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Is any Country in the Middle East a democracy?
Are we really just kidding ourselves and pompous?

2007-01-17 14:51:49 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Other - Politics & Government

10 answers

"In it's truest sense, democracy cannot be bestowed upon a people, it must be earned." - Franklin D. Roosevelt

In other words, no.

2007-01-17 14:55:42 · answer #1 · answered by wildwildmars 1 · 2 0

If you look at the word force, you really can't force any single person to do anything, and I'd suggest that so it goes with a people. Maybe this is why you put the quotes around force, after all, we all know this is true. However, you can influence a system to become democratic. If you look at Afghanistan, it has become democratic on many levels due to American influence since 2002.
So I would even go so far as to say that military force can be a positive influence toward a people adopting democratic reform. This is a big part of the neocon theory that has been attempted by the United States government in the middle east recently.
And I wouldn't say that the Iraq debacle has disproved the theory.
I suggest that communication and assistance are more important, especially in the long run, than military force in achieving that end. And I posit that anyone who attempts to use this theory in the next 20 years should not be allowed, because the resources to play "what if" games on the rest of the world are not available.
Picking up on things from some of the other answers, it seems that democracy alone is not a virtue. Germany's fascism got its legitimacy because it was elected democratically before elections were put on hold. And it is true that the Palestinian people, though not yet recognized as a nation, elected Hamas democratically.
Counting Palestine, which needs to become a nation if peace is to advance in the mideast, there are four places in the mideast that are at least half democratic (I'm not counting Afghanistan or Iraq because I'm not yet convinced they will remain democratic... though Afghanistan has a chance) Israel and Turkey are both democratic. I think Turkey is every bit as democratic as Israel, or at least a very close second. And Palestine... The fourth is Iran. Iran has a parliament and elected local officials. The theocracy has unchecked power, but democratically elected government was gradually stepping up to check that power. The prospects for democracy to grow stronger in Iran took a major hit when that country was called out by President Bush as being among the "Axis of Evil." It was a self-fulling prophesy, because voters took offense at that and decided to elect someone who would make Bush pay for being such a dick.
Our government was pompous in thinking that its theory would be easier to act upon than it actually was. That doesn't mean it is a bad theory, it just means that it isn't idiot proof and would be expensive to attempt again.

2007-01-18 01:35:17 · answer #2 · answered by johnnybassline 3 · 0 0

No you cannot. Many commoners in this region do not want a democracy..and are happy to live in a true theocracy..even an oppressive one.

It is a major mistake to take your own system of beliefs..that you think is correct..and force it on others as if they don't know any better. It just won't take, and the ensuing resentment is being demonstrated in Iraq right now....

2007-01-17 23:05:27 · answer #3 · answered by billtucker67 4 · 1 0

We are kidding ourselves. Mr Bush is a moron. And so are his followers. I'll take a lover over a fighter any day. Give us Clinton. Our country had a balanced budget, and money in the bank. Our countrymen tried to impeach him for having sex . Who did he hurt besides his wife, that seems to have forgiven him. Bush has killed thousand. Millions if the Iraq's are included. Why is no one talking of impeachment of this man? He should be charged with War crimes.

2007-01-17 23:05:43 · answer #4 · answered by gypsyparadise123 3 · 3 0

Of course, you ask the question knowing the answer. The answer is no. One of our founding fathers, Thomas S. Monson, included the following when describing the difference between being ruled and self governance.

"A principle in not like a rule. The rule asks nothing more of you than that you obey; a principle requires you to do your own thinking. A rule gives you credit only for being a creature; a principle gives you stature"
--Thomas S. Monson

2007-01-18 00:30:16 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

No but you can free them away from murdering tyrants like Saddam to make that choice on their own. Then if they go back to the old ways draw the line and if they cross it then go to war.
Israel is the only Democratic Government in the middle east and will remain so forever. Unless we allow those tyranical fools force their muslim terrorist beliefs upon them just to take the land as they did in Jeruselum? Our holy land depends on Jeruselum and the Israelis or we can say good bye to Jesus dear. The little Jewish boy born in Bethlehem remember him?

2007-01-17 23:29:24 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Nope, other countries have proved it. look at Eastern Europe, they weren't part of Western Civilization, which had basics of a democracy in it, and now even as they have a democracy, it isn't for real.

2007-01-17 22:56:25 · answer #7 · answered by ilovelamp 2 · 1 0

Yes, then they vote themselves a religious dictatorship, the trick is keeping them on the straight and narrow on human rights and sexual equality. We faced the same thing in Japan, a traditional empire with terrible sexism, it is not new, however it takes a long term commitment, not faint hearted shrinking violet liberals, it takes men with heart and a country with discipline and will.

2007-01-17 23:04:28 · answer #8 · answered by pechorin1 3 · 1 0

I dont think you can do it with having all the nabor countrys being non democratic... Maybe if you tryed to force it on all the countrys in the region it miiight work. LOL bush is just dumb enoth to try this but he needs to build up support first.

2007-01-17 22:57:44 · answer #9 · answered by magpiesmn 6 · 1 0

do u really think that bush want real democracy overthere----hell no---look at the democracy in palastine the free election brought hamas and democracy in lebanon----usa want a uniqe kind of democracy not for this nations favour and intrests---but democracy that benfit us and israel's intrests----and the folks overthere are smart ---they can read thru the hoax-----they start read and talk in politics at the age of 6 yeas old.

2007-01-17 23:02:21 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

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