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Look...I am in a major debate class and one of the girls in my class wants to make a law agenst abortion. I am like being the major lawyer and i need websites and information on why abortion should be allowed. Any help would be wounderful. So please...i need a bunch of recorses to take her on. And if you don't support abortion, then don't bother putting in an answer...I"M HAVING A DEBATE HERE!!!! Thanks!

2007-01-17 11:51:06 · 21 answers · asked by angelogallagher 1 in Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

21 answers

I have a new approach for you to debate: Pass a new law, make it mandatory that anyone who has an abortion must get their tubes tied, as well as anyone that get pregnant before the age of 18. Once they are old enough and mature enough they will be able to afford to get their tubes un-tied. Just having the law would be deterrent enough to lower the number of abortions and reduce to teen pregnancy rate.

Good luck with your debate.

2007-01-17 13:41:45 · answer #1 · answered by Amy B 2 · 0 1

Some reasons why some one could explore the possibility of abortion: If it is dangerous for the overall health of the mother and can cause her death. If the baby is determined to be sick, with a birth defect, and will suffer more in life if he is given a chance to live. If the mother was raped and will harbor hate towards the baby. If the parents can’t support or don’t want a child. You can always play on the bill of rights and the right to make a choice. If you are doing it for a legal writing or a debate class play the bill of rights card, teachers love that stuff.
You should have been on the other side, there are allot of horrific stories and pictures out there to support the other side of the argument. Good luck

2007-01-17 12:02:47 · answer #2 · answered by Natalia D 5 · 0 1

Something to think about......whether you are pro-choice or pro-life, you have to take into consideration; how are you going to enforce this law? Are we going back to girls bleeding to death in alleyways and bathrooms trying to do it themselves with coathangers....or worse? Do rape victims have the bear the children of the men who assaulted them, some of which are incestual couplings? Even if for some reason you make it impossible for a woman to have an abortion, what steps will the government take to make sure that she eats and drinks right, doesn't smoke, consume alcohol, or take drugs? Any laws to that extent will infringe upon some of our constitutional rights. I'm not saying that abortion should be abused like birth control, over and over and over.......but I have seen married couples abort because of finances or issues with a previous child. On a harsher note, for those that say it is murder, the fetus, until it is old enough to survive on its own without being attached to the placenta and through it, the mother, is techically a parasitical growth, albeit a very cute growth. Women's bodies naturally abort babies for health reasons all the time; mental health is another reason.....if the mother can't handle it at that particular time, it is not fair to the unborn fetus. Yes, the child can be adopted after being born, but what is to force the mother to take care of herself until then? Bottom line: you cannot outlaw abortion unless you can guarantee that the fetus will be allowed to grow in an alcohol-free, drug-free, smokeless environment so that it may be born healthy with a fighting chance in life, and loved by its mother? Why would you make anyone do that?

2007-01-17 12:17:59 · answer #3 · answered by tmiller 3 · 0 0

Because legally a fetus isn't a baby until it can live independent from the mother. If it can't survive outside the womb, then it's just a fetus, not a live baby. Lots of women don't mean to get pregnant, and they shouldn't have to sacrifice their lives and bodies to something they don't want. You can't get an abortion once the fetus is a certain age where it can survive outside the womb, so it's stupid for people to argue that a woman should have to give up her life for some random cells that the woman doesn't want. There are also two ways to have an abortion. One, they sedate the woman, and dilate her vagina, and surgically remove the tissue and fetus. The other is a slightly debated abortion pill, which can cause serious lethal complications. As for people who say it should be the father's decision, it's not his body, therefore not his choice. He can walk out and leave anytime, but then the woman is left with the baby, and he can just be like, well I got laid. Hope this helps!

2007-01-17 12:00:45 · answer #4 · answered by Hawaii_girl 3 · 0 2

The world is probably better with abortion being legal. No, it shouldn't be something that is necessary but unfortunately these days it is. Women who are addicted to drugs and are on drugs while pregnant, should probably have abortions... When a baby has severe deformities that are recognized before birth, that will probably cause the child a lot of problems growing up or even cut their life short, could be a reason to allow abortion, teenage mothers who obviously aren't old enough or mature enough to have a baby and take care of one, should probably have abortions. I think everything should be pro-choice, the baby is better off not being born if it's going to be born to parents who don't want it, or to abusive parents, or born from an alcoholic/drug abusing mother.

Just because you made the choice to have sex doesn't mean you should be prepared to get pregnant. Married men and women have sex without wanting children too... and what about rape? If you don't want to do something to your own body and the thing growing inside it, that's fine, but to the people who think it's the best or only option for them, it should be allowed.

2007-01-17 11:56:01 · answer #5 · answered by * 5 · 2 1

If you are looking for actual sources and sites to do research on the subject of abortion, then I would suggest putting your question in either womens studies or law and ethics. All you are really going to get are emotional responses from the women on here.

For the record I am pro choice, I support a womans right to be seen as an intellectual human being that can make her own decisions, I do not per say support abortion.

2007-01-17 11:55:09 · answer #6 · answered by ? 6 · 1 1

I don't think the Mother should have the right to make that decision on her own. What about the Father and the Doctor. I think abortion should be legal but only when two out of these three agree. Either both parents or the Mother and the Doctor for medical reasons. Too bad the baby doesn't get a vote too.

2007-01-17 11:59:15 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

I dont know about websites, but another point to make is that before Roe v Wade, women were having back alley abortions, which sometimes killed the woman or messed up their uterus so bad they couldnt have childrenm. So basically making abortions illegal isnt going to stop women from having them. Also, places like planned parenthood make for a safe non judgemental enviorment.

2007-01-17 12:40:18 · answer #8 · answered by GrnEyedBandita 3 · 0 0

Abortion is very good for the person who wishes to have one. If anyone disagrees, fine! But keep it to yourself as the person who wants an abortion is fully aware that they are going through a complicated and emotional time and the last thing they need is anyone who makes it more confusing for them.

We should all be happy at the end of the day.

2007-01-17 11:57:31 · answer #9 · answered by ? 3 · 2 1

Abortion is murder and no one should do it. Just because the baby isn't born yet doesn't mean that it's not alive. It actually has a heart, brain, and all the necessary organs at six weeks when most people get an abortion.

2007-01-17 13:29:54 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

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