movie. Actually, my boyfriend and I are going to see it on the weekend."

Of course, everyone will probably be like "OMG!! When did this happen and why have I not heard ANY of the goss?!?!??!?!" but that would just be funny/interesting.

Maybe you'll fall in love with a girl one day. Maybe tomorrow you'll fall in love with a guy and be with him forever. Who knows?

Have fun, enjoy life, go with the flow.

NOTE: Please, please, PLEASE be careful who you tell, thought. I don't want to see you getting hurt or anything, ok?

2007-01-18 00:37:50 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

I used to be the same as you and hated myself being bi, but I learned to accept myself as well. I knew when I was 14 but I didn't come out until I was 17, so just wait until you are ready and no, you are not weird. Your best friend will probably accept you and if he doesn't, he's not such a good friend, is he?

2007-01-18 00:28:04 · answer #8 · answered by guitarherofairy 3 · 1 0

Mark, ur not weird... i'm 19 years old...i'm bi, i was the same, i was hiding my reality for years. i started talking to this girl that who was lesbian n she was like proud of it.. i was scared to come out, to even say 'i'm gay too' i saw people staring at me weird like if i had a big 'i'm gay' in my forehead..n she helped me open my eyes n told me that it was cuz i was scared of judment, n its true!! now that u've finaly come out of the closet say it. dont let no1 or anything stop what u are. being gay is not bad is not gonna change the way u r..would it? i serious think i'm the same. i havent change a think just that know i check out girls, anywho thats cool that u finally accepted urself. n u know what 'bi' is another way of saying i'm selfish..like i want guys n girls at the same time!! thats y i know i am gay 'lesbian' just that i do need guy love sometimes ^_^ well hope this kinda worked 4 u.

2007-01-18 00:41:14 · answer #9 · answered by Jennifer S 1 · 0 0

Not at all! I just got into a relationship with a hot guy and am so proud of him I started coming out at work and telling people. Not everyone but a few. I am selective though but realize that gossip may take care of the rest! Good luck!

2007-01-18 00:27:39 · answer #10 · answered by Fireman T 6 · 1 0

Depends on what you mean by telling people..

If you feel you have to let close people know It's very normal ..

but being gay myself I'm completly annoyed by those people who basically ome out to the whole planet..

Why would everyone need to know after all..

2007-01-18 02:22:48 · answer #11 · answered by MapDark 2 · 0 0

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