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can someone tell me why our government killed J.F.K. and george w. is allowed to run a sycotic rampage with no limit on what craziness he can come up with. everybody loved J.F.K. he was totally for freedom of information, and working with the peoples interests in mind {what we wanted}. and george w. is allowed to run amuck. and do what ever he wants to regardless of what the people or congress wants. and he gets away with it. over and over and over again. i think we should all get together and take an ad out on the t.v. letting the world know that our president does not speak for the people and does not act on behalf of what the people want. he should AT LEAST be IMPEACHED. why in the world are we not IMPEACHING the crazy physco? he's like a runaway train wreck that never stops! i used to be proud to be an american. now i'm just embarrased. THANKS G.W.B. FOR RUNNING AMERICA INTO THE GROUND AT 100 MILES AN HOUR. he's got to be the anti-christ. REVOLUTION-howz the weather underground?

2007-01-17 16:14:00 · 10 answers · asked by cob_89 2 in Politics & Government Politics

10 answers

The people that are really running this country (Halliburton,Big Oil, Enron type Big Business) are perfectly happy with the way there little puppet is running the country. Record profits for big oil, with enormous tax breaks. Middle class conservatives buy into this nonsense, when actually all they are doing is lining the pockets of the people that really run and control everything in this country, BIG BUSINESS.

Please get "YOUR" Fact's straight.
What is that national debt right now? how much has it increased since Bush took over?
What happened to the middle class "median income" since the Republicans took over the government? Has it gone up or down?

The middle class (the majority of the population) wages have not increased, they have decreased, the majority of the things that you stated help out the rich and big business. I'm not sure were you get your Fact's but before you go off on tangent you my friend need to check the most recent history books.

2007-01-17 16:26:01 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

I disagree with you. I have read the papers and the reports. I remember Kennedy, not the way you do. But I do not care to engage in arguing on here. It proves nothing since most of the answering people act tough on line and cannot make a coherent discussion.
Ont the issue of impeachment. Obviously you do not know that it only means trial.
Okay, if you got charges brought, if you convinced congress to indict, if you got congress to try him, if he was found guilty, if he were forced to resign rather then just be censored, if he did, you would then have Cheney as President. How about that. He would immediately put up Rumsfeld or another syncophant for Vice-President. So the cycle would remain unbroken.
Would it not be better to work for change rather then hysterical theatrics on Yahoo.
Oh, If you are embarrassed to be AMerican, you can always leave. I am sure that would make you proud.

2007-01-18 01:16:16 · answer #2 · answered by Jim R 4 · 2 0

LBJ Hoover Monroe Cleveland FDR JFK A. Johnson John Adams Ford Eisenhower provide Buchanan Jackson Carter McKinley TR Lincoln tie Madison Jefferson B. Clinton = pimp B. Harrison Polk

2016-10-15 09:39:32 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You need a new soap box this one is worn out. A new twist on silliness: Our government killed JFK? Right.
Everyone did not love JFK. He was a liar and a loser who never accomplished anything. Check history books, don't just make things up.
America is hardly run into the ground Our Balance of payments is at an all time low, GNP is up. Interest rates are down. Get some facts before you go off on tangents.

Stratz check out the New York TImes and the Labor Dept yesterday.
Consumer prices rose just 2.5 % the best in 3 years.
Unemployment fell to the lowest level in over a year.
New Home construction rose 4.5%
Blomberg Report states most Federal Reserve Districts reported
moderate gains in wages.Retail sales rose this year over 2.4%
Now. Facts or do you not believe them either. Median Income. Not sure what that refers to. SInce George is only looking out for the superrich.
I Rememer living during JFK and LBJ. Things are so much better nnow, no matter how much subversives like you care to carp.

Revolution? Sure and you are going to lead it?

Maybe I should not have said look in your history books. They are biased by your geography. How about talking to a person who remembers. The deal brokered with Krushchev to make both of them look good. His abysmal poll ratings. His inability to get anything passed. Talk to a person who lived then. He was a total washout.

2007-01-17 16:20:19 · answer #4 · answered by Jimfix 5 · 3 4

Ignoring most of your post because the rambling are basically incoherent I will address only one issue - JFK's popularity. In truth JFK only became popular after he was assassinated, his popularity 2 days prior to his death was around 36% that was why he was in Dallas on a campaign trip - to try to bolster his polarity. Reality and history shows that many of JFK's accomplishments were indeed his ideas but were actually Lyndon Johnson's accomplishments

2007-01-17 16:42:08 · answer #5 · answered by donald graham 3 · 2 0

agree with you so strongly. JFK was for the people. Bush, he such a self centered idiot from the beginning, he only thinks when he gets a thought, that is the right way. He screwed up in Afghanistan, and badly in Iraq. Now how come as the democrats took over , He now admits his mistakes, and yet on CNN interview when asked about his low polls, and his opinion about the ppl against hem, he said it doesn't bother him. Amd agree, siad it long yime ago, he should be IMPEACHED

2007-01-17 16:29:48 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

JFK got elected because of bribery and indimidation by "boss hog" Joe Kennedy and his money. In my oh most humble of opinions.

Bush is just a great man in general. You don't have to like his reasons but in general he is a good man.

2007-01-17 16:48:54 · answer #7 · answered by caciansf 4 · 2 0

I just want to know how Jimfix believes that JFK was a "loser who didnt accomplish anything." I have looked at the history books and he held office in one of the most turbulent times in American history and had to deal with some of our countries biggest issues.
To just name one specific, he masterminded his way through the Cuban Missile Crisis and saved us all from nuclear holocaust.

2007-01-17 17:14:14 · answer #8 · answered by Walty 4 · 0 2

Because George is their man.

2007-01-17 16:22:56 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Shut up you ignorant moron. Take your pills and get back in the attic.

2007-01-17 16:21:11 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

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