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I have a hard time agreeing 100% with any party, and am somewhat baffled by those who bash other parties.

Do you really want EVERYTHING that your party wants? Additionally, do you really know that you do, because you have researched it, or do you just think you do, because the media tells you that you should?

2007-01-17 12:20:18 · 13 answers · asked by abfabmom1 7 in Politics & Government Politics

13 answers

The one speech that I remember by Ms Jeanne Kirkpatrick was why American parties were better than the Communists.

The reason she said was that Communists filtered everything through propaganda, with every opinion or belief, arranged to the tactical need of the moment. One day Germans are Russia's greatest friends, the next evil monsters. There was supposed to be just one party position and everybody either toed the line or they were purged.

By contrast she said there are (or were at that time) very liberal Republicans, and very conservative Democrats, so nobody could or would toe a party line, because there were so many, and that people had to work across party lines to accomplish anything.

Shortly after that ,Conservative Republicans took over their party and pushed out all the Liberals, and most of the Moderates. They also brought with them the most corrupt Democrats who had made their careers on racism, or theocratic extreme Christianity (that was mostly the same people).

So now the Corporate extremists, like Ken Lay, the formerly Democratic Racists, like Strom Thurman, and the Christianist Theocrats like Pat Robertson, or Alan Keyes all formed a triangle of evil to destroy Democracy and Freedom in America, that they call a culture war to put a thin disquise on their true aim.. ( these folks listed are/were not the only, or even the biggest leaders just examples that come easily to mind) This group formed a Communist style propaganda campaign, that is a tactical in their stands as any Communist ( Impeach Clinton in the beginning of a War and during Christmas, but mere criticism of Bush is treasonous disloyalty)
Even close allies like Paul O'Neil, or Joe Wilson, when they don't toe the line, don't get purged the way Stalin did it, but the result is not pretty, and actual opponents like either Clinton, or Gore, or Kerry are treated even worse.

The Democrats still have a wide range of politics from Joe Lieberman, and Bill Nelson of Florida, to Dennis Kuchinich and Michael Moore, so there is no Democratic line to toe as there is in the Republicans.

So my party affiliation is much more defined by a love of freedom and the American Dream that was what this country was founded on and total opposition to those who would destroy it, than to the Democratic party itself or any other agenda than restoring freedom, the Bill of Rights, and the Magna Carta. and an honest election system to do so.

Beyond that I don't really care about minimum wage, Immigration, Gay anything beyond common dignity, etc.

It is not that I do not have opinions about those things, but without a free and democratic country, the other things cannot have any permanence.

2007-01-17 16:33:29 · answer #1 · answered by Freedem 3 · 1 0

I have similar feelings. The big drug problems are from the old MK-Ultra program. USA imported all of the Nazi science after WWII. Then there were and are numerous operations that use our civilian population for testing. You can find more than you will ever care to know about all of this on the web. My state suffered exponential growth. The big contractors bought and sold small city counsels. The work crews were and are crack heads and many are also illegal aliens. So the big money can push and shove. The local economy is only burdened by growth. All of the millions in contract money stays in the contractor biz. The workers support the drug dealers. The courts make a certain amount of revenue from arrests and probation and bail. It is just a corporate quota. The meth trade is more small businesses. That derives from the MK-Ultra as well. Our special forces use meth so that they can destroy a target and get out without stopping to sleep. Many of the inmates in the Nazi death camps were on meth. Now many contracts cannot be completed by some body that needs sleep. This is a big veterns problem. We have a huge drugs abuse and distribution problem in the nation. The problem is supported by are own government. It is just a business at this point. Very well established drug lawyers etc. Then there is a very scarey Operation Monarch which the big boys and some girls use for sex. The sex slaves have a butterfly tattoo. They were battered children that were given even more programing. Sort of like the KGB used to do. Most of the KGB were orphans. Marijuanna is legal in India. You can get all sorts of clinical evidence that support the use of medical marijuana. The USA used to grow the best rope in the world. The Dupont family interests started that market place block for nylon. Marijuana helps other plants (crops) grow. That makes farming without pesticides less risky. I have no idea what it would do with genetically modified corn. We now have free trade zones inland. So the big companies can import illegals from inland zones. Building a wall between Mexico and the USA is not really going to do much. The power behind all that are the big corporations. Yes, my civil rights were violated. I was arrested after being entrapped. After days in jail they could not really find anything that justified there existence. I was not a run away wife. There was no domestic violence. There were no weapons. There were no drugs. I was not nuts. I had no health problems. I had paid my taxes. My finger prints did not match any problem stored in the national computers for the last ten years. Then they made up a pretex which did not hold water after a year and half of investigation. There was no string. Now I have a felony arrest record at 57 years old.

2016-05-24 01:46:19 · answer #2 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

of course not.

I am a republican, and very proud of it. But I have very moderate ideas and beliefs (some may say liberal even *shudder*).

I don't let people tell me how to vote, i vote my conscience.

My first election, there was a ballot involving stopping aide to illegal immigrants, I voted for it and so did my parents (both legal immigrants to this country) and despite the fact I have family that (at the time) were here illegally.

However that being said if a measure involving gay marriage ever came up in my state would vote for it, because I believe as American citizens every one has the right to be free and happy (or sad and miserable depending on your view on marriage).

I vote what my heart and head tell me is right.

I don't always agree with the party line and i some times go against the grain, but that's my right. And if you asked any of my friends they would say the same thing.

2007-01-17 12:32:38 · answer #3 · answered by Stone K 6 · 0 0

I am an Independent ( non-aligned) because I have a hard time agreeing with 100% (sometimes even 10%) of what either party stands for.

2007-01-17 13:00:58 · answer #4 · answered by 63vette 7 · 0 0

Of course not. It's just not smart to say you believe in everything your party wants; you may find out something at any time that's unpleasant.

I consider myself to be mostly Republican, but there are some things I'm not so sure about with them, and I certainly can see where Democrats are coming from with a lot of issues.

2007-01-17 12:30:54 · answer #5 · answered by Cattysnap 2 · 1 0

No, I am a generally a conservative republican, but feel free to vote for the best candidate. The media is the only way we have to get news, but I know it can be slanted.

2007-01-17 13:01:18 · answer #6 · answered by JudiBug 5 · 0 0

It is not about Democrat vs Republican, it is about freedom and democracy and a not very secret conspiracy of people who hate both freedom and democracy subverting American institutions, to conquer our country.

The BBC did an amazing job of doing a detailed history of this from a British perspective. There is a link her that has it


2007-01-17 12:34:12 · answer #7 · answered by Dragon 4 · 1 0

I truthfully believe in everything that the independent party stands for. Keyword being "independent" (thought).

2007-01-17 12:28:02 · answer #8 · answered by Chi Guy 5 · 1 1

Nope. I'm a Libertarian who votes Republican because the left scares the hell out of me.

2007-01-17 12:24:45 · answer #9 · answered by Jadis 6 · 2 1

who ever does agree 100% percent is a sheep...i choose the one i most agree with at the time...

2007-01-17 12:35:28 · answer #10 · answered by turntable 6 · 0 0

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