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2007-01-17 15:06:41 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Elections

19 answers

well said! if he was white he would be as well known as me if I wanted to be president today,good way of showing the double standard of race in america

2007-01-17 15:27:44 · answer #1 · answered by Dan B 4 · 0 1

Here is the best I can do from what little I know about him, which makes sense because there isnt much he's done to know about him. Now I'm not by any means endorsing this however if you're asking what makes him marketable is that he is a democrat who openly expresses the belief that christianity (or at least it's illeged wholesome values) should be more deeply injected in current american policies and statutes.

This must be very appetizing to the left to steal some of those bible belt votes who up until now has been pot committed to the GOP more or less out of defualt more than because they represent what they want. Obama not only plays the race card but he plays the religion card as well and only an unestablished Democrat can establish themselves in that arena because he hasnt had time to accumulate a voting record of pro choice aligned agendas and loose secular public policies. Really a Democrat would have to be new to be able to be accepted by that arena.

So in short, his appeal to the conservative christian right. A running theory. Either way it is a joke if he runs in my opinion and only shows that even if the Democrats do have some good ideas to help the nation, they are looking for the pulse of the american public on our elbows instead of our wrists. Really poor strategists who can only get ahead when the other guys literally self implode during war time.

2007-01-17 23:24:39 · answer #2 · answered by Huck F 2 · 0 2

"Yeah, I inhaled. That was the point"

That was Obama's answer to the question if he ever smoked pot. This is why I think his answer will make him a good president.

A president is elected by the people to serve the people. When a president is dishonest and very closed off they are giving a bad impression. Clinton lying about having sex with Lewinsky or Bush not always being open about his intentions in Iraq, these are not qualities a leader serving the people should portray.

I honestly believe Obama will be an honest and open politician. Of course there needs to be some amount of secrecy on the dealings of the President but not to the extent of which Bush and Cheaney are infamous for. And honesty, there definitely needs to be honesty.

As for more specifics, I don't know. I have family who lives in Illinois and they say he has done great things for them, but I cannot say for sure.

2007-01-17 23:16:26 · answer #3 · answered by Justin H 2 · 1 1

It's not easy to hypothesize about a hypothetical (so I won't try).

But it's also as wrong to try to imagine Barack Obama absent his ethnicity as it would be to try to do the same for a white candidate. By the end of a long primary campaign he'll be evaluated on countless attributes, his race being an ever-smaller factor.

This is not to deny that Obama's ethnic background will always matter to some voters. Just as Hillary Clinton's sex will matter to certain voters, John McCain's POW experience will appeal to some and Bill Richardson's Latino mother will help him with still others.

And I could go on and on.

The point is that these candidates are who they are. Nobody should be elected solely because of his or her sex, race, color or creed (and they probably won't). But to deny that it has an impact..for good or for bad, is somewhat naive.

Now let's see what else he's made of.

2007-01-17 23:40:12 · answer #4 · answered by idlebud 5 · 0 0

If you listen to what he has been saying of late, it is different, he's talking about our need as a country to get away from the politcis of the 60's and of yesteryear and how we need to start dealing with issues that concern young Americans today not so much the baby boomers.
Now, that's a profound ideology something none of the presidential candidates of late have never said, it is bold and reminds you of challenges that kennedy took on, that's why kennedy was so popular and loved by young Americansand that's why they are starting to compare Obama to kennedy.

On the other hand, I think if a white candidate was able to reach out to our youth and make public statements liek this the message would be just as profound so I don't understand why you had to project the man's color into your question?

2007-01-17 23:15:51 · answer #5 · answered by huckleberry 3 · 2 1

Well, the fact that he is a very young and intelligent man means alot. As someone else has said, he is a smooth talking people's man. That is very important for the presidential role. Our current president has destroyed the American image throughout the world. I think it is possible for Obama to help change that image. Moreover, people will relate more to him because they think that he is more compatible with the american image. Whites love him, Blacks, Latins,and everything else under the sun loves him. If he partners with Hilary, which I doubt because she wants it for herself, they could actually take the election.

2007-01-17 23:16:25 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Are you serious?

A Yahoo! Answers forum is not going to solve anything one way or another. And who are you for anyone to prove anything to?

Some people REALLY get into this political stuff.

Whoever is in the spotlight will be extremely criticized.

Why don't you present a talking paper on why YOU could be presidential material. Apparently you know enough.

2007-01-17 23:15:10 · answer #7 · answered by gabound75 5 · 2 1

He is not presidential material even if he is black. His new book is all about partisan hackery and his 'dreams' for this country. Obama is politically empty and not a serious contender.

2007-01-17 23:22:30 · answer #8 · answered by cynical 6 · 1 0

I think he can bring a fresh sent to a world that is filled with such a tanted smell. We can't look at the color of ones skin... no we should be looking into the charater of the man or woman... and decide if we believe in the message.


2007-01-17 23:30:51 · answer #9 · answered by Michael A 2 · 0 1

Gee - I thought Obama was white, like Colin Powell. ;)

The capitalist ruling class likes weak pathetic frauds in the White House. Like Bu$hitler, Obamarama will be an asset to Wall Street. Think about Condi Rice - even NeoLoons in the media are attacking her as an incompetant boob: seriously, what did she did do to deserve her posts?

As for Obama... since most US whites are white supremacists, he probably won't make it - perhaps a VP candidate. Honestly, though, who cares.

2007-01-17 23:22:34 · answer #10 · answered by obama_hates_black_people 2 · 1 2

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