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You call me "Cracker", "Honkey", "Whitey", "Gringo" and you think it's OK.
.But when I call you Kike, Towelhead, WOP, Camel Jockey, ****, ****** or Chink you call me a racist.
-You say that whites commit a lot of violence against you, so why are the ghettos the most dangerous places to live?
You have the United ***** College Fund.
You have Martin Luther King Day.
You have Black History Month.
You have the NAACP.
You have BET.
If we had WET(white entertainment television) ...we'd be racist.
If we had a White Pride Day... you would call us racist.
If we had white history month... we'd be racist.
If we had an organization for only whites to "advance" our lives... we'd be racist.
If we had a college fund that only gave white students scholarships...you know we'd be racist.
In the Million Man March, you believed that you were marching for your race and rights. If we marched for our race and rights you would call us racist.
You are proud to be black,yellow and orange and you're not afraid to announce it. But when we announce our white pride, you call us racists.
I am white.
I am proud.
But, you call me a racist.
Why is it that only whites can be racists?

2007-01-17 14:44:18 · 30 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Cultures & Groups Other - Cultures & Groups

30 answers

"Why is it that only whites can be racists?" Sorry u feel that way but obviously it isn't true.

You shouldn't be angry at "black people" for having BET and The NAACP, why don't u try to make WET and all the other things that u feel "white people" should have.

2007-01-17 15:08:10 · answer #1 · answered by : ) 6 · 1 0

I'm not really into calling anyone a racist. We can talk about race all day long and nothing will get resolved. There will always be something to disagree on. You talk about what white people should have, when you have it all already.

If you look at television the majority of the faces are white. BET! So what! They give us a channel that whites own. You don't want to see it on prime time. If they did, you would be upset about that as well. People spend to much time worrying about petty things. The saying goes. If you had some business of your own, you wouldn't be worried about someone else's.

Black history month is the only month the youngsters can learn anything about their heritage that has been taken away. For what you say? Wealth. Who still controls the wealth? Who has the the power to cut education programs, deny loans for college, mortgages, etc. Whites! Why deny what people are entitled to?

Until you have walked in someone else's shoes, you will never understand what they go through. We will never been treated fairly. I'm also not saying all whites or any other race feels that way. If you had the choice what color would you be? WHITE. You would scream bloody murder if you woke up any other race, especially BLACK.

2007-01-17 23:41:06 · answer #2 · answered by kayjay 4 · 1 2

A lot of people see racism as a policy put into practice by a group in power, in America that would be caucasians, to systematically hold back another race through police creation (Jim Crow laws and affirmative action, for example).

That's why a lot of black people don't think that they're racist, because we've never been in a position of power to hold back an entire race.

You're right that if there was a scholorship fund, TV show, and a magazine for only whites, it would be seen as racist. But try and look at it from my point of view ...how many black people were on Friends, the OC, Sex in the City? How many black women have been on the cover of Cosmo and Glamour as compared to white women. I'm not complaining, just showing you that this is why there are ethnic stations and magazines. We want representation too.

Also, the racial slurs are all wrong, but the N word comes from such a place of pain that I still cry for hours when it's thrown at me. For me, it's just not comparable to Cracker. But because of the pain it causes me, I make a point of never using a slur against anyone even if I do think it's less powerful. Hate is hate.

You should be proud of who you are; that's neither racist or agreeing with racism. I'm proud too. I think it's pathetic that we've reached a point that white people are left to carry the burden of racism in our country when bigotry crosses all color lines.

This is an awesome question.

2007-01-17 22:59:21 · answer #3 · answered by LifesAMystery 3 · 2 0

Hello. I am glad that you feel as you do without any ignorance in your comments. They are all very true but they lack one thing, a full educated view of the "BIG" picture. Actually the minority scholarship is given to the group of people who are less in number at a college so IF you applied to a majority black college you would actually get the scholarship. The thing about the violence in the ghetto..LOL there are white people there too not only black people are from ghettos....that was too cute.

Martin Luther King did not just fight for the rights of black people his dream was for ALL people to be treated equally. You know you are a woman and men discriminate against us so you know what you should be thankful for Martin Luther King. I am just being as real as you are. How many black presidents have we had......none but we have Presidents day. I do not believe it is racists. It is only racists for me to be so ignorant to believe that just because a president has a different skin color he only worked for people who looked like him.

We have Black history month because the history books some how only view the achievements of black people as overcoming slavery. I am black and I know it is more in me than overcoming slavery..wait a minute I have never been a slave but I could be an open heart surgeon since the first person to do that was black, well maybe not I am afraid to cut skin. Or that so many many other things that were invented not just for black people was done by a black person. So actuallly it is not just black history it is American history it only highlights mostly black people.

We have the NAACP because it is sad to say but as advanced as this country is we still have negative people in power that believe that black people do not have a place in America. If the tables were turned trust me you would understand. This should not be a crutch but it is a fact of life. I do not believe in making excuses but you have to believe what you see.

Lastly you should be proud to be white. That is who you are and I respect you as a white person. The thing is we all have a lot to learn about one another.

2007-01-17 23:27:23 · answer #4 · answered by itsmeagain06 3 · 4 0

Yes, you are a racist.

Get over it.

The other 11 months of the year are White History Month (that's why they had to invent Black History Month, because the history books didn't cover all the stuff black folks did).

Of the 100 channels on TV, one is Black, even though Blacks make up 12% of American population. If you don't like BET, don't watch it. Get someone with a brain to show you how to change the channel (if anyone who has a brain is willing to deal with you at all).

The scholarships are to make up for lack of educational opportunities.

Ghetto's are violent because the people there are poor, and many turn to violent crime to survive.

People who used to be made to feel shame for their race now feel proud as a reaction. Eventually, when hateful bigots die off, no one will feel any need to be proud of an accident of birth. But since there are still hateful bigots who hate people for the accident of their birth, then why not let people feel pride in response to that?

Those who march for the white race are not doing so to uplift themselves, but to intimidate and ultimately destroy others. They are hateful bigots who would do well to either pretend to be human beings, or shut the *^&% up.

Blacks have Martin Luther King day, whites have more holidays than that (and who the &%$& cares? How petty can you be? It's a stupid friggin' holiday; how does that hurt you? Besides, Blacks aren't the only people who admire King. Consider it a Human day -- which you are obviously not able to appreciate -- a day for humans to celebrate the notion of positive change through peaceful means; admirable to humans, even though you are incapable of grasping that).

Look at that petty list you wrote. What IS your problem?

You hate the decendants of people who were enslaved (long after slavery was abolished), and have been kept down for generations.

Why is that?

Look, the reason no one likes you is not because of your race. If you weren't hateful, then maybe there would be someone on the planet who wouldn't find you completely repulsive in every way.

(Just for the record, I'm white. This wasn't person in the sense of my feeling I personally was attacked by your mindless screed; it's that it offended my as a human. Maybe, if you worked at it, you might some day be capable of understanding what that means. In the meantime, keep your brain-dead, sub-human vomit to yourself.)

2007-01-18 02:03:21 · answer #5 · answered by tehabwa 7 · 1 1

Don't worry, the words "racism" and "hate" in todays popular culture are reserved for anyone who wins an arguement with a liberal.

When their debate is lost, they hurl "racism" in a last ditch effort to discredit. The fact is minorities harbor much more racism than does the majority.

It isn't just white kids that score high on SATs, recent black immigrants score better than the liberal blacks in America who have been here for three generations.

Minorities know that playing the race card PAYS. This is why even though Republicans have elevated blacks to the highest positions their race has ever held, liberal blacks still vote for Democrats because they dole out the welfare checks and social programs.

Data on recent black immigrants from Africa easily suggest that the liberal culture of blacks in America is far more determining than their skin color in regards to success..

New black immigrants find American schools tolorant, jobs easy to find and become part of society instead of living off of it.

You are right, the white majority needs to stick together much more. We are the majority. We created and founded this country.

DNA testing proved once and for all that "native" Americans are not native to the Americas at all. They are actually Asians. In fact the oldest remains ever found in our hemisphere were found along the banks of the Columbia River, it (Kennewick Man) has the skull of a white man not the Mongolian shull of the Indians.

White people can and should be AT LEAST as proud of their race as any other minority is of their race.

It is not anymore racist for us to be proud of our race than it is for the congressional black caucus to be proud of theirs.

WE SHOULD STICK TOGETHER! Join the Nationalist Movement. The Nationalist Movement is our counterpart to the Congressional Black Caucus, ***** College Fund and the NAACP put together.

Just don't listen to LIBERALS of any color. They only want to destroy America and they know the easiest way is to destroy the very people who founded it: White Males

The term "political-correctness" is also a liberal term, it really should always be understood as "liberal political-correctness" as it is always a fad that only benefits liberals and minorities.

The new push my friend is MAJORITY RIGHTS. We are the majority and we should be proud.

Join the Nationalist Movement at: www.nationalist.org

Now just watch all the people that respond after me. -Even though I said NOTHING at all negative about blacks, they will hurl the race card time and time again or they will say that I am full of "hate." God forbid being white AND proud. To them the only good white is a liberal one who panders to them.

2007-01-19 06:41:58 · answer #6 · answered by patriot333 4 · 0 0

wow!! that was probably the guttiest question or statement i have seen on here so far!!

im from the south and the confederate flag means a lot to me..when i look at it i dont see racism (the north, and almost every nation in the world had slavery...not just the south).

when i look at that flag i see people that stood up for what they believed in pretty much the way the colonies stood up against Britian..and it makes me so angry that i cannot be proud of something that is a part of me! believe im against racism all the way...equal rights for everyone! but that is not what that flag means!! not at all! the civil war wasnt about slavery until it was almost over and done with!

now dont get me wrong i love all kinds of people, as long as they can love me back...the golden rule is the best rule! and i do feel bad for everything that has happened with slavery and the native americans, all of it is horrible...but the past is the past their will be nothing i can do or say to change that, other then making sure that it doesnt repeat itself! thats all we can do now...as one group or one nation of the world...all races all sexs together!!

and thats all i have to say, sorry i wrote a book

2007-01-17 23:38:09 · answer #7 · answered by heather feather 3 · 1 0

I agree with you on a few things, not all but some. I think that is OK to be proud of being white, black, Hispanic, Chinese, Indy and whatever, and show it to the whole world...but we become racists when we start thinking our race is supreme and better than any other race, when we discriminate and degrade someone just for the color. If you call someone a racist name ...expect to receive a racist name back! "That's why do others what you would like others do to you"

2007-01-17 23:16:29 · answer #8 · answered by fun 6 · 1 0

it is so true but i would never call a black person by the N word or anything im not racist at all and i really hate that people even consider color as something to hate on. you don't even know the person or people u talk about and if u knew what they went threw then u probably wouldn't talk about them. Like they say try walking in their shoes. Think before u speak. Its very true about the college funds and all that but really who cares u should be happy they are helping your fellow classmates. Anything to get ahead. good luck and God bless. oh yea think of it this way we are the ones who brought them over here for slavery!

2007-01-17 22:55:08 · answer #9 · answered by stargurl_5887 3 · 0 0

I know exactly what you mean every country is the same in Australia who ever stands up for the wrights of a white man they are deamed a racist but standing up for a black man is fine, i belive its like it because there parents parents and so forth told them from kids how white man only thinks of black men as slaves and that whites have it easy so we should be brought down a peg or to just because they were slaves to our great great great ancesters its stupid and wrong!!

2007-01-17 22:58:50 · answer #10 · answered by auzzie_bloke21 2 · 2 0

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