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2007-01-17 12:44:57 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Holidays Earth Day

12 answers

according to EVILutionists...it is...heck,why dont they just say trillions? (rolls eyes)
A tremendous pyramid of evidence for design and recent creation is available for detailed study.

Romans 1:20 states: "For the invisible things of him from the creation are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead: so that they are without excuse."

Scientific evidence for creation abounds in areas of objective observation. Scholars in various scientific disciplines have written about the incredible complexity in living systems and the structure of the universe. This complexity is beyond the possibility of natural development.


1. The Fossil Record...Evolutionists have constructed the Geologic Column in order to illustrate the supposed progression of "primitive" life forms to "more complex" systems we observe today. Yet, "since only a small percentage of the earth's surface obeys even a portion of the geologic column the claim of their having taken place to form a continuum of rock/life/time over the earth is therefore a fantastic and imaginative contrivance.1" "[T]he lack of transitional series cannot be explained as being due to the scarcity of material. The deficiencies are real, they will never be filled."2 This supposed column is actually saturated with "polystrate fossils" (fossils extending from one geologic layer to another) that tie all the layers to one time-frame. "[T]o the unprejudiced, the fossil record of plants is in favor of special creation." 3

2. Decay of Earth's Magnetic Field... Dr. Thomas Barnes, Emeritus Professor of Physics at the University of Texas at El Paso, has published the definitive work in this field.4 Scientific observations since 1829 have shown that the earth's magnetic field has been measurably decaying at an exponential rate, demonstrating its half-life to be approximately 1,400 years. In practical application its strength 20,000 years ago would approximate that of a magnetic star. Under those conditions many of the atoms necessary for life processes could not form. These data demonstrate that earth's entire history is young, within a few thousand of years.

3. The Global Flood... The Biblical record clearly describes a global Flood during Noah's day. Additionally, there are hundreds of Flood traditions handed down through cultures all over the world. 5 M.E. Clark and Henry Voss have demonstrated the scientific validity of such a Flood providing the sedimentary layering we see on every continent. 6 Secular scholars report very rapid sedimentation and periods of great carbonate deposition in earth's sedimentary layers..7 It is now possible to prove the historical reality of the Biblical Flood.8

4. Population Statistics...World population growth rate in recent times is about 2% per year. Practicable application of growth rate throughout human history would be about half that number. Wars, disease, famine, etc. have wiped out approximately one third of the population on average every 82 years. Starting with eight people, and applying these growth rates since the Flood of Noah's day (about 4500 years ago) would give a total human population at just under six billion people. However, application on an evolutionary time scale runs into major difficulties. Starting with one "couple" just 41,000 years ago would give us a total population of 2 x 1089. 9 The universe does not have space to hold so many bodies.

5. Radio Halos...Physicist Robert Gentry has reported isolated radio halos of polonuim-214 in crystalline granite. The half-life of this element is 0.000164 seconds! To record the existence of this element in such short time span, the granite must be in crystalline state instantaneously.10 This runs counter to evolutionary estimates of 300 million years for granite to form.

6. Human Artifacts throughout the Geologic Column...Man-made artifacts - such as the hammer in Cretaceous rock, a human sandal print with trilobite in Cambrian rock, human footprints and a handprint in Cretaceous rock – point to the fact that all the supposed geologic periods actually occurred at the same time in the recent past.11

7. Helium Content in Earth's Atmosphere... Physicist Melvin Cook, Nobel Prize medalist found that helium-4 enters our atmosphere from solar wind and radioactive decay of uranium. At present rates our atmosphere would accumulate current helium-4 amounts in less than 10,000 years.12

8. Expansion of Space Fabric...Astronomical estimates of the distance to various galaxies gives conflicting data.13 The Biblical Record refers to the expansion of space by the Creator14. Astrophysicist Russell Humphries demonstrates that such space expansion would dilate time in distant space.15 This could explain a recent creation with great distances to the stars.

9. Design in Living Systems...A living cell is so awesomely complex that its interdependent components stagger the imagination and defy evolutionary explanations. A minimal cell contains over 60,000 proteins of 100 different configurations.16 The chance of this assemblage occurring by chance is 1 in 10 4,478,296 .17

10. Design in the Human Brain...The human brain is the most complicated structure in the known universe.18 It contains over 100 billion cells, each with over 50,000 neuron connections to other brain cells.19 This structure receives over 100 million separate signals from the total human body every second. If we learned something new every second of our lives, it would take three million years to exhaust the capacity of the human brain. 20 In addition to conscious thought, people can actually reason, anticipate consequences, and devise plans - all without knowing they are doing so.21

1Woodmorappe, John, "The Essential Non-Existence of the Evolutionary Uniformitarian Geologic Column: A Quantitative Assessment," Creation Research Society Quarterly, vol. 18, no.1 (Terre Haute, Indiana, June 1981),pp. 46-71

2 Nilsson, N. Heribert, as quoted in Arthur C. Custance, The Earth Before Man, Part II, Doorway Papers, no. 20 (Ontario, Canada: Doorway Publications), p. 51

3Corner, E.J.H., Contemporary Botanical Thought, ed. A.M. MacLeod and L.S. Cobley (Chicago: Quadrangle Books, 1961), p. 97

4Barnes, Thomas, ICR Technical Monograph #4, Origin and Destiny of the Earth's Magnetic Field (2nd edition, 1983)

5Blick, Edward, A Scientific Analysis of Genesis (Oklahoma City: Hearthstone, 1991) p. 103

6Clark, M.E. and Voss, H.D., "Fluid Mechanic Examination of the Tial Mechanism for Producing Mega-Sedimantary Layering" (Third International Conference on Creation, Pittsburg, July 1994)

7Ager, Derek, The Nature of the Stratigraphical Record (New York: John Wiley and Sons) p. 43 and p. 86

8West, John Anthony, Serpent in the Sky: The High Wisdom of Ancient Egypt (New York: Julian Press, 1987) pp. 13-14

9 See Morris, Henry, Scientific Creationism (El Cajon, CA: Master Books)

10Gentry, Robert, Creation's Tiny Mystery (Knoxville, Tenn.: Earth Science Assoc.,1988)

11 Baugh, Carl, Why Do Men Believe Evolution AGAINST ALL ODDS? (Oklahoma City: Hearthstone, 1999)

12Cook, Melvin, "Where is The Earth's Radiogenic Helium?" Nature, Vol. 179, p. 213

13Cowan, R., "Further Evidence of a Youthful Universe," Science News, Vol. 148, p. 166

14Psalm 104:2; Isaiah 40:22

15Humphries, Russell, Starlight and Time (Green Forest, AR: Master Books, 1994)

16Denton, Michael, Evolution: A Theory in Crisis (Bethesda, Maryland: Adler & Adler, 1986) p. 263

17 Mastropaolo, Joseph, "Evolution Is Biologically Impossible," Impact # 317 (El Cajon, CA: Institute For Creation Research,1999) p. 4

18Restak, Richard, The Brain: The Last Frontier, 1979, p. 390

19The Brain, Our Universe Within, PBS Video

20Wonders of God's Creation, Moody Video Series

21Weiss, Joseph, "Unconscious Mental Functioning," Scientific American, March 1990, p. 103

2007-01-17 12:49:06 · answer #1 · answered by Jeff C 4 · 1 5

George, if you're truly curious then you probably have a brain and it probably thinks pretty well. So, you have the basic requirements. Now, take the responses of the above genuine people for real and apply it. Go and see what the human race has discovered through curiosity and thinking since the bible was written. It is a wonderful, mind-boggling journey. I guarantee you will enjoy it. Or, you could just sit there and accept that the bible is the beginning and ending of all knowledge. What a waste that would be.

2016-03-14 07:18:42 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

To tell the truth, I don't think we have a clue. There are a few chains of thought. I once read a science book That was written 100 years ago , that said," If man were to travel over 50 miles an hour, his heart would stop". On the other hand there are theologians that believe it's only 13,000 years old.

For me , school is out. Someday we will know. Someday we will know as long as our minds are open to all chains of thought and we persevere to know.

Your question is very good, but won't truthfully be answered today.

2007-01-17 13:07:42 · answer #3 · answered by ? 6 · 0 1

Why don't you hear what scientists have to say?
What a random question but I guess if you're thinking in Blblical times, time expands a lot longer for us. It might be hard to understand, but God has been here for eternity and He is far greater than our thoughts, but at least we know who formed the earth and that He is still working on this earth today and forever be with us. So we don't need to know if the earth is billions or not.

2007-01-17 12:59:40 · answer #4 · answered by hannaremnant 2 · 1 1

This is a controversial subject. Most scientists agree that the Earth is 4.55 billion years old.

People who follow religion may disagree with this however. Some of them believe that the Earth was created a few days before man was created. Human creatures have been around for around 3.5 million years.

So the Earth may or may not be that old depending on who you ask.

2007-01-17 12:52:00 · answer #5 · answered by junky 2 · 1 2

It depends on your religion or if your a science guy. according to science it's like 4. somethin' billion years. I don't know the answer to that according to whatever religion you are.

2007-01-17 12:56:15 · answer #6 · answered by Marieru-chan 1 · 0 2

it's relative if you ask me. there is an excellent but tough read by a mechanical engineer named gerald schroeder called the science of god, the convergence of scientific and biblical wisdom. i've always tried to reconcile the bible to science but this book was INCREDIBLY enlightening and isn't a bunch of fundamentalist propaganda.

2007-01-17 12:52:44 · answer #7 · answered by David W 3 · 0 2

Maybe not billions of years old....but I'd say millions.......

2007-01-17 12:51:22 · answer #8 · answered by cajunrescuemedic 6 · 0 3

Yes, about 4.5 billion.

2007-01-17 12:49:08 · answer #9 · answered by Andrew 6 · 1 2


2007-01-17 12:49:15 · answer #10 · answered by fourmorebeers 6 · 1 2

yes. all scientific, logical, and rational evidence points to that fact

2007-01-17 12:52:15 · answer #11 · answered by C_Millionaire 5 · 0 2

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