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I just can't stand it to see people wear that flag. Everything it stands for is wrong. It stands or racism, slavery, treason, and hate. The same thing could be applied to the Nazi flag.

Am I wrong to be offended?

2007-01-17 13:35:19 · 24 answers · asked by veolapaul 5 in Politics & Government Politics

24 answers

You are not wrong to feel the way you do, but would be wrong to make the assumption that the people wearing the flag are bigots.

First thing to understand it that one symbol can have many different meanings to different people. And the meaning of that symbol can change.

The Swastika (nazi flag) is a good comparison. This symbol's origins are as a sacred symbol in Dharmic religions (Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism). But because an evil man committed atrocities under the flag bearing it's symbol, the image is forever paired in people's minds with death camps & gas chambers.

It is sad that a symbol that used to mean wonderful things have been poisoned with such evil actions. And that may be a good way to view the confederate flag. It used to reflect the pride in a persons southern heritage, but the KKK has successfully twisted it to mean hatred of Blacks (among others.)

A symbol is just a symbol. Neither good or bad. What it represents to a given people is what is important.

2007-01-17 16:50:49 · answer #1 · answered by Smart Kat 7 · 0 0

Not at all. If that is what it stands for to you, you should be offended by it. The problem is that the Confederate flag means different things to different people. To some people, it means rebellion (like Jimmy Dean), to others it means oppression. You have a right to be offended if it reminds you of racism and slavery, but other people also have a right to not be offended by the flag as well.

2007-01-17 13:41:28 · answer #2 · answered by rudy4prez 2 · 4 0

Is your life so empty that a little thing like this "offends" you? Geeeeesh, get a life, get a hobby, get a dog.
There are alot of things that go on in this country that should offend me, but I have a life and take all the other crapola with a grain of salt.
Thats a huge problem in our country, most people have become so thin skinned that every little thing "offends" them.
And BTW, the Civil War wasn't fought over slavery like so many people believe, it was fought over state right vs Federal Govt control. Instead of walking around crying what offends you, read some history, real history, not whats posted on the internet, and learn what REALLY happened in our past!

2007-01-17 20:17:26 · answer #3 · answered by jonn449 3 · 0 0

Are you wrong to be offended?
Lets look at the truth of a few points that have been brought out!
The Confederate Flag did not represent slavery, it represented a country- The Confederate States of America!
The Civil war was not about slavery.................Let me repeat that for those who missed it, the Civil War was not about Slavery!
The Civil War was about States rights! The First States right that was violated was South Carolina's when the duly elected representative of the state of South Carolina was refused to be seated in the house of representatives! This refusal changed the outcome of a presidential election, allowing A Lincoln to become the 16th president! If in doubt, look it up, he lost in popular vote...tied in electoral vote..the presidency was decided by a vote of the house of representatives-less one! This tie allowed the speaker of the house to vote, making Lincoln President!
Because of this, South Carolina seceeded from the union- AGAIN< STATES RIGHTS- the right of a state to have their elected representatives present for votes-----Remember taxation without representation- same story, same reason we seceded from England!
Then US forces refused to vacate the state territorial property of Fort Sumter SC. This was an act of occupation, in violation of the constitution. It was also an act of aggression, an act of war.
This armed aggression against a civillion population was such a heinous act that it caused 13 other states to seceed from the union. Lets see, 24-14=10 seems the numbers show how was morally wrong!
Then there was the armed incursion of Manasas Va, Better known as the first battle of Bull Run. US federal troops were sent into VA. They got their butt whipped, this should have been the end of it, but Lincoln decided to instate a draft to build an army large enough to defeat the Confederacy.
So you see, I guess you can be offended over anything you want to be. I dont agree with slavery But to me the confederate flag stood for true democracy! Since the Confederacy fell, there has been no such thing as an individuals rights. The federal government of the US has dominated the individual states, to grant privillige only to the wealthy few.

2007-01-17 14:18:19 · answer #4 · answered by Anarchy99 7 · 1 0

Sorry...but yes...I think it's wrong to be offended. You were not alive back then...and so many things have changed. It's just a flag. And it is a part of history. There is no way we can get rid of everything that offends everybody. Just learn to get over it. Move on to the future....don't let the past drag you down.

2007-01-17 13:49:11 · answer #5 · answered by TexasRose 6 · 1 0

there remains a theory by using some that the Civil conflict exchange into especially a conflict over states rights. And its genuine that there have been financial and cultural antagonisms that divided the north and south. besides the undeniable fact that actually each difference between the union and confederacy could be rooted returned to slavery. an completely distinctive classification shape progressed interior the south because of the fact of slave labors dominance over salary hard artwork. The Confederacy exchange into born out of slavery. each accomplice flag is a logo of the final protection of slave hard artwork. it's time to finally reject the accomplice flag and the filthy employer that it is linked to.

2016-10-31 09:58:46 · answer #6 · answered by gennusa 4 · 0 0

There was more to that war than slavery. The North did not want to lose the ricn timber of the south nor the cotton fields. Use slavery to get everybody to rally behind them. Robert E. Lee fought for his southern homeland not slavery as he was an abolitionist. The average southerner couldn't aford to own slaves. The rich owned them as did the hypocritical rich and politicians in the north that rallied everybody to fight the southerners tho free the slaves. How pathetic, hypocritical, and naive of anybody to believe that nonsence from the north.

2007-01-17 15:36:38 · answer #7 · answered by robert m 7 · 0 0

I guess it is just a way of saying "im proud to be Southern". So, dont be too offended, it by no way means that they are racist or treasonous. Because the Slaves, doesnt mean they were racist, even though they were. There were plenty of black slaveowners and not to forget, it were the blacks that sold the slaves to America and other countries. It is a little complicated, but I understand where you are coming from.

2007-01-17 13:55:04 · answer #8 · answered by Daniel 6 · 1 0

Not all people of the South had slaves, nor were they all racists. The Confederate Flag is a part of out past, and there were a lot of factors that went into play during the civil war, not just slavery. Sounds to me like you need more information on the subject....

2007-01-17 13:45:02 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

Would you believe this if you weren't previously told this? What if the flag in question meant something else to others, would they not have the same right as you? Who would you support, someone that respected both the U.S. flag and the flag of the Confederacy, or someone that respected neither?

2007-01-17 13:55:19 · answer #10 · answered by Mr.Wise 6 · 1 0

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