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Can anybody help me on these 2 questions...The questions are based on evolution...I'm in 7th grade so can you kind of make it into understandable terms.. :]] Thanks!!

[1]Explain how fossils provide evidence that organisms have evolved over time.
[2]Explain how mutations are important to evolution

Thanks.. :]]

2007-01-17 16:04:20 · 10 answers · asked by jgbaek 4 in Science & Mathematics Biology

Beauty V...YOUR A BOOB...I asked a question and your answer was way off topic...

2007-01-17 16:12:52 · update #1

10 answers

don't listen to "i know what i know" she's an idiot.

1 Due to different sedimentery layers (like that other guy said) yeah the older fossils are buried deeper, and as you slowly work your way down you can see how different species evolved over time, through different variations, the ones that lived reproduced, the ones that didn't got eaten because they were genetically inferior, and that is evolution in a nutshell.

2 a mutation is a fairly random variation and can be caused by any number of things, usually a chromosone defect of some kind, chromosones are passed on in reproduction and actually determine how you are going to come out, from what you look like to whether or not you are going to have athsma. when something goes off, this is called a mutation, most don't even do anything noticable, some can cause problems, others though can be benificial in some way, and put a species much farther ahead and when it reproduces, it will pass on this mutation and it's offspring will live while the others without the mutation get eaten. A fairly vauge explanation but i think it should help.

2007-01-17 16:25:41 · answer #1 · answered by Roy B 3 · 2 0

We use fossils to show the difference between a rat 1 year ago and a rat 100 or 1000, or as far as we can go, to see the slow developments and changes in the species and to tell if the species are in fact the same or two similar like a rat and a mouse.

Mutations are how species evolve. Every now and then a person is born with a genetic mutation, like an extra finger. If the mutation is good, it may stick, but it would take genetic mixing for it to spread through the population, and even this does not mean it will occur. Their are recording of people with an extra finger as far back as the Romans, and still occurs today. Since people have reproduced with so many others, in the last 2000+ years, it's safe to say that the gene is in most people now but is dormant. Maybe in the next 8000 years we Will have it forever! It is said that every 10,000 years the human has evolved.

2007-01-18 00:18:45 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

1) Strata, or the layers of the earth, are laid down with the oldest on the bottom and the newer strata on top.

2) We can study the older layers and the organisms that lived in them, and compare them to the newer layers.

3) As we move back in time through the layers, we find organisms that look similar to, but not exactly, like the organisms in newer layers.

4) Comparing the changes we see in the fossil layer with what we observe in the current world, we can see how the changes took place.

Mutations are important because they provide the raw material for natural selection to operate on. Those previous answers that claim that no positive mutations have been observed are kidding themselves, lots of beneficial mutations are out there.

Evolution is a fact and a theory. It is a fact because there is so much evidence supporting it, and because we can observe it in real time around us. The theory of evolution is the explanation, the 'how and why' behind what we observe.

It is amazing the number of people who don't understand what a theory is in science.

2007-01-18 04:21:38 · answer #3 · answered by RjKardo 3 · 1 0

Fossils show various different forms of an organism over time. A particularly interesting example is the horse, which evolved from a creature (called Eohippus) much smaller than present-day horses. Fossils in subsequent strata (higher = less old) show a progression of variations, ending up with the horses we see today.

If plants and animals always bred true, evolution could not occur, as it is the changes which are necessary for it to happen. Due to radiation damage, chemicals, or other insult, a germ cell of some organism may have genetic information different from its parents, and it will thus be somewhat different, and furthermore it will, if it survives and reproduces, pass the new traits on to its descendants. The winnowing out of adverse mutations in favor of favorable ones is called selection, which was done exclusively by nature until humans got into the act and started selecting for sweeter peaches, cows that produce more milk, chickens that grow faster, and thousands of other improvements.

Evolution is a scientific oddity in that it is one of few scientific theories that can be proven to be correct, and it has been.

2007-01-18 00:22:43 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

1-by looking at the fossil record small changes can be observed in bone structure which suggests that they evolved from each other over time. since it is unlikely that the same structure would appear more than once independently, then two fossils that have the same structure with only small differences probably resulted from one evolving from the other.
2-mutations are the basis of evolution. by DNA mutating the proteins that form from the DNA will change resulting in overall changes in the organism. these changes can be selected for or against, which leads to evolution.

2007-01-18 00:17:14 · answer #5 · answered by molly b 2 · 2 0

I'm sorry to say, but the theory of evolution is not 100% accurate.

1. The shapes of the fossils can determine the change over time. Thus, creating a "fossil tree". However, there are gaps in the tree, so it is still yet to support the theory of evolution.
2. Mutations "create" new animals. It is not proven that an animal can evolve to a total new species (like monkey to human). However, it is proven that an animal can adapt to it's enviornment and end up with a new species (like the finches in the Galapagos Islands).

2007-01-18 01:51:57 · answer #6 · answered by asiduhagu 3 · 0 2

you can use fossils to find comparisons to present species for example sharks and crocodiles (these are the easiest)
Mutations show how the way organisms managed to survive and change(evolve) to changing environments.An easy example is a virus with every carrier a virus mutates Little which is why they continue to survive they evolve into their new surroundings.

2007-01-18 00:23:59 · answer #7 · answered by emmandal 4 · 1 0

Fossils are distrubed in different layers of earth. The layers are formed by sediments that collect over time. The deeper, older layers contain simpler forms, and as you rise through the layers, more complex forms appear.

Some variations have a survival advantage. These variations arise by mutation.

2007-01-18 00:12:48 · answer #8 · answered by novangelis 7 · 3 0

You cant because evolution is a theory! It has not been proven to be fact! I am not here to support creation just stating what is known. Even Darwin doubted his own theory later in life. to answer you though I will take a stab at it

1. The theorist will say that previous fossils show that the species evolved because of differences in fossils

2. They aren't unless the same mutation continues

2007-01-18 00:11:35 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 6

there is no proof at all of evolution if you think there is why dont you take kent hovinds $250000 offer??? and mutations have never produced a better any thing

2007-01-18 01:59:22 · answer #10 · answered by cpc joe 1 · 0 2

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