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Is psychology an attempt to control society by defining what normal behavior is and to stigmatize those who do not display that behavior? When we give pills to people for depression or ADD, are we medicating them into conformity? Are these valid diseases or genuine emotional responses? Also can we be held responsible for are actions or are our misbehaviors the result of an improper chemical balance in our brains?

2007-01-17 14:08:26 · 12 answers · asked by Brandon 3 in Arts & Humanities Philosophy

No I'm not a scientologist. It just seems we keep getting more and more disorders for behaviors that used to be considered normal and controllable. Ever hear of Paris Syndrome?

2007-01-17 14:43:48 · update #1

12 answers

Many people do not need drugs and are not even sick. Psychologists/psychiatrists and your environment can easily make you think that there is something wrong with you. People define things, set rules in some cases only to control people. Humans can be very destructive. We are also very stupid and gullible. Medication is an alternative way to control people. People have the self ability to become better. It's so easy to think that there is something wrong with you living in this society. Now there are some serious mental illnesses like schizophrenia. People, in these cases, cannot control there senses and therefore, medication is needed. Normal behavior has been defined by our government and religion and people who have a consience.

Psychology is certainly not fake. Take a class in psychology and you will understand. Everything makes sense.

2007-01-17 14:23:22 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I agree. I think doctors, particularly psychologists are too eager to prescribe drugs which do more harm than good. "Normal" is relative. Very hard to prove anyway. I don't think everyone should be made to conform. But certainly anyone who really needs help & is a danger to him/herself or others should certainly get help. The problem is that even if mental illness is a chemical imbalance they don't seem to know how to correct this balance. Half the time the cure is worse than the disease. Most drugs have terrible risks & side effects & really don't help. Some of them just turn people into zombies who don't feel or express anything. Drugs like ritalin should not be given to children with ADHD. That is ridiculous. If children are hyper & have a hard time paying attention then they should receive special attention, as well a change in diet, exercise and behavioural therapy may help.

People are responsible for their actions, unless they are so far removed from reality (completely insane, delusional etc) and have been diagnosed as such and don't know what they are doing.

2007-01-17 14:30:34 · answer #2 · answered by amp 6 · 0 0

This is a very important question.

Yes in many cases it is an attempt to get everyone into conformity, especially when medication is given to control behaviour. Our society craves conformity since anyone who is different is a potential threat (just look at what is happening around the world today for your proof).

That being said, conditions like ADD (also ADHD), depression and alike are real and potentially lethal conditions. I myself have a condition close to ADD and have had depression. Unfortunately there is no medication for the condition like ADD however if it had not been for the antidepressant drugs I would not be here to write this answer to you.

However the person must seek out treatment, it should never be forced upon them (I sort my treatment for depression). The moment that a treatment is imposed on someone it become the fact of our society is imposing it's conformity on them.

Hope this helps.

2007-01-17 14:28:22 · answer #3 · answered by Arthur N 4 · 0 0

I think some people need to understand something about psychoactive drug prescriptions.
PsychOLOGISTS are not licensed to prescribe drugs. PsychIATRISTS are licensed BUT they also provide some sort of therapy such as psychoanalytic therapy, behavioral modification, etc.

What is usually the case when people are over-medicated is their general practitioner (NOT a psychiatrist) is the one to prescribe the psychoactive drugs. Regular doctors are notoriously overworked and might see dozens of patients a day. The easiest thing for them to do is scribble a Rx on the pad and send the patient on their way. Psychiatrists do not believe this is right and the entire field of psychology has been trying to restrict psychoactive medication to them only.

Another point to be understood is people with legitimate mental diseases and disorders are just like anyone else with a disease. If a diabetic needs insulin to function properly, why is it wrong to give someone medicine for ADHD so that they can function properly? ADHD can be horribly debilitating for a child, causing so many problems in their life. I agree that it's not the best to just give them meds and send them on their way. I believe anyone who needs drugs for a mental problem also needs some sort of supplemental therapy. I just don't think we should rule out medication completely when it has the potential to do so much good.

2007-01-17 15:48:58 · answer #4 · answered by Betsy 3 · 0 0

Considering the elements of disaster in the U.S and else where. The effects of such disasters can affect the mind of individuals exposed to it.
Constant Abuse
Physical Abuse
Mental Abuse

These are a few things that when done to the extreme have strong effects on the mind not to mention the ill effects given at birth rite.

To understand the human brain, one must understand how it works. The power of the mind is unreal and we do carry six senses, but only use five of them. Six is used by myself and that is why there has been many situations that can be levied upon and consumed to strategy and "forthcoming" events that would otherwise paralyze any other person who attempts to play with the sixth sense.
When I was a child there was much time spent looking beyond what was seen or heard, but to predict and most of the time it ws on target for me.
Driving big trucks at the age of 7 when no one teaches a child to drive is common sense, but more over for me it was a devine love for perfection, knowledge, widom and foresight.

The effects of my ability's to do the phenomenal came with a price.
I was not your ordinary child. The pain plagues me today, but the end result was to out think, and out work any normal brain whereas at the age of 12 my IQ was 100 and when the age of 21 appeared it was 130 and recently the test revealed me at 140. it continues to climb and there is no study invloved...many cannot explain the rise in knowledge when one doesn't study, but it is very easy to answer.
When most people sleep they are usually in deep sleep after several hours, hwereas, I am not. It may appear that sleep exhists in me, but I am merely sedated and alert. This make me very tired during the day and very ill. My best work is doine at night with the ability to think so fast that it bcomes me.

To watch a prwacher on T.V and recite aling with him what he is saying as he speaks is just a phenomenal thing I do. Some people ask me how did I now what he is going to say.
if you study long enough as I have all my life, yourbound to reach success in many ways and impress firends with these magnitude of knowledge.

Now you can better understand your question about phsychology after reading what I have just wrote for you!
Have a Nice Davey Day

2007-01-17 14:37:24 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Are you a scientologist ?
- If "yes" then "yes": psychology is fake, it's evil and is designed by the system to keep you in check and away from your beloved religion... 'cuz you know, every religion needs some "evil" for you to fight against to keep your "faith"
- But if "no" then "no, ofcorse not !": it's an age-old (and growing) science about human emotions (and brain functions) and the ways of keeping humans happy and productive... something like that.

And about "them" drugging us into submission: if you were to "medicate" people into conformity, would you use such an obvious and specific way or something more subtle ? like the air, their water supply, or television... would you let people make those drugs or would you just let your buddies do it so you know it's going OK all the time ?

It's just too random and ineffective to be a conspiracy !

2007-01-17 14:32:48 · answer #6 · answered by Kiana VCL 2 · 0 0

Well psychology is the science of therapy. I am %100 for that. It is good to talk to a specialist about things that are bothering you and effecting your life. Now psychiatry on the other hand to me is just an easy way out. Its when a doctor just prescribes you drugs without even trying to solve your problems. "Here take these and you will feel fine in five minutes" Now that is very fake. I mean come on now. There are doctors out there prescribing these hardcore drugs to young adolescents. So to answer your question, Psychology is not fake and psychiatry is.

2007-01-17 15:03:29 · answer #7 · answered by bribri75 5 · 0 0

Have you been listening to Scientologists?

No, psychology is not fake, nor is it an attempt to control society.

A lot of people suffer from mental illness and sincere psychologists work to help them feel better. When medication is prescribed it is to help patients deal with their symptoms. There are some prescribing doctors who are motivated by greed to get as many people in and out of their office as quickly as possible just for the billing, though.

Some people are severely ill and are not responsible for their actions, but most mentally ill people are in control of themselves.

2007-01-17 14:27:57 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

only if the mental health practioner is operating from a personal bias and believes that they are capable of defining what meets social standards for the concept of normal. the focus of treatment often is concerned with an idividual's ability to get their needs met within several situations and it is often up to the individual to seek out the mental health practitioner when their ability to cope is compromised...unfortunately in the case of treatment for children and adolescents the determination of what is normal is made by their parents or primary care givers.

2007-01-17 16:31:01 · answer #9 · answered by mochi.girl 3 · 1 0

In the world of blind people, the sighted man is the anomaly; in our world, the "normal" man is subject to current definitions. As the world becomes crazier, the normal, sane man is looked upon as being crazy. He needs help, so we had to set up a pseud-science to deal with normals. Thus is psychology.

2007-01-17 14:56:33 · answer #10 · answered by The Cythian 3 · 0 0

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