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Just because my old school used to be a very good and smart school kids are always making fun of me. I am in honors classes because I have been to a smart school and people think I am wierd since they are so dumb. I feel terrible. When I first came everyone made fun of me and did things that hurt a lot. They tripped me, wrote bad letters to me and they throw food at me in the cafeteria. They make so much fun of me and I am not a nerd because in my old school it was normal to do good but we moved because my dad got a transfer and this new school is very disrespectful and dumb! They make too much fun of me and I feel like crying everyday! Help?

2007-01-17 12:31:18 · 29 answers · asked by Ashley Filipe 1 in Family & Relationships Friends

29 answers

wow... you just need to keep your head up... I have had that exact same experience.... my father also transfers around alot, so I also am the new kid ALOT... well, I learned... PUSH BACK! do't let them pick on you... if you have to, sock someone in the face, next thing you know, you'll be the cool kid.... good luck!

2007-01-17 12:37:22 · answer #1 · answered by Ninja 2 · 1 0

You keep your head up and respect yourself like these idiots won't ever be able to do when they look in the mirror.

I had to change school when I was in the 7th grade, and started 7th in a totally horrible school with people that not only were strangers, but were frankly not the kind of people I was used to being around. I was also not used to a dark, old school building, with the lower academic expectations that my new school seemed to have.

My solution was to be the best student that I could be, have a few friends if possible.

As to being tripped, having things thrown at you, etc., you could ask the administration to help. Your parents should be doing this for you. Bullying is totally out of sync with what's okay, especially with the very sad spate of school violence that passes through the public system almost yearly.

A solution that I wish I would have had when I was in school is now available. The solution is online school. Home school. In some states, there is online public school, that costs nothing. If I were in your position, I think I would push hard for online schooling. You sound like a self-directed person who values excellence in education, and who has a healthy curiosity about the world around you. The world is much more available to students now, with the internet. Go for home-schooling and enjoy your maturity, and your youth, at the same time.

Best of luck to you!

2007-01-17 12:41:56 · answer #2 · answered by purplesometimes 4 · 0 0

I am so sorry all this is happening. My grandaughter moved from a really good school where she learned a lot, to a school where it seems. people who do their homework are not cool and are made fun of.
She is 16 and of course I tell her that it is only for two years. And that after she graduates, she will be happy she studied, because she will get into a good college. And I tell her not to pay attention to these mean girls and boys. And of course this too shall pass.
But I know that does not really help, and that is is hard to go to school when you know you are going to have a bad day. and two years is a long long time. One thing I did tell her, was not to show she was sad. That only seemed to make them do more to her.
But throwing food in the cafeteria? Where are the teachers? Surely they should bring some sense of order to the school.
Is this the only school you can go to, in this town.?
I had to put my girls in the Catholic Highschool so they would not be bullied, when they were in school. they did learn a lot. One is a prof in Dartmouth and one is in education with a staff of 19 and three teachers under her.
Again, I am sorry you are so sad. Wish I could help more.

2007-01-17 12:49:59 · answer #3 · answered by Anne2 7 · 0 0

If you're like me you're probably pretty quiet. This is probably a huge risk, but if I were you, I would try and be outgoing like other people. This would be really hard for me and it may be for you, but I told myself a long time ago that if I ever went to a new school, I would be more outgoing and just make it a little easier on myself. When you have to go and make new friends, it's hard. me, I have friends that I've grown up with, but since I'm not that outgoing, it's hard to make new ones.

Since you're new, this is your one and only chance. Be out there. Be yourself. Talk a lot. Talk to everyone. Well, not the mean ones. Ignore them for a while, and then talk to every preson whose not mean to you. There's a good chance they're just as quiet as you and only have friends because they've lived there all of their life. I bet you anything they're wondering what kind of person you are and what you like to do.
Go one day and just be crazy. Talk to someone. Anyone. They may not be the most interesting peson but believe me, for every person you have by your side, those jerks will be more likely to leave you alone.

I've never been in your position before so i have no idea if that will help but best of luck all the same.

2007-01-17 12:40:10 · answer #4 · answered by beishmonster 2 · 0 0

When you are good this happens not only to students but to people in the workforce. They can't stand smart people when they are dumb. They are jealous ,and sometimes think they are better than the next person and they will make you miserable. Tell your dad. Is there another school in the area? You will notice that some schools have the majority of the dumb and the school down the road will have the majority of the smart. All schools are known for their reputations. If you live between two states, you may also find that the welfare check is greater in one state so they will flock there, and they never care about their education nor about you succeeding. They will also bring their friends down to fit in with them so students will fail tests just fit in.
Yeah..I would find that other school. It isn't hard to find it, just go to the local coffee shop and ask people who work there, they know!!

2007-01-17 12:39:53 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

If I were you I would challenge everybody out loud saying something like "What's your problem? Why do you guys have to be so mean?", I would even go as far as fighting if I had too... If you fight back, even if you end up loosing or being beaten which shouldn't be your case if you are a girl, you'll earn a lot of respect.

Don't be afraid to report bad behavior with the people that are bugging you, tell them that you wouldn't have to report them if you weren't being bullied.

Stand up and defend yourself, if you don't things will just get worse for you... you might want to learn martial arts, that can boost you self confidence and you will probably never have to use it anyway. That's what I found out from my own experience.

2007-01-17 12:40:08 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Honey, it's ok! Those people are just jealous because you're so much smarter than them and they want to be smarter. They are insecure with themselves and their low intelligence, so they take it out on you which is SOOOOO unfair! You should not feel bad for being smart. We'll see who's laughing a few years from now when you are making millions because of your smartness and they are sitting on the couch eating chips while they watch you on the news. It makes me so angry to know what these people are doing to you. Talk to someone you love about this. Keep yourself involved in activities OUTSIDE of school to keep your mind off of this. But whatever you do, don't ever dumb yourself down just because they make fun of you. Be yourself, and if they can't accept your brilliance, screw them!

2007-01-17 12:41:23 · answer #7 · answered by Taylor 2 · 0 1

First, I know you're upset but saying "people think I'm weird since they are so dumb" only says that you are just as rude to them, as they are to you. They may KNOW you look at them as if they're dumb, and honey...just because someone isn't in honors classes does not mean they're dumb!

If you are being picked on though, I'd talk with a councelor. They can help you join clubs with kids who are also in your classes and you can form friendship groups without having to interact with the kids who pick on you. You can hang out with groups of honors kids and eat lunch with them, and the other kids will most likely ignore you.

2007-01-17 12:37:45 · answer #8 · answered by Lisa E 6 · 1 0

if they are so dumb why should they make fun of you you should be proud that your smart and if they keep on making fun of you tell a teacher or something there is nothing to make fun of if you have better grades their probably just jealous i had the same problem i moved to a new house and mostly everyone was allot more dumb than me they couldn't remember who the first president was stand up for yourself don't let them make fun of you cause if you are independent and stand up for yourself and other people that's better than being the smartest person on earth.

2007-01-17 12:48:28 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Give it some time. You will meet people and make friends at your new school, too. Remember, ALL teenagers feel like you do now at some point in their teenage years. You WILL get through it. So try to be kind, and classy. It WILL be noticed.

Our challenges either build character or reveal it, and you've already built yours pretty well--so be patient. Things will work out. Best of luck.

2007-01-17 12:34:37 · answer #10 · answered by Dorothy and Toto 5 · 1 0

try telling the falculty (teachers, principal, ect.) what's going on. if the falculty there actually care about the well being of the school they'll do something to stop the harrassing. No school wants a bad reputation. here's a tip, just don't throw the first punch aka YOU start something. let them start it. that way if any adult sees they will get in trouble and you won't. try as hard as you can to NOT fight back too. then that way they will get in trouble.

2007-01-17 12:40:25 · answer #11 · answered by Chong L 1 · 0 0

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