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I am a strong animal activist, I heard that Peta doesnt want animals to be owned ? an with groups like ALF are they really a part of Peta

2007-01-17 12:22:45 · 13 answers · asked by GrassRootsRabbits 3 in Pets Other - Pets

13 answers

They aren't bad but way too extreme to be effective. They take animal protection to extremes, if they could have it their way animals would just run free everywhere. BUT, not realistic.

2007-01-17 12:26:54 · answer #1 · answered by mysticalelixir 2 · 3 1

They are bad because they set loose animals in research labs/zoos that have no clue how to live on their own. They all procede to die from cold, not beable to find food/water, hit by car, etc. I know people who have done the "after PETA clean ups" they basically go around and pick up dead animals. Most don't live long.

Plus they are against even dogs and cats being kept as pets. Honestly, if people did not have pets, there would be no animals left in the world- there is little enough habitat for the ones that are still wild.
Oh- and I got yelled at b/c at the zoo I work at, the tiger was fed meat (not in front of guests) and did not understand why we could not have a vegatarian tiger. Let's see you try to feed veggies to the tiger- and lose an arm in the process :)

Also at the zoo I worked at- someone came and fed poisoned corn to all of our goats and deer. The chemical used was not a common chemical that people can get. We lost over half of them in painful internal bleeding deaths.

2007-01-17 20:44:26 · answer #2 · answered by D 7 · 0 0

They think they are being expoled. I LOVE animals, almost a veggie girl, but PETA gose a little to far. Their hearts are in the right place, so they aren't bad, they just want the best for the animals. I have no clue about ALF. You don't need to be in a group like PETA to be an animal lover.

2007-01-17 20:29:49 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

PeTA thinks that the only way to get their message acrosss is in extreme ways, otherwise people won't notice/ remember them. They also feel that animals are meant to live in the wild. No matter what they are, how small or tame they might be, they feel thaty should be in the wild and live like a wild animal.

And if they get eaten because they are white and don't blend in, or they go right up to a hunter/ predator looking for some type of food, then oh well, they did it as a wild animal would. That though is NOT RIGHT!!! Certain animals don't belong in the wild becasuse of the way we breed them over hundreds of years, or because they are just to tame etc.

If you want all the fact on them, go to www.Petakillsanimals.com , I am sure that will help.

2007-01-17 20:41:50 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

PETA just takes things to the extreme,where it's harmful to pets and their owners.They're way of thinking is,animals should die rather than live in captivity.Once a group of PETA activists at a dog show put poison in all the dog's water bowls that were in the kennels,and all the poisoned dogs died =( Like someone else said,they're vision is unrealistic,and cruel to the animals we love.

2007-01-17 20:36:44 · answer #5 · answered by Lindsey 3 · 0 1

In my opinion, PETA means well. I'm sure that there are good things about them, also, but they just go OVERBOARD! They are famous for taking things to a ridiculas level. Nothing good ever comes out of anything that is overstated, overexposed, over done!

Also, we must all accept the fact that we live in a world where certain species of animals are now domesticated and dependent on mankind for survival......like it or not, that's THE WAY IT IS.
These people (PETA), for whatever reason, don't seem to understand this............Yet they fail to offer any real alternatives for the domesticated Species.

Yes, it's true. There are people who mistreat animals. That doesn't mean that the rest of us should not be allowed to have Cats or Dogs or other animals that we Love. Think about it.....

2007-01-17 20:34:23 · answer #6 · answered by Steven Keith 3 · 2 1

As others have said....its just gotten way out of hand. I think they meant well, but everything has been taken to extremes. Here is a video of Pen and Teller speaking out against PETA, if you would like to watch it. They point out all the reasons PETA is bad, which is what you wanted to know, but this is just an opinion. Form your own after you watch this and do a little research on your own. Hope this helps.

P.S. Referring to something said below: Saying someone is ignorant (i.e. Pen and Teller) because they do not share your point of view on something is ignorant. I don't think you know the definition of ignorant, so to use this word incorrectly is ignorant. FYI ignorant means (according to the Merriam-Webster dictionary) 1. destitute of knowledge or education. 2. lacking knowledge or comprehension of the thing specified. To say Pen and Teller are ignorant because they wear leather to piss us off, is wrong......this is merely your point of view on their opinion. Next time you bash someone, at least have a valid reason.

2007-01-17 21:55:51 · answer #7 · answered by rockerchic821 4 · 0 1

peta? Fishing's bad. Hunting's bad. Meat is bad. Pets are bad....
"excuse me mr. peta person, that sure is a nice leather belt."

If it has ANYTHING to do with people and animals, peta seems to be against it. Next thing you know, they'll be (if they haven't already) speaking out against bird feeders and how it messes with a bird's natural instinct to find food if you put out a feeder..... can't step on a damn bug anymore........

2007-01-17 21:42:55 · answer #8 · answered by gimmenamenow 7 · 1 0


Check out that site.
Peta isnt in it for the animals, theyre in it for money. Anyone sending them money surely doesnt know what their money is going for. If you'll notice, the only place you see peta is where the media coverage is huge. They dont care about animals anymore, they just want your money.

That site I linked you to has documented proof that when Peta takes your pets that you can no longer care for, and promises to find them a good home, they kill them in their vans before they even drive away. Go ahead and email peta about this , they wont deny it, they'll just comment on the 'over population issues'

Peta also brags about donating money not to animal shelters, but to known terrorists/bombers.

Did you know, that when Steve Irwin died, Peta was quick to jump on the news and say he had it coming?

Peta also brags about waiting outside school yards to hand out bloody images of dead, tortured animals to children....YOUNG, children, to persuade them into turning vegetarian? Im all for going veggie, but that decision is for the child and their parents, NOT, peta.

They want you to think that your money is going to help save animals, but the only thing your money is going for, is to fatten their pockets and pay for their new cars.

2007-01-17 20:31:59 · answer #9 · answered by Dani 7 · 2 1

peta showed its true colors when asked to help the 30000 stranded animals in colorado, they were starving and needed help when peta was asked to help they said no. what a wonderful bunch..

2007-01-17 20:43:40 · answer #10 · answered by critter man 3 · 3 0

Simply because they are hypocrites.They kill animals and hate pitbulls.Thats not ethical treatment.

They have the right idea's but they give us TRUE animals right activist a bad name.

Oh yeah **** pen and teller.They made some good points but them wearing leather (for the sole reason of pissing us of)and saying that they would kill every single chimp with thier bare hand to save one bum is bullshit and also proves how ignorant they are aswell.

2007-01-18 01:14:09 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

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