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or do we have to sieze any opportunity we can find, to fight terrorists aggressively wherever and whenever we find them?

2007-01-17 13:54:54 · 27 answers · asked by big j 5 in Politics & Government Politics

FIREFLY--So they get to decide what our forighn policy should be?
Should we go back and ask them if it was O.K. for us to fight Communisim?,or to invade Nazi Germany?

2007-01-17 14:27:23 · update #1

Are you so willing to believe that Israel deliberatly attacks civillians?

2007-01-17 14:32:28 · update #2

Would you really be so proud to win the hearts and minds of people who treat their women like livestock and shoot at their enemies from behind their wives and children?-- However, you're free to join them if you like.

2007-01-17 14:44:24 · update #3

ANGSTROM-- the above comment was for you.

2007-01-17 14:46:09 · update #4

BTEXPRESS---So, your answer is "if you can't beat 'em, join 'em"?
I got a hunch ,you're trying to muzzle-in on those 72 virgins.
When are you leaving these rich, power-crazy, oil -guzzling, and heartless Americans?
Time for you to get started on beating and degrading your women, beheading your enemies, and slautering the "infidells".

2007-01-17 20:40:43 · update #5

I must admit, however,that yuo made one good memorable point that I must quote:
"uh OH I thin....ah..err..gurgle arur Blaaaaah!! ".

2007-01-17 20:50:34 · update #6

misspelled slaughtering.

2007-01-17 20:51:42 · update #7

sorry for the misspell

2007-01-17 20:56:48 · update #8

If education is the answer, why don't you go on ahead to "win their hearts and minds".
I promise to send you a nice clean basket to catch your head when they lop it off.
However, I think you're a bit late, since the most popular course for 5yr. olds there is "Jihad 101", and "The Basics of Bomb Building".

2007-01-17 21:46:21 · update #9

XIALOU1---Some answer.---Should we stop being "infidels" to please them?
Should we be more understanding of their need to treat their women like livestock?
Shouldn't we find a kinder, more gentle way to confront these men who hide behind their wives an children to shoot at us?---How about giving them more free access into our country to blow up our civillians?

2007-01-20 02:56:48 · update #10

27 answers

The world will condemn us for killing civilians, even though the terrorists cause the death of their own wives and children by using them as human shields.
Yet no other country that was in our place could do any better, or behave more honorably.

2007-01-17 14:03:36 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

First of all a remark for your main points. Is there truthfully any cast proof that Osama Bin Laden is a terrorist, except the complete jogging from the federal government and all that? Isn't all of it a variety of assumption? Anyway again to the query. Yes and no. Yes if it is the proper kind of schooling, considering the fact that if for illustration any individual is being proficient usually and has a well brain then certainly, he's going to be intelligent sufficient to grasp that terrorism is not any well and that it isn't the best way to move in any respect. No considering the fact that it nonetheless will depend on the kind of schooling. Some individuals are truthfully satisfied that doing whatever that'd be construed as a terrorist act is a well factor that's of path unsuitable and that is performed via preaching possibly or anything that's a kind of schooling. So finally, it simply relies.

2016-09-08 03:54:08 · answer #2 · answered by ladwig 4 · 0 0

Great Question, So Very Profound, I believe This Issue (Dumbyas, "War on Terror") has to Many Millions become The ONLY Object of Concern, since The Very Survival of Every Living Thing on This Planet Earth, is Dependant on The Wims of Those who have Sucessfully Bought, or through Stolen Elections , placing Themselves into Positions Of UnChallengePower, .. Those, here who have obviously Done the Research, i.e. feed,clothe,educate,and to show the Slightest Degree of Human Dignity, toward other cultures would Dramatically Reduced Levels of Violence..Try to convince, or Better Yet REMOVE THOSE FROM POWER, who have Legions of Mindless sheep convinced the way to Teach Freedom and Democracy is to Bomb the Crap out Non-combative, Innocent Women and Children, soley for Greed and Control of Oil Rich Lands .Israeli Zionists create Terroist Groupsof Inhumane Slaughter. Many of these Freaks have long been Owners/inControl U.S. Major Media, UpChuck a Daily dose of Fear based Propaganda and Mis-information.. I will go away If a BushBacker, can Name ONE High Ranking Admin.Official that has No Ties to Oil/Corp/Mil-Defense/Banking/Industrial.- I LL save ya Some Time .This All makes me So Very ILL. Maybe tha.. Uh OH I thin.. ah.. err..gurgle arur Blaaaaah !!

2007-01-17 16:57:32 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Yes there is, It is the way advocated by Ghandhi in the 1930's. He refused to fight aggresion with aggresion.

One must remember that he had charisma. One word from him would have ignited the whole of India in a bloody war with the British overlords. that was how much of power he had over the masses. Instead he approached the problem with dignity and non-violence.

Maybe, in the 21st century, the approach may be different. The action is still the same, violence met with violence does not end the problem, it only increases the problem. War begets war.

The conflict in Iraq has negated the support the USA had in the wake of 2001. In the aftermath of the WTC attacks, the militant muslims lost a lot of support. The US lost the opportunity to capitalise and strike down the militants by going into Iraq on a perceived WMD agenda. Anybody still remember the hyped up WMD?

Look at Afganisthan. It was a success, but it is slowly unraveling because of the quagmire in Iraq. Nobody liked the Taliban in Afganisthan, but Iraq is slowly alienating the moderate muslims who initially supported the US, not just in the conflict zone but in the rest of the world.

To fight terrorists aggressively everywhere is wrong. It is wrong because we are ignoring the greater fight and that is, THE WAR FOR THE HEARTS AND MINDS OF THE PEOPLE.

Unless we can wage a war on both fronts successfully, it will end up at best a stalemate. Militarily, the US is powerful. There is however a greater power and it belongs to the people of the world. It was proven in India in the 1930's and 1940's. It was proven in Malaya in 1948-1960 when an ideologically superior terrorist force was defeated because the government of the day concentrated on winning the hearts and minds of the people there. Once that was won, the military was on a winning home run.

You ask about a civilised way, there are plenty of examples around. If you look at it, it is in our heart and mind.

P.S. Big J, I'm A christian who lives in a majority muslim country in SEA. I lived through 12 years of mayhem. If you have ever been in a real war, the last thing you want is to kill. Ask any Vietnam war vet or WW2 Vet. Sending troops in is not the answer in today's world. Britain send in troops to N. Ireland to quell violence in the late 60's. Till today, there is still no sign of lasting peace.

Do you really think that peace comes from the end of a barrel?

Read my post carefully. I do not condone violence from either side. I've had a bellyfull. War sucks, and when your kin is killed it is even worse, whichever side it is. Do you think the ordinary German soldier had any choice in WW2? The ones who resisted were shot. You are lucky. You live in the US where you protest anything against anything, even resisting army service.

Has the US been able to bring in any shred of evidence on the weapons of mass destruction that was hyped up by the US government before the US troops invaded Iraq?

Didn't the US go into Iraq on that agenda? To stop the WMD of Saddam Hussein.

There are countries in the world where freedom is the price of a bullet. Bite on that. Even as I write, I'm listening to the news of a brave journalist who was killed in Turkey for daring to speak his mind.

Experience blood and the sight of guts spilling out, and you will realise that the blood is red whoever you are and whichever side you are on.

It is in the heart and the mind that the "war" is won.

You may say what you want about shooting from behind women and children. There are always cowards around. Have you seen what the the other side does to their own kind? They slaughter them enmasse.

What is your thought about those US troops who raped the girl and killed the entire family? What about the troops who treated the prisoners in a way that you would not treat your dog.
Do you really condone those acts? Is that fighting terrorism? Since when did raping a girl become patriotic?

Read about My Lai in Vietnam in the late 60's. Read what Lt William Calley and his men did to the villagers and small children.
In that massacre, a chopper pilot trained his guns on the marauding troops while he tried to rescue terrified villagers. This is what the heart and mind of the individual can do. i.e. dare to do what is morally right.

Walking the talk is a two way street. We cannot impose and ram an idea down someone's throat, however right it may seem.

Read it correctly: FIGHTING is never the answer to peace. Fighting is only a last resort. The only real means of peace is education, and helping the ordinary people understand that violence is wrong. We should only resort to war when there is no alternative. Otherwise all of us everywhere, including the USA will find that what peace we have will be a fading memory.

2007-01-17 14:19:37 · answer #4 · answered by angstrom 4 · 1 1

I think ideas are worth talking about. On some levels I think terrorism can be resolved with talk. Exchanging ideas and political views is a good way. I think religious open talk is good. This is where the freedom of speech can be constructive...

On other levels there is no other way but to be aggressive. Unfortunately not everyone can talk openly with resolve in mind... If you can not get along peacefully sometimes you have to fight!

2007-01-17 14:05:19 · answer #5 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

I think that without understanding the reason terrorists choose us to terrorize, we cannot hope to fight it. AL Queda claims that they are simply responding to our helping Israel kill 20,000 Lebanese civilians. Bush claims that they hate our freedom. Let's see which makes more sense:
Lebanon did happen, and one would think they'd be pretty angry about it, and they SAY that's what they're angry about, and they are NOT attacking countries who were not complicit in interferining in the middle east, like Sweden and Canada.

Once we really understand WHY people are attacking, we have two choices. We can decide to stop doing what they don't want us to do, or we can decide that it is worth being attacked to be able to KEEP doing it. We seem to have taken the second option.

2007-01-17 14:10:39 · answer #6 · answered by firefly 6 · 0 1

Yes, MOAB's, tomahawks, and .50 cal.'s are far more civilized than flying innocent passengers into skyscrapers. When a man aged 25-40 of middle-eastern descent arrives at the airport, there's the automatic question, "Is he a terrorist, or a victim of circumstance?" When the U.S. Armed Forces arrive at their target, Al Qaeda doesn't have to second-guess who the enemy is!

2007-01-17 14:07:42 · answer #7 · answered by Answer Master Dude 5 · 1 0

Is there a "civilized" way to fight any war? I don't think so. Fighting terrorists is more uncivilized than fighting other wars. They frequently utilize human shields & otherwise engage in behavior that others shun even in time of war. You can't win if you play by rules & they don't.

2007-01-17 14:20:04 · answer #8 · answered by yupchagee 7 · 1 0

Civilized? They live in the 15th century man. Look at how their countries are ran. Clans, leaders, militias. No real organization whatsoever. Money and manipulation rule the terrorists, so yes. Any opportunity must be taken.

2007-01-17 13:58:42 · answer #9 · answered by ? 3 · 1 1

The Democraps think so. Mary Pelosi would like to turn Osama from his evil ways by smothering him with love inside her big bosoms.

Right after that, the Republicans will launch a Hellfire missile from high above......and that will be the end of him.

The only good terrorist, is a dead terrorist.


2007-01-17 14:00:15 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

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