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when i throw my salve up and im a size 3 and 5'2 tall and trying to lose some wight and only eat once a day is that bad.And today i had a lil cry because i ate a TVdinner and if i feel like i ate to much i throw my salve up i hve been doing that since september i want to fit in a size 00 thats my dream and to model but i dont know how to spell thins since im 13 but here ill try eatingdissorder would i be havving that if i threw my selve up

2007-01-17 12:26:02 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Health Women's Health

10 answers

Eating disorders aren't limited to just throwing up. You sound like you're on the road to having Anorexia Nervosa--I suggest you talk to a counselor at school about this or a doctor. Also, check out http://somethingfishy.org to learn about eating disorders and how they can make you look like death. Two models in Brazil have literally dropped dead in the past month from an eating disorder, and one of them was actually unemployed for being too thin. I seriously encourage you to seek help because you only have 1 life, and it's a shame to see you lose your life in a very miserable and lonely way. Eating disorders are in no way glamorous.

2007-01-17 12:33:46 · answer #1 · answered by Mai 2 · 2 0

Cupcake, you are doing yourself no good. You are still growing and maturing, and you rob yourself of the nutrition you need to do that when you don't eat or you make yourself throw up. You may dream of being a size 00, but that may not be what size you are meant to be. As far as being a model, that's a great dream to have, but you need to be healthy and alive to become one. If you have not developed an eating disorder already, you are at least well on your way to doing so. You really need to seek some help there, speaking with your parents or a counsellor who can help you sort out some things and get your life back in order and under control. 13 is a tough time for a girl, and it's okay to get support to get through the tough spots. You should not cry because you ate, you should not feel compelled to make yourself throw up, and you should not feel the way you do at your age. Before things get anymore out of control, please do yourself a favor and speak to somebody who can help you in person. You sound like a lovely young lady who has lost her way. Beauty is not a clothing size, it's a healthy young lady who radiates in whatever she happens to have on no matter what size the tag in her jeans say.

2007-01-17 20:46:05 · answer #2 · answered by The mom 7 · 0 0

You do have an eating disorder. It's called bulemia.

The "picture perfect" look of surviving your whole life in a 00 pants size is not healthy. At 13 years old, you still have a lot of growing to do.

You can still be slender as an adult, and look beautiful without being required to wear a size 00. The modeling world is not all it's cracked up to be. And not all models are a size 00. Magazines are very misleading, and they make the models really unrealistic. It's just airbrushing, really.

Please talk to your parents about seeing a doctor.

2007-01-17 21:07:56 · answer #3 · answered by ~Z~ 3 · 0 0

Girl are you nutz! That is an eating disorder, and very unhealthy. Please for your sake & for the sakes of the people that love you STOP! Consult a physican. You are already tiny being in a size 3...you dont need to be a 00. You should eat 3 balanced meals a day. Anerexia/bullimia is almost like an addiction. Once you start you cant stop. It can kill you. Honey, please do yourself & us a favor & stop. Not everyone is made to have a 00 body & most men actually like a little meat on the bones. You can be a model & not be a 00.

2007-01-18 13:11:03 · answer #4 · answered by leashell 5 · 0 0

Oh, sweetie. My heart goes out to you. I nearly died from an eating disorder in my teens. What you are doing can kill you. I'm not saying that "just to scare you" - it's very true.

Talk to someone you know and trust - if not your parent or another adult family member, then a trusted teacher or school counselor.

As for "are you too young to have an eating disorder?" the answer is "no!" There are people as young as 7 and 8 who have been diagnosed with an eating disorder!

Please, stop doing this to yourself and your body. I almost died trying to be thin - and giving your life for a number on a scale or inside a pair of jeans is NOT WORTH IT. Trust me, I know this from experience.

2007-01-17 20:57:40 · answer #5 · answered by zoni_tonya 3 · 0 0

It's called bulimia. It can kill you! A size 3 at 5'2" is a nice size. You need to get help for this disorder. Please tell your parents, school counselor, someone - so they can help you to stop.

If you continue to throw up after each meal, you will cause ulcers (open sores) in your esophagus (that's the tube your food goes down to get to your stomach). It will also mess up your electrolytes (sodium *salt*, potassium, calcium and such). When this happens, your heart could stop beating.

This is no joke. Anyone that would turn you down for modeling because you are a size 3 is nuts.

2007-01-17 20:35:03 · answer #6 · answered by S. W 4 · 0 0

Please, don't abuse yourself like this. Eat healthy, your body is still developing and needs good nutrition. If you don't get proper nutrition, you could be setting yourself up to nasty things later in life, like osterporosis. Proper exercise will keep your body fit and trim. Find activities you enjoy that work out the whole body. Lots to choose from: sports, swimming, yoga, walking, strength training, riding a bicycle. The list is endless. Talk to a professional about how guilty you feel about eating, and the throwing up. That's not the way to stay thin. You need to take care of yourself.

2007-01-17 20:44:37 · answer #7 · answered by MaeEast 2 · 0 0

Hey! Some people don't have the bones for that! There's lots of other modeling type of stuff you can do and be a size 5! There's acting, tv, etc. Don't give up! Your bones won't shrink, you are who you are! If you want to control your weight HEALTHILY than the best thing to do is excersize, not throw up. It tears up your esophogus!

2007-01-17 20:44:08 · answer #8 · answered by Honesty given here! 4 · 0 0

There are new regulations being discussed about age and weight / BMI requirements for models. You are way too young and too underweight to meet either of these. The age minimum being discussed is 16 and the BMI (body mass index) is 18. What you are doing is called suicide.

2007-01-17 20:32:31 · answer #9 · answered by knittinmama 7 · 1 0

bad idea darling!im 13 and i know the pressure your going through...just dont do it. first of all my sister died of an eating disorder because all insurance only covers 21 days of treatment...dont end up dead of anywhere close...just try to stop!

2007-01-17 20:31:42 · answer #10 · answered by cheerstar114 4 · 1 0

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