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Have you just ever looked back and miss everything you use to be? In 05' I was so different. I look back and a vividly remember knowing who I was and what I always wanted for myself. I had my friends and my family and everything was so perfect. I even looked different. Then I met my recent boyfriend whom I met at the middle of 05' and everything started to change. Me, and all my surroundings. I stopped talking to my friends, I took advantage of everything and everybody around me. I changed who I was for him, because thats what he wanted. I'm pregnant now.. I have no girl friends to just hang out with and have fun considering I'm 15.. I feel like that girl that I look at in pictures is gone now and I will never get to be her again. My whole family is disapointed on what I have become.. I am too. I don't know who I am. But I hate what I am. I don't know what to do with myself. I am going to look back on my high school life and think.. "what a waste" its sad. sry this isn't a question.

2007-01-17 12:35:29 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy & Parenting Adolescent

I'm 36 weeks pregnant and no he didn't leave me

2007-01-17 12:41:11 · update #1

I'M NOT GETTING AN ABORTION! HELL NO! i made the mistake and I can take the consequences! and plus I'm due in feb.

2007-01-17 12:43:13 · update #2

29 answers

its allright. u should def. talk to someone it will help with ur feelings. im sorry i dont have any real advice but just u should probably get rid of the boyfriend no matter if ur having his child...its not worth it. get back in touch with ur friends and family and get ur life back. when u look back at ur life ull know u made a mistake but this experience will only make u stronger. good luck

2007-01-17 12:39:51 · answer #1 · answered by flatteredwu 5 · 0 0

Actually, it's not sad. It's called growing up. You skipped a few years...lol. But your there now. It is a new chapter in your life. And your focus now must change. The baby is all that matters. You're life will never be the same but it will be better then you can imagine. When you are young, it's all about you. When you become a mom, it's all about your child. I had my first daughter when I was 17. I was too young, but I too got smooth talked by a guy who was much older then me. Was it hard? Yes. Impossible? No. I did it. And I did it ALONE. No help. No man. No family. I got my GED and went to college. I got a bachelor's degree. I had to work 2 full time jobs and go to school full time but everytime I looked at my daughter - she gave me strength. She didn't ask to be here. She gave my life a purpose and meaning that I never would have had if she hadn't been born. For her, I could do anything and had to, I was all she had and she was all I had. My life was then and continues to be about making her life better then mine ever was. She is 14 now. I make a lot of money. She has the best of everything. I also have a five year old daughter too. It was much easier with the second because I was already settled in my life when I had her. But having my first daughter when I was so young taught me that anything was possible and that I was capable of way more then I thought. Other people didn't believe in me, but she did. No I didn't have the same friends, but I didn't have anything in common with them anymore anyway. It was time to move on. They were dealing with stupid high school drama. I was homeless with a baby, no education and no way to take care of her. Hardly the same thing as "ohmygod, do you think he likes me?" crap that other girls my age were dealing with! I promise when you are older, you will be happy with who you become. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger. Your life has purpose and meaning. Hating your choices is different then hating yourself. Trust me when I tell you that you will make choices that you hate far worse in your life. lol. Life is a journey, not a destination!! Enjoy the trip.

2007-01-17 12:51:10 · answer #2 · answered by Chula 4 · 0 0

We've all looked back at some point in our lives. If we didn't, we'll never get to our "destination" because we'll be making the same mistakes we did in the past. How else would we learn what works and what doesn't?

The beauty of the present is knowing you can try again without making the same mistakes. Or at least trying not to make the same mistakes.

The future is great because there is always something to look forward to, more chances of doing better the next time around.

It isn't too late, my dear. We've all made blunders. You're not alone. The most important thing is DO NOT FEEL SORRY FOR YOURSELF (well, not all the time). If you do, have a good cry and GET OVER IT! Only YOU can turn your ship around . . . and you've got the rest of your life to do it!!!

Trust me, I did, too. :o) . . . and I'm none the worse for wear so many years later.

Keep that chin up!!!

You will be responsible for another life in a month . . . another person who'll be totally dependent on you . Concentrate on this for the near future. You'll be surprised with what you'll find . . .

2007-01-17 12:49:10 · answer #3 · answered by JADE 6 · 0 0

I'm 13, and i haven't had any major problems, unlike you, but I wish i was five again. When life was easy. NO pressure, NO pain. Just Barney, teletubbies, cookies, presents, friends, Smiles.Everyone was friends. Life was great, all you really needed to have a friend was a smile and a box of cookies at home. God, life should just end after yout turn 10. 10 is the doubles digits so kids think they need to start acting cool or whatever. Stupid kids. We should all have stuck to being kids. There's not one good thing about growing up in my opinion. We seem to all turn into monsters that only care about money. I'd rather go to Africa and help needy children there. And i love teaching kids soccer and stuff, but what's the use? sooner or later they'll grow up and the fun will stop. I guess the invisible people, the people that don't really do anything in life except work in an office, are somewhat smart. They'll never feel pain. But they'll never feel pain. so either way life sucks when you turn 10. Dont u think?

2007-01-17 13:18:36 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

That is def tough girlie. I just want to give you my opinion, you are not a dissapointment. You should never hate yourself and no matter what your choices have been does not necessarily mean that it changes who you are inside. If your friends can't see that then sweetie they need to grow up. You are going to be a different "person" you are no longer going to be the girl who can go and do as you please; you are going to be a mommy. I must say that that is nothing to be ashamed of no matter what age. You have to try to keep positive. Finish school no matter how hard it is, get a job no matter how low it pays or how gruling it will be...keep focused on a future that you want now that you are bringing a child into this world. What I mean is maybe last year you were dreaming of going to collage, or doing something that would take time and effort...still do it and prove to yourself that you can do it no matter what. You never want to let yourself feel as though you regret having a baby...you will only regret letting it take over your dreams. You can do it what ever you want and no one has the right to be dissapointed in you or believe you to be a failure. 15 is very young for motherhood, and yes you should have enjoyed more years of hanging out with the girls! But you are going to find a whole new set of friends that will be able to relate to your lifes changes and you will be ok. I hope this helps a little bit, it is proven that no one can help how you feel when you are feeling this low, but my hopes are to give you a different prospective to ponder. Good luck to you...you will be just fine.

2007-01-17 12:54:15 · answer #5 · answered by Ladybug 2 · 0 0

Listen your not a terrible person just because your pregnant. I'm not saying that you done the right thing, but what's done is done. The main thing that you can do now is stay in school and take care of yourself and the baby. Of course your parents are going to be disappointed in you,if they weren't something would be wrong with them. I don't know if you believe in prayer or not,but that would be a good place to start. There are alot of girls that are in the same situation that your in, so don't think for one minute that you are alone because your not. Talk to your counselor at school and see if there is a support group in your area. If you can talk to other girls that have been through the same things that your going through I believe that you will start feeling better about yourself.Your family will eventually come around, but it won't be an overnight thing. My oldest sons will be 20 years old this year and when they moved out and moved in with girlfriends I was so disappointed in them. All I done was cry. There is an old saying that says time heals all wounds and it does. Just have patience. Good luck and don't shut your family out just because they are upset with you.

2007-01-17 13:00:44 · answer #6 · answered by happyme19672003 4 · 0 0

yah. Last year I used to have a huge group of friends and we hung out all the time and would spend weeks on end together, it was amazing. then everybody started getting girlfriends or boyfriends outside of the group and we all just faded away. I now have 3 major friends and im not complaining cause theyre great. I just miss when the whole group would go and stay in a tiny appartment and we'd just drink and sleep for weeks it was great. I then skipped too much school and thought i could get away with it in grade 11, now in grade 12 having to do my schooling in modules in an out reach school. I too feel like my high school days were a waste. I dont go to school with any of my friends. With my last boyfriend I lost quite a few friends because they didn't like him and how he treated me and I didnt listen to them. It will get better. i promise, youll grow up and realise the friends you had in high school really don't matter they all move on, as do you. right now it sucks but in 5 years it wont make any difference. I hope you start enjoying life more. everybody has this. where they wish they made different decisions or that things were just all around how they were. "the good ol days"

2007-01-17 12:50:36 · answer #7 · answered by Jen J 1 · 0 0

I know it's tough, but you could have your life back. You could give your baby a chance at a better life by giving it up for adoption. You could finish school or get your GED and go to college. You will never be that girl again. You can be better. Start by dumping that guy who is a control freak. Take your life back. Even if you keep your child, life can be better. Take control. By making the choice to get pregnant, you have put away being a little girl forever. Accept this and do the right thing for you and your baby. Good luck.

2007-01-17 12:42:40 · answer #8 · answered by yendyssixela 2 · 0 0

I look back on my life in high school and think "what a waste." I didn't become anything in my own mind until after I left. I look at my life now, and think "what a waste." When I get married and have kids, I may finally have a decent job and stop thinking that it's all a waste. But that's years off yet. Just don't give up hope on making something better for yourself.

2007-01-17 12:44:29 · answer #9 · answered by Gray 6 · 0 0


first of all, i can see that you are learning. you realize that you dont like what you have become and that is the first step to changing things.

now instead of thinking about how hard and difficult life has become, think about the great person your child will grow to be.

it is your purpose to raise this child and whatever you do, things will turn out okay!

my point is, everything happens for a reason.

yesterday, a family friend's daughter was born. her mother is only 17. she realizes that she has made mistakes, but is working to fix them. using her savings towards finding a place to live, going back to school and getting a part-time job.

you will get through this!

i suggest finding a teen mother support group in your area. it will help you cope and learn more about how to raise and teach your baby.

good luck!

2007-01-17 13:48:40 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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