Anything but a Wii. Xbox 360, PS3, root canal surgery, just not a Wii
2007-01-17 12:37:17
answer #1
answered by Celidus 3
PS3, because it has so much potential. What you see now, is not all it is. It takes a year for developers to get with the flow and utilize new technology. If you got a 360, what you see now, is all you're going to get. It's had years to be used and perfected. It wont get better, the developers have tapped almost all of it's resources allready. I say get a wii, because it's nintendo, and cheap.... but not right now.. they don't even have online games yet. So get a 360 and be behind, ot get a wii or ps3 and wait on the possibillities. You know what you need?? A PS2. CHEAP and wait. Play battlefield 2 on it. I was dissapointed with my PS3, but I know it will get better.. and Battlefield 3 Bad Company is in the works.. although most newer games will work on the 360, they wont be nothing to compare to the tilt sensative sixaxis ps3 controller, or graphics. The PS3 has 60gb hd, wireless, operating system of linux, blue ray DVD to change the face of DVD on earth, blue ray disks hold 5x more data than a 360 game. multiple operating system options, browses the internet, has an online store.. etc!! Alot, and will only get better!! People are in denial at the potential because PS3 only has old games right now rushed and ported to it. The real stuff is in the works.
2007-01-17 12:48:03
answer #2
answered by boteefis 2
ok it all depends on what u are looking for. if u want first person sutters and great grafics get the 360. i have both a xbox 360 and a ps3. i have played the wii millions of times at mu unkels house. and i would prefere the 360. the 360 has great grafics bedder than any system out. u would say the ps3 has some good ones too. science i have both i saw the the 360 has just a little bit bedder grafics. the ps3 has a blu ray. if u get the hd dvd player it is bedder than the blu ray. the games for the 360 are in credable. gears of war halo 3 rainbow six vegas. GREAT! i love it. the online realy knocks my sox off. it is incredable. the xbox 360 has the best gaming controlor out. sony could not even think of a new controlor it was the same from the first play station. the wii is great in all. but not a lot of games. the wii has the moshin sencered controlor wow. i dont like it because when u shake it moves. i like shouters. no games like that on the wii. all the games are sports or mario. PRICE. for the ps3 it is 800$ WOW. the wii 250$ for the 360 399-499$. if you gat the 360 for a little bit more theres a lot that pays off. the ps3 is just to expensive when you can get it all on the 360 for cheaper. the wii you cant change what it looks like. the ps3 comes in 3 colors. the xbox 360 came out with somthing unrvisal. any theme you want you can have. you are probly thinking any noooo. i just got the make your one face plate. I LOVE IT. if you want to wast your money on a ps3 go head but u r wasting your money. and if you want to spend less for the wii. you just blue you moneyon bad grafics. please buy a 360 spend your money wisly!!! just like all new gaming systems they all have some bad parts but they are now fixed. the ps3 did not fix theres yet. one thing is the 360 had a year in advansted to sell it. and the ps3 wated for the 360 to come out to take some internal parts from it. just like they tock the center of the controlor from microsoft.
2007-01-17 12:58:16
answer #3
answered by xbox_360 1
The 360 in my opinion is the best choice since it's cheaper than the ps3 and delivers better happiness than it. Better games, online play, popularity much more than the ps3. And for the wii well... If you're a nintendo fan boy go ahead and get it otherwise you're just buying a much more expensive gamecube with a fancy controller.
2007-01-17 12:29:44
answer #4
answered by Durr 5
if your in your teens, 360. if your 10 and under, Wii. If your older like 18+, either 360 or PS3. 360 has a HUGE online community. Wii has some fun games but I would think it would get boring. PS3 doesn't really have many good titles out yet but it's new so idk. And it costs $600 so I would pass and just go with the 360.
2007-01-17 13:17:38
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
i like wii. ps3 is still new but right now not worth it. 360 is getting it on right now getting more recognized since it is being compared with ps3. ps3 is the most expensive its for more hardcore/rich gamer/people. 360 is a cheaper version of ps3 and still owns. wii is family stuff so yeah. im with the wii though
2007-01-17 12:47:09
answer #6
answered by Pio T 2
PS3 more games available plus it's a blu-ray player. Wii is cool too watch out for those flying controllers though
2007-01-17 12:30:19
answer #7
answered by Ella727 4
PS3 is what i perfer
Wii= Glorified Gamecube
Xbox 360 look at it its been out for almost ayear now ( if i'm not mistaken) and look where its Graphics are The PS3s Graphics Started there and the machine has Alot of untouched Potential
2007-01-17 12:42:28
answer #8
answered by shadowedofthedark 1
its a personal preference. go to a store where you can try them out, and see what games each system has. i recieved a 360 for christmas. i dont play video games very often, but its pretty cool. i personally think the prices are rediculous, except maybe the wii. i think i could find better things to spend my money on, or just wait untill the prices come down.
2007-01-17 12:35:15
answer #9
answered by createdtodestry 2
Even though i have wii, i am going to go with xbox360.
2007-01-17 12:30:14
answer #10
answered by Anonymous