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20 answers

Both I suspect.You see Bin Laden is a smart guy.He knows the longer he can drag this out the more likely the american people,led on by a biased liberal cry baby media,will want to cut and run.And when we do and a nuclear bomb explodes in one of our major cities or worse,we will have the crybaby bleeding heart liberals to thank for it.

2007-01-17 14:22:30 · answer #1 · answered by Mr Bellows 5 · 3 11

A bush in the White house has been very good for Bin Laden. When a Democrat was in the white House we where trying to kill him. But when W was in stalled, he got a some breathing room and was left to further his evil plans in peace.

Also W and the GOP has done more for Bin Laden's image in the Islamic world than he could have possibly hoped for.have. Could he really have been smart enough to know, bush would invade the country of Bin Laden's arch enemy. The Secular dictator Sodamn Insane. Even I, Didn't think bush was that stupid, back in 2000, when I thought he was too retarded to get even the South's vote. But I was wrong again.

2007-01-18 00:31:23 · answer #2 · answered by Michael L 1 · 1 0

Why would Bin Laden want any change. He is very happy the way the things are set up at the moment. His dad's best buddy's son is in the White House. He is NOT looking for him. Dubya gave him ample time to escape from Tora Bora. Dubya has the Pakistani Goverment protecting Bin Laden in Pakistan by giving him a safe haven. Dubya could have invaded Pakistan to look for Bin Laden just like he did in Iraq to hunt Saddam Hussein BUT he did not do that.

Dubya already sent Bin Laden number of Kidneys of the dead Americans soldiers he sacrificed on the plains/oil fields of Iraq, so WHY WOULD BIN LADEN WANT A CHANGE??

2007-01-17 23:22:27 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Bin Laden likes his uncle's friend who is in the White House right now. Bin Laden is especially happy that yalie boy fake cowboy draft-dodging Georgie Porgie invaded Iraq instead of breaking up the terror network in Afghanistan.

2007-01-17 23:27:46 · answer #4 · answered by colefinch 2 · 1 0

Why would Bin Laden be happy about a Democrat in the White House?

He might prefer a fear mongering republican who seeks to remove freedoms - the very thing our troops die for - in the name of national security. That would probably make Bin Laden happy.

And, in any case, Bin Laden probably won't be happy if there is a high voter turn out for the next presidential election, and if people make an informed choice and vote for the person they think would be best for the job. That would really ruin Bin Laden's day.

2007-01-17 22:37:26 · answer #5 · answered by Zezo Zeze Zadfrack 1 · 8 2

Why do you say that? I know many Democrats that never cut and run and I am one as well. Many of my family served in WW II and have served in all the wars here as well. as a native american I can say it is hard to distinguish which is which in this two party system at times? But that is ridiculous to say. John Fitzgerald Kennedy was a WW II war hero and he did not cut and run at the bay of pigs either, and yet at that time congress vetoed him forever and we should have blown them to smitherenes then all of those enemies are the same enemy today? We have enemies everywhere they just change their names for the time being, Cuba/Russia/Arab nations/ China/ etc., what about Great Britain, France and let us not forget Germany? The problem is you don't look at the individuals that are in office you color them with a party and insist they are all bad, I love John McCain and worked for him some time past, in Arizona and I am a Democrat, so you see that is so wrong what you are saying. Clinton did not serve in Vietnam and I support his beliefs on that war as well as Kennedy would have not sent all the troops in like LBJ did and there was a President Democrat that did exactly what Bush is doing and lost the war for us but the atrocities that were committed on our 10's of thousands of soldiers was incredible and John McCain was one of those soldiers too. Your statement is inflammatory and wrong. Re think your ideas and remember Bin Laden is a criminal and his name should not ever be benefitted in our countries politics at all, or associated with us at all except on the end of a rope just like Hussein.

2007-01-17 22:39:47 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 6 1

Go and look at the FBI's most wanted list. You will see Osama Bin Laden sitting at number one....unsurprisingly.....but if you look at the reasons why he is the most wanted you will discover there is absolutely no mention of 9-11. This is because even the FBI know there is NO EVIDENCE THAT WOULD STAND UP IN ANY COURT OF LAW THAT HE WAS BEHIND IT!!
So who was....why do we think it was him......why would people blatently lie about something like this....start asking some questions, research and i assure you, you will start digging up some very unsavoury answers....wake up!

2007-01-18 02:10:32 · answer #7 · answered by ? 1 · 1 0

Bin Laden and his family are quite happy with the arrangement they already have with their best friends the Bush's. It has been quite profitable.

2007-01-17 22:56:20 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

I KNOW he's happy with Bush in the White House...

He isn't looking for him anymore!
HE attacked the WTC and the Pentagon and caused the Passenger revolting crash of an Airliner full of your fellow Americans in to an open field in Pennsylvania.

Who is responsible for 9/11.......Osama Bin Laden and Al Qaeda!!!!!
And yet ....Osama runs free!!!

Any other questions...... sparky?

2007-01-17 22:27:44 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 8 3

I don't think he could be any happier, no ones looking for him now. His daddy's best friend is in the white house. Life is good for him.

2007-01-17 22:55:30 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

Don't rightly know but I do think a name like Obama might get him P.O'd. It's like they vote in some unknown joker just to have a name that mocks his.

2007-01-17 22:19:59 · answer #11 · answered by Edward J 6 · 2 2

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