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i'm actually straight, but i think i can relate to the problems homosexuals encounter

such as this:

i am a mexican-american. i'm not sure if you've ever noticed, but the "immigration" section of 'Yahoo! Answers' has become a hot section.

anyways, for some reason, people have turned that section into somewhat of an illegal immigration section which really ticks me off.

why are immigrants automatically viewed as "illegal?"

i am a perfectly educated, well-mannered, english-speaking young man as a lot of hispanics are

yet, people automatically judge us differently. every since the latest census showed latinos are the majority in texas, people have freaked out

now, its almost as if hispanics have to EARN our respect among the majority of people

i'm not a gangster, i'm not am underachiever, nor am i a drop-out, a spanish-only speaking mexican, i'm not a sp*c, or a wetb*ck, nor am i a beaner

i am....just me...


yet america wants to make it complicated

is america being torn?

2007-01-17 15:10:20 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Cultures & Groups Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

16 answers

People who do not take the time to know gay people think that gay people are 'attacking' their marriages, and people who do not take the time to know Hispanic people think that they are trying to take over the country.

Yeah, there are many illegal immigrants from Mexico in the US, but since the US limits immigration from Mexico while allowing immigrants from other countries it leaves those Mexicans wanting a better life in the US with few options. The US has become very ethno-centric, and instead of embracing other people and their cultures as it used to do, it is increasingly turning into itself.

Personally, I find it odd that there is a debate about having English as the official language when there was no debate when the previous immigrants to the US were primarily German or Italian.

Some Americans label others as a threat to the so-called "American way of life", and it is by those who are do not want to take the time to know others and find it easier to label others. In this aspect, you are being labeled just like gay people are labeled. I have family in a south Texas city, and have noticed a difference there in the acceptance of Hispanic people over the last few years, and it is not for the better.

America is being torn apart, and by it coming from within it could mean that the result is more effective than any attack from the outside.

2007-01-17 16:16:33 · answer #1 · answered by χριστοφορος ▽ 7 · 0 0

No, politics is not going to destroy America, if you read America history and then compare political periods to one another, you will find that our era is relatively quiet. No ones been killed in a duel, we're not in a civil war, no one has attacked the white house, capital building or supreme court. It's all just talk. This is how its supposed to be. You use words , the press and any media you can to disswayed voters from voting for your oppoient. You lie and tell half truths, you even make up things to soil your opponients repatation. Politics is a nasty dirty game that very few have the stomach for.So to answer your question no its not tearing the country apart. Its called freedom of speech and all those other freedoms being exercised al in a frantic and limited time span or would you rather experience a Coupe De Gras like in some countries to change leaders ? This is actually democracy at its worst and its best. Remeber the saying " Sticks and stones may break my bones but words can't hurt me " ? That in a nutshell discribes politics. Get out and vote !

2016-05-24 02:15:51 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Yes, America is indeed being torn apart, but by ignorance and acceptence of mediocrity not by immegration and homosexuality.

My father's an immegrant, and yes at one time, he was infact "illegally" here. But only for a short time as he was between visa...he had come here as a student on a student visa. Once he graduated from his University he was only working as an intern and didn't have a formal employer/sponsor. So, infact he was an "illegal."

People look totally astonished when I tell them that my father was an immegrant. I don't look of mixed race....because I'm not. My father was/is Canadian...but he's still an immegrant.
It really angers me when people immediately assume all latinos are immegrants and all are illegal on top of it.
Most immegrants come here fairly much the same way my father did. They come on some sort of temporary visa, whether it be work or school and then over stay the limits of that visa.

My father was granted a perminant visa while he was still here under his second visa (which was his work visa). He got the perminant one because he had married my mother. They've lived and worked here ever since.

But, because he's been threatened to be deported everytime the State Department changes their immegration laws, he's refused, out of spite, to gain his American citizenship.
The kicker is that because he's been here for over thirty years without once going back to his home country, Canada has actually dropped his citizenship. SO, in affect and in all actuality, my father is a man without a country.

2007-01-17 16:29:06 · answer #3 · answered by DEATH 7 · 0 0

You never said if you were an "illegal" or not. No one is bothered by immigrants who come here and become legal citizens. It is the illegals who just come into the country and then try to vote, draw social security when they never worked for it, and they don't want to learn English and they take jobs from American born people because they work for a pittance and are used to having nothing so it doesn't matter to them. American born taxpayers pay for all this. We are a free country, but we have rules just as other countries do and we are far more lenient than other countries. When people come to our country, they are supposed to follow the law of the land and illegals are not doing that.

For the comment of Adam(whatever), he is saying poor, white people's votes don't matter anymore? Well, Adam, I'm glad you are so rich and confident in yourself that you can venture to make such a statement. Why would you favor poor, illegal immigrants who take government assistance, yet, damn Americans who are poor and struggling? You are an A**. Then, again, you may be an illegal alien as well.

2007-01-17 16:09:03 · answer #4 · answered by nobluffzone 5 · 1 0

Yes, but only on the "lower educated, mostly white sector." And thankfully, this sector is getting less and less important in politics. Even more so in the future as hispanics!, and other minorities move up, thank God!

I too get sick and just DON'T GO to the Immigration Forum. They act like vigilante's there. Like we should build a Berlin Wall with Mines all around it. It makes you wonder where their head is at, seriously. We've had illegal and legal immigrants since this country began (and much before) and we've not fallen apart! Why the "sudden" rush to "defend" ourselves from non-threatening neighbors? Why not worry about Terrorism instead of Mexicans? You don't hear a hue-and-cry about illegal Candanians, why not, they ARE here!

Its just sad that they have TO LOOK for something to complain about. Especially about a great people who do nothing but ADD to our nation!

2007-01-17 15:44:28 · answer #5 · answered by AdamKadmon 7 · 1 1

America is experiencing a low in its economy. It's not because of the Latinos, but because of a lot of factors relating to the burst of the tech bubble. Recessions are a normal part of the business cycle, but like a woman's period, they are not welcome. During every recession, the fear of losing a job grows, and results in a wariness and even downright hatred of foreigners. That's why Latinos have such a hard time here: they are viewed as a threat to the scarce jobs available. America is not being torn, it's just being what it is. It's not a melting pot, it's a barbeque, with different cultures laid out alongside each other (and occasionally one part feels the burn.) Latinos are just the latest race being "burned" as a scapegoat for economic woes.

2007-01-17 16:12:02 · answer #6 · answered by roxusan 4 · 0 1

Not torn, Sergio. Divided. There have always been those for whom race or nationality is an issue of divisiveness. I cannot be sure but think it may be more of an issue in the border states than the rest of the country. At least you seldom hear about it in Massachusetts. That could be that either we tend to welcome and embrace different peoples more readily or that there isn't a huge influx of emigrants here, except from Europe. My view is largely unpopular, in that because George Bush was governor of Texas, he has made it an issue to gain the vote and stir up trouble where none existed, and because he is now president, folks tend to listen to him whether he is right or not. Other than that, there is no simple answer. It is far easier to look outward and blame someone else for your inadequacies than repair them from within. Bush blames Mexico, amongst others.

2007-01-17 15:25:28 · answer #7 · answered by ? 4 · 1 1

I think we should be honored (as a country) to know that people want to come here. America is being torn apart. Nowadays is seems that being anything other than a white, mid to upper class christian is enough to land incredible amounts of hate on your door step. It's really very sad. I'm sorry you are experiencing prejudice directed at you. Please know that not all people think that way though. I for one think it's great that you're here, be it from birth or a new arrival. :)

2007-01-17 20:10:01 · answer #8 · answered by T 4 · 0 0

Americans are basically/generally a bunch of shallow, spoiled, ungrateful, hateful, ignorant to the point of stupid adult sized kids. Is American being torn apart. Americans are apart from one another, socially, spiritually, culturally etc. And yes, I'm an American and not proud of it. If I were to go to another country, I would say I was a Canadian. It's just a pathetic truth about this country, even though there are exceptions, like myself.

2007-01-17 15:18:02 · answer #9 · answered by Morgan 2 · 0 1

I'm not torn at all. Its not all that complicated. If you want to be an American, then be one. Speak the language, pay the taxes, become a citizen. It doesn't matter who you are, if you don't come here in a legal fashion, then you don't belong here.

I, for one, say the more the merrier. Come here legally and become part of this great society, but become an American not a Mexican living in America. My French, Irish and German ancestors had to, and so should you.

2007-01-17 15:46:08 · answer #10 · answered by tjnstlouismo 7 · 2 2

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