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2007-01-17 14:27:23 · 28 answers · asked by jesusfreak1131 1 in Politics & Government Politics

28 answers

I'm against everything that Bush stands for and does.

- He believes in manipulating the public with propaganda in order to control the masses. Hitler believed the same yet he claims to be a Christian. The Christian faith believes in honesty and truth. How is manipulating the masses with false propaganda either of those.
- He is a false Christian. He was hired by his father in 1988 to learn how to 'sound' Christian in order to win the evangelical vote. And I have yet to find any record of him every being baptized.
- He knowingly lied to the American ppl and to Congress in the state of the union speech about Iraq's WMDs. (grounds for impeachment)
- He has destroyed my country's high level of respect all around the world. Now ppl actually hate us instead of admire us.
-His cowboy diplomacy has created more terrorists in this world than could have ever been imagined.
-He has gone around congress by using executive orders to combine religion with the state. These executive orders evolve around his Faith-Based Initiatives that MY tax dollars are paying for. To this day, no non-christian organizations have received any of those funds. (grounds for impeachment)
- He has ignored my country's laws and disobeyed the constitution repeatedly. (grounds for impeachment)
- He has used rendition to have prisoners tortured which is a war crime and violation of the Geneva convention. He is a war criminal. (grounds for impeachment)
- He is flat out an immoral man with an evil spirit. He believes in lies, deceit and power.... anything for political gain and to keep republicans in power.
- I truly believe that he is Cheney and Rumsfeld's pawn and Rove has no moral fiber whatsoever in his soul.
- Any party that 'admittingly' uses HATE to win elections... I can't describe the emotion I get about this... I think maybe nausea.
- Here recently, after the Supreme Court slapped him on the wrist about some things, he has decided to try to rewrite legislation rather than conform to our constitution. The same constitution he gave an oath to honor, protect and obey.
- He turned me into a murderer by using my tax dollars to kill 100,000s of innocent Iraqis. (grounds for impeachment)
- He is PRO-ILLEGAL immigration.
- he is all about helping the rich get richer. IE, his party sabotages the minimum wage increase by addnig in estate tax cuts for ONLY the rich.

How ppl believe this man is a Christian is beyond me.

2007-01-17 14:59:17 · answer #1 · answered by BeachBum 7 · 2 1

Well I am thinking if you do not support Bush you need to look for another home. Like it or not, Bush is running our country right now. Although I may not agree with everything he is doing, there is so much that we are not entitled to know. All of our discrimination toward Bush is what we hear via the media. For those who are fighting overseas (losing sight of what they are fighting for) still need our support.

2007-01-17 16:06:39 · answer #2 · answered by piggyshopper 2 · 1 1

I totally support Bush. We were attacked by terrorist who want all Americans to die. They don't care what you look like, what you believe, or what you've done...they want you to die.

Fact: Bin Ladin declared a religious war with the US in 1993. We've been at war a lot longer then 5 or 6 years.

So, Bush declared war. A war on those who were the cause of 9/11 and hundreds of American deaths. And guess what?!?! When there's a war, there are deaths, and soldiers have to go and fight. It is their duty as a member of the American military to go and fight and protect this country when the time comes (I have a marine brother in Iraq, so don't think I'm just saying that and I don't understand what it's like to have a family member or friend over there).

I like how you super libs rant on about world peace, and want all the bad people to just go away. You don't want to think about the fact that the terrorists are over there thinking of ways to kill us. Known of you are willing to take the necessary measures to stop them. So don't hate on Bush because he has the courage to keep America safe from those who want you to die. Don't hate on Bush for getting back at the terrorists who took American lives, when all you people can do is sit and complain about the very people who are fighting to keep you safe.

2007-01-17 15:10:22 · answer #3 · answered by abacus314 3 · 1 1

Uh, NO. Everybody hates Bush. He wasn't even elected. He cheated to become president. So I say my president is Billy Joel. About Iraq- He's in wrong country! The people who attacked us on 911 were not from Iraq-THEY WERE FROM SAUDI-ARABIA!
I hate Bush because he made it really hard for me to pass ISATs because even though No Child Left Behind was a good IDEA, he did not BACK it with FUNDING! So, they cannot teach what's on the ISATs because they do not have the money to. He only cuts taxes for the rich. We should have health-care. Clinton at least tried to that. America is more divided by rich and poor than it ever has been. Our middle class is shrinking, BECAUSE of BUSH.

I LOVE Al Franken and Moore. They tell the truth, and they expose Bush for who he truly is- a moron who cannot talk and who sat in a class with children reading my pet goat while our country was being attacked. Did I forget to mention that Bush arranged airplanes to take the Bin Laden family away from America? Well he did. What would have happened if Clinton arranged a free trip away from America for Timothy Mcvey?

Why don't you conservatives look at some FACTS for a change? Google these words "Number of american soldiers killed in Iraq" and I'll bet that you will find out just how many died because of this stupid war.

Checks and Balances were messed up for Bush until now. It is all Bush's fault because the Congress let him do whatever he wanted to. Until just recently, Bush never, ever did a veto. It is not congresses fault, they were just agreeing with a president who was their same party, it was all Bush because he got to do whatever he wanted to.

I want to add one more thing- I have never been so scared in my entire life. Ever since 2000, things and events that PRESIDENT BUSH has done scared me more than anything else in the world. The war scares me, everything Bush does scares me. I should not feel scared sitting in my home, or school. No American should. Whether you agree what I am saying or not, please remember that we are all first and foremost Americans, and not Democrats and Republicans. And please remember that facts are important. As scared as Bush makes me, I can only hope that the scariness will be taken away in 2008.

2007-01-17 14:37:36 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 4 2

I support Bush. I think he has done as well as anyone could in the circumstances. Nobody has ever been perfect. Others might not have made the mistakes he has, but they would also have made mistakes he didn't. He was the better choice in both 2000 & 2004. Besides, he is the only pres we have right now. I want the USA to succeed, & that can't happen unless Bush succeeds.

2007-01-17 14:51:47 · answer #5 · answered by yupchagee 7 · 1 2

Approximately one-third of U.S. citizens support President George W. Bush.

2007-01-17 14:31:47 · answer #6 · answered by Jeremy 2 · 1 1

I support bush because I think he's doing the right thing by going into Iraq. We can't be bullied by some no name country, with people who want us all dead, with our heads on poles in all the streets! If we tried to make peace, and pull out of the war billions upon billions will die in OUR country, just like the Vietnam war. So heck, if any of those liberals can do any better (WITHOUT KILLING ANYBODY) than Bush is doing now. So YES I SUPPORT BUSH.

2007-01-17 14:34:15 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 2 3

I support and approve of President of the United States of America George Walker Bush. I Always Have and I Always Will and I proudly voted for him twice. President Bush is a Good Honest Trustworthy Man who Tells The TRUTH to the American People by not lying to them, he is keeping our taxes low so that we can save our money for the future, he is improving America's education, he keeps America safe from Harm and Evil, and he shows great compassion and care for the American People because he is a public servant who actually remembers to serve the public.

I also would like to add that I do not like it when American Celeberties including Filmmaker Micheal Moore and Comedian Al Franklen tell lies about George W. Bush that are NOT TRUE. George W. Bush is doing his job the best that he can during a time of Hope and Victory for the United States of America in an Uncertain World and although many Ameican's might find his policies lame now, I am for sure that one day they will give credit to President Bush for being a leader who stood up for what he believed in and was willing to get work done at all cost necessary.

2007-01-17 14:32:27 · answer #8 · answered by Mr. Knowledgeable VI 7 · 1 4

I help him, hes executed what he believed exchange into spectacular, not common.He asked the Congress for permission to apply rigidity to oust Saddam, it exchange into additionally in help of a decision exceeded interior the 90s making that a countrywide coverage of the US. Up till 2003 greatest Democrats additionally stated that Saddam had weapons of Mass Destrution and alter into attempting to construct or aquire greater. In 2002 Bush tried to establish a countrywide comprensive potential coverage that could have addressed our issues and inspired the form of exchange potential. Stopped by using shortsighted liberals that have been disappointed that he had went to experts interior the sector for suggestion. the biggest subject with Katrina exchange into that the community and State government (the two Democrat run) had no plans for evac the inhabitants and did not enable federal help in for a pair of days. What he did interior the so called "wiretapping" we captured countless hundred telephone numbers in Afganistan. those numbers have been listened in on. the concept being that it exchange into purely conceivable that human beings interior the US have been individuals of Al Quada, thinking the activities of 9-11 a secure precaution (you do bear in mind that date do not you?) some distance as torture is in contact, have you ever heard of Dan Pearl? What we do to assemble suggestion from people who do such issues isn't something. And from what I even have study of it what we've executed is easy whilst in comparison with what happens to captured human beings. So I help the president and thank God that somebody you help isn't president.

2016-10-31 10:03:44 · answer #9 · answered by herrick 4 · 0 0

Never have.


Mr. Conservative, you have got to be kidding me. He's done nothing but LIE to the American people about his intentions in Iraq. He's lowered taxes?? How do you think the war is being paid for? DOH!!! As far as improving education, he needs to go back to school and get one himself. And yes, sending 21,000 more troops off to that deathtrap shows just how compassionate he is for the American people. You don't see any of his family fighting over there, do you? It's really easy to declare a war when you don't have to directly partake in it yourself. You're in as much denial as the other Bush supporters.

2007-01-17 14:31:13 · answer #10 · answered by Tiacola Version 9.0 7 · 3 2

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