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do you guys hide? if that's natural - why millions of people are afraid and insecure of what they really are, heterosexual don't hide, we don't fight to get marry, we don't have to fight to get rights etc.

last week we had a real sad case !! this guy was telling us that he was raped during childhood twice!! by two different older man.. and the sad part of this story is that he was trying to commit suicide because he said he does not want to be like that and cannot handle it no more!! he's only 22 yeras old..

so if you guys born that way !!why is this guy so upset about it!!
and please don't write and tell me that he has to accept the way he is.

like this guy there are thousands suffering from the same problem!! and you guys are Proud about it. I think you guys enjoy living in sin!! and nothing more!!

2007-01-17 12:32:57 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Cultures & Groups Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

my daddy whta are you talking about - i don't get you

2007-01-17 12:43:30 · update #1

o.k i wrote this question because of what this guy was telling me is very sad!!!I just want to try to call your attention to let you guys know the way of life you're living !! which is not o.k

2007-01-17 12:45:25 · update #2

25 answers

You have such a huge chip on your shoulder about gay people. Obviously, the love of God is not within you, or you would not feel the need to attack and condemn others!

If anybody is hiding, it is you. Come out of the closet. Your poor act is abysmal.

2007-01-18 04:16:56 · answer #1 · answered by SB 7 · 4 0

Uh, that's right. You don't have to fight to marry any woman who will have you (a big 'IF'). You can already do that.

Gays have to fight for the right to marry because they aren't allowed to marry the ones they love.

What is it about this simple fact you are incapable of understanding?

The reason all gays don't immediately come out of the closet should be obvious: because a lot of people hate them for who they are.

More and more DO come out of the closet, but, there is a lot of hatred and prejudice out there (not to mention violence), so it's no wonder many hesitate.

The stuff about the 22 year old is unclear. What are you saying, he's gay, or thinks he's gay, and has a problem with it because he had been raped?

Or are you saying he's upset that he was raped?

If the latter, uh, get a clue. That's 2 extremely traumatic and painful experiences, that tend to leave most people messed up for a long time (less time when they get the proper help and support, but even so).

If it's the former, then, probably, because of his horrible experiences, he associates gay with rapist (which is not true, but is understandable given his traumatic experiences and the ignorance of this society on this point). Thus, he doesn't want to be in any way like the brutes who hurt him.

No one is "proud" that this society is full of rape victims. That's simply insane.

If you were really interested in understanding (which you pretty obviously aren't), you could read and listen to what gays say about themselves. You MIGHT be capable of getting a hint of a clue.

Since you aren't interested in gaining genuine understanding, you should leave people alone, to live their lives.

That's what gays "have to fight" for.

If the world didn't have so many ignorant, hating, bigots, they wouldn't have to fight at all.

2007-01-17 21:30:23 · answer #2 · answered by tehabwa 7 · 6 0

Are you kidding? The reason we "hide" is because of people like you. There is also a difference between hiding and being cautious. If you go and scream from the roof tops that you're gay, there is a large chance someone will hear this and they won't be pleased. Have you ever heard of a hate crime? That is what comes next. This question is illogical. Do you honestly not see in the very beginning of your question the answer to it? "heterosexual don't hide, we don't fight to get marry, we don't have to fight to get rights etc." These are your words, and sum up why many people feel they can't be open with their lifestyle. It must be really nice to wake up each morning, and go to bed each night knowing that your existence, and what you've chosen to do with it, have caused pain. Congratulations on that.

Here's another thought for you. According to your logic, atheists shouldn't be allowed in the Religion & Spirituality section, correct? Then why do you keep coming in the GLBT section if you are in fact not a believer in it? I hate to resort to petty insults, but I'm pretty sure deep thought is not your strong suit. Sorry buddy.

2007-01-18 04:28:34 · answer #3 · answered by T 4 · 2 0

This is an easy question- gay people hide and are sad and afraid and insecure because the world is hostile. Do you know that people have been psychologically tormented (called names, shunned, etc.), physically assualted, and even killed just because they happened to be gay or lesbian. Now, there's a reason to be afraid. Friends and family disown them and refuse to associate. And they are often sad and conflicted about their religion, which tells them it's wrong, so they feel guilty. As for fighting to get married and to get rights, well, there's a reason why gays and lesbians have to do it but heterosexuals don't: heterosexuals aren't denied the right to get marrid, and aren't denied other rights. That's why we're fighting for them.

You know that I don't believe it's a sin to be a sexual orientation other that heterosexual, so I can't tell you anything about that. That's something you need to reason out in your head (whatever conclusion you come to). But understand that the fact that homosexuality isn't always open and celebrated because it's unnatural, but because people still think that it is, and often treat people like that. It's a social thing, not one that answers about the naturalness or unnaturalness of homosexuality.

Hope that helps.

2007-01-17 22:38:08 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 4 0

Heterosexuals don't need to hide because they are accepted by society as the norm. Nor do they need to fight to get married because they already can; or fight to get equal rights, because they already have them. Why is that so hard to you to understand?

Your example of child rape has nothing at all to do with sexual orientation. Why would anyone be happy about being abused sexually when they are a child? Do you even realize what you've just said?

And yes, I am proud of being a lesbian. I don't see it as me suffering from some problem.

2007-01-18 13:44:34 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

WOW, how wrong can you be? Isn't it obvious to you why we have to "hide" it. So we don't have to put up with the abuse that is pushed upon us by homophobic people like you.

I tried to defend you against the abuse you took here the other day. You cried like a baby here when people made fun of your hair, something that you can change. I suppose that you can't imagine, then, how someone can be upset when they are threatened in a overwhelmingly greater way by society, for something that they CANNOT change, for simply the way that they were made! The problem here is not that he is gay!!!!!! The problem is that YOU and people like you CANNOT accept the FACT that God made people that way, and it is not a sin to be gay! And worse yet, you feel you have to belittle them and abuse them and make them feel HORRIBLE about it.

And on top of that, I feel that it is the VERY HEIGHT OF ARROGANCE for you to label YOUR OWN QUESTION as interesting. I'm not even sure why yahoo allows that.

2007-01-17 23:32:22 · answer #6 · answered by Tikhacoffee/MisterMoo 6 · 4 0

1. Rape is rape. The man needed therapy. Being raped doesn't make you gay, but many victims of rape . especially male DO think it is their fault, especially when such suggestions(that they brought it on by acting "gay") are put into their head by Bigots like yourself.
2. People hide, not because they have done something wrong, but because people are after them and trying to hurt them. Remember Matthew Sheppard? Beside the way he was murdered the thing that made it the most shocking was year in which he was killed. You'd think that in the 90's we would be past such barbarity but in the earlier part of this century his murder would have barely rated a headline, killings like that were similar to lynchings and all the other horrific crimes committed against people simply because they are different. People like YOU that pass lies and self-righteous judgment on others encourage such crimes
As Far as your "sin" crap goes, save it for someone who believes in the fairy tales..

"Starring" your own post is about your speed, interesting to see how no one else thought it was interesting enough to rate a star(although I do believe that several thought it was worth a harassment report).

2007-01-17 21:48:17 · answer #7 · answered by IndyT- For Da Ben Dan 6 · 7 0

This guy's story is sad. His issue isn't *just* loving other men. He was raped as a child. That's not going to do good things for a young person's self-esteem. Also, he's suicidal. That's another issue.

I'm not proud about his pain. I hurt for him. I hope you don't add to his hurt by making him feel defective or telling him what a horrible sinner he is. He does have to work through some issues, but even a gay-friendly secular therapist can see that. Gayness in and of itself is not an issue.

Heterosexuals don't have to hide because their sexuality is "normal" and most people are heterosexual. They don't have to fight for marriage rights, at least in America, because they have them. (Fifty years ago, interracial couples had to fight in America; in some countries, women can't choose who they marry.) They don't have to fight for their rights because they *have* them. Duh?

I do enjoy what you call my "sin", most of the time. I love my wife and I love having sex with her, when I can have it. (Because of her job, that's a sometimes thing for me right now.) If you genuinely want to help people who are ashamed of it and in real pain like this guy, don't act like you already know the answers for them. Listen to them and let them talk. You don't know everything, believe me.

2007-01-17 21:19:44 · answer #8 · answered by GreenEyedLilo 7 · 5 0

Some of us hide due to discrimination. If you had a girlfriend or wife and could lose your job or lose your apartment lease or be denied a home mortgage, would you be open about having a girlfriend or wife? If your life were more likely to be threatened by having a girlfriend or wife, how open about it would you be? The reason you "don't fight to get marry, we don't have to fight to get rights etc." is because you already have those rights and do not have to fight to get them.

The sad case you refer to; most rapes are committed by men against women, and if he "does not want to be like that and cannot handle it no more" it is probably because he sees gay people being looked down upon and harassed by people such as yourself.

Regarding living in sin; men who shave, barbers, people with tattoos, women having their period, pork eaters, football players, and people who eat shellfish also supposedly live in sin (check out Leviticus 19).

The reason we are proud is because we have learned to not care what small minded bigots think and have learned that the derogatory things said about gay people are mostly half truths and outright lies. I do not tell you how to lead your life, and you should do the same towards others.

2007-01-17 20:48:53 · answer #9 · answered by χριστοφορος ▽ 7 · 10 1

it's unfortunate what happened to that guy...very sad. I hope that he gets some counseling and gets his life back in order.
however, this is not the experience of all of us. and not just the experience of those that are gay and lesbian. I have straight friends who have been through rape and abuse.
not everyone is brought up in a family or environment that is accepting. many are brought up being taught that being gay is something to be ashamed of, and that it is something sinful.
judging from all your previous postings, you are apparently one of those people. how many people do you actually know that are gay or lesbian? do you ever try to find out the truth about us? you obviously believe all the lies, assumptions and generalizing stereotypes that all the other bigots do. why not open your mind and fill it with reality instead of garbage?
I DON'T hide who I am. I am out to my family, my friends and my coworkers, and they love and accept me for who I am. I also have a wonderful partner who loves me, and I'm very happy. Proud? I'm not ashamed of who I am. Living in sin? No, I am how God created me.
Passing judgment on others and preaching hatred and intolerance like you do is what's sinful.
Grow up!

2007-01-17 22:02:56 · answer #10 · answered by redcatt63 6 · 5 0

*sigh* I am sorry you feel that way. And I am sorry you have been conditioned by society in such a way. The LGBT community has largely been conditioned to hide it for the sake of their safety and sanity, nothing more.

What if Christians were the vast minority and you were ridiculed... hmmm... brings to mind when the Americas were colonized. Read some history and think on it so you can speak a little more educatedly about it.

2007-01-17 20:42:45 · answer #11 · answered by Winter 2 · 6 0

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