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if your voice could be heard what would you suggest as the best solution to this problem?

2007-01-17 15:14:44 · 7 answers · asked by heather feather 3 in Social Science Economics

7 answers

make food clothing and shelter a human right and then compete or fight over other things such as luxuries. share basic resources ao that all are fed well and educated and have homes and decent care and clothes etc, there will still be plenty of incentive to devlop and compete over cars and yachts, Ipods etc. everyone also deserves clean air and water. make this a first priority.
stop wars that cost so much and use free ways to resolve differences, like coin flips or something or let world leaders have individual combat to resolve conflicts. no armies.
wars waste resourcea and cost everyone in the long run.
declare a world truce and everyone pitch in to sove basic problems and then we can fight over other things but in less expensive ways. maybe chess matches.
I will bet you that if geo bush had to go fight personally we would not have this present war.

2007-01-17 15:22:28 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Limit childbirth, when they had no assistance they had to keep breeding as 1 in 10 survived, but when they intervened 40 or 60 years ago, and saved half then more of these kids, the problem exploded exponentially with every generation way beyond the carrying capacity of these lands/nations/populations, so millions more suffer in poverty/starvation now then if they never had interceded. Yes it sounds cruel but it's Darwinism, and why do the people who belive in Darwin, not God, always try and play God? Anyways, two per couple, then get fixed if you want food/meds/clothing. If they toss the baby in the river because they wanted a son, too bad, fix them on the spot. this may be a "violation" of their right, but they have no right to demand my tax dollars go to feed them, or I should say 10% of my tax dollar because the rest goes to charity executives and staff and greasing the tyrants who are keeping all these people in misery so they can milk the relief efforts. North Korea has become very effective at holding their population blackmail for world assistance, China keeps giving them aid in the hope North Koreans will stay out of China. US food reserves are at their lowest since 1971 because of worldwide famine and drought, the depletion of groundwater reservoirs is no surprise, they were warned this would happen 40 years ago, but "experts" assured us they'd only need to draw on groundwater when there was a dry year. Problem is they've had a lot of dry years back to back and growing food in what was desert before, don't work anymore.

2007-01-17 15:59:50 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Reduce all governments by 60% and reduce all military forces to homeland protection levels only. Put all surplus workers to reorganizing the food storage and distribution system while spending all available funds to provide irrigation and employment/farmer training to all able bodied unemployed people. Help each and every able bodied person learn to become an active income producer.

Under no condition would I socialize anything or make anything other than fair treatment a human right. A person has to stand on their own two feet and earn a living or they have no self respect. And a socialist government is no more than a corrupt waste factory, the last thing this planet needs.

2007-01-17 15:27:35 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Do absolutely nothing...just wait for Iran to pull the trigger on Iraq and Israel...then watch as the Sunnis and Shia battle it out for a minisectarian regional battle with Saudis and Iranians posturing like peacocks as 10,000 people a month are brutally butchered as to shariah dictates...then, wipe out all of the Muslims of the world...cleanse the world of the disease of Islam. That is 1.5 billion people less to worry about...roughly 20% of the world population...if we can't fix the world poverty problem with 20% of the world out of the way...we have an unsolvable problem.

If China starts giving us a problem we can knock them out of the way as well.

But seriously, the main way to reduce poverty is to increase the standard of living for every country... You can only do that through capitalism. Every other solution, socialism, fascism, communism...all revolve around equality...and let's face it, the poverty stricken regions are all equally poverty stricken...that is what equality looks like.

We need to destroy altruism as a source for moral highground arguments and destroy equality as a goal...what we need is Competition, education, merit, and INEQUALITY. When these are the goals, the world will change... As long as we have values that guarantee failure, we will fail as a human race.

2007-01-17 16:31:14 · answer #4 · answered by Hammerhead 2 · 0 0

Make it a requirement that everyone who can must work, even if it's just washing windows for $5 a pop. There is no reason in the world that any able bodied or minded person shouldn't have a job.

2007-01-17 15:28:50 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

The worlds food output is a finite number where as the population continues to grow unchecked. The harsh reality is to let them starve.

2007-01-17 15:23:28 · answer #6 · answered by da_hammerhead 6 · 2 0

Voluntary human extinction.

2007-01-17 15:21:50 · answer #7 · answered by jueyanz 3 · 0 1

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