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I want to know what's so good about being a Democrat.

Answer these questions I have, and maybe I'll reconsider:

1. What's so great about being taxed to give more welfare to those who desire not to be contributing members of society?

2. Why should we raise minimum wage? Most of those people making minimum wage lack skills needed to get higher paying jobs. Shouldn't those people be held responsible for their choices in life?

3. Why should abortion be legal for people who aren't victims of rape or incest? Shouldn't those women who wanna get freaky take responsibility for the actions?

Any other arguements for how Democrats are so great would be appreciated too!

2007-01-17 10:33:52 · 20 answers · asked by The Cult of Personality 5 in Politics & Government Politics

Right you are Ken...you're just making yourself seem ever more so bitter with every answer...

Men do have to take responsibility...that's why there are child support orders.

And I'm proof that a person can dig themselves out of poverty...my whole family was poor growing up...living off food stamps and welfare. I chose to change my life for the better. If I can do it, just about anyone can...it's just a matter of want.

2007-01-17 10:48:15 · update #1

20 answers

No, Honey , I would never do that.

2007-01-17 10:42:30 · answer #1 · answered by LoneStar 4 · 2 3

With the name and attitude you have, I think your mind is already made up.
I am a registered Independent, though it is no secret that I lean left. I am a "Liberal" if you will, so I will answer this question.
1. Welfare is not something that is always used by those truly in need. It does suck that we all contribute when much of the money is misused. So, I don't think that it is great to be taxed to give more to welfare. In theory, though, it is a wonderful idea that all Americans look out for one another.
2. We should raise the minimum wage as the cost of living rises. This seems only logical.
3. Blanket laws that affect the entire female population as a whole would not work when the decision and situations are of an individual nature. This is why abortion should be a legal option for all women.

2007-01-17 18:58:09 · answer #2 · answered by MishMash [I am not one of your fans] 7 · 3 1

1. First of all, it's the middle and working classes that are being taxed to give more welfare to people who need it whenever you have a Republican in the White House. Next, a majority of the people who are on welfare are usually on it while they're finding a new job if they've been going to school and are unable to work while getting an education. There are a small number recipients who abuse it though. The people who are supposed to be taxed for this are the wealthy.

2. We should raise minimum wage because people who are being paid by the current wage wind up having to work two jobs just to make ends meet and in some cases even have to make some sacrifices that no person should have to make(like go hungry or do with out medical care). In other words, every person is entitled to be paid a living wage. The current minimum wage is NOT a living wage. Besides, most of the people making minimum wage DO NOT lack skills needed to get higher paying jobs. They're usually working at minimum wage to save money to get back to school and get a degree that would ensure that they are awarded with a higher paying job or they're in school working towards getting a degree that would give them that higher paying job. Shouldn't you have some compassion towards those people though? What's not raising the minimum wage because 'those people should be held responsible for their choices in life' going to accomplish? Nothing really other than an increase in the number of people toeing the poverty line or are under the poverty line. Those people pretty much take responsibility for their choices in life and they find a way get back on track. Not everyone is going around blaming everyone around them for their life choices you know.

3. What part of 'my body, my choice' do you not understand? That's a reason why abortion is legal because it's a woman's choice as to whether or not she should have the baby. While the father of the child does have the right to have a say in the decision as well, it's ultimately left up to the woman to decide. Some women who get freaky decide to keep the baby, some don't and they have their reasons why. Why should they be forced to take the responsibility when it takes two to create a child? The government has no right to stuff their anti-abortion beliefs down the throats of others in the form of a law that makes abortion illegal. Back alley abortions that took place were done by unskilled people who weren't ob/gyns(nor were they certified to be one) and resulted in the woman dying from an infection or because of internal hemmoraging(if the part of the hanger that's stuck in the woman's vagina punctures an organ), etc. Adoption is an option, but it's ultimately a woman's choice.

Democrats are much better with money than the Republicans are. For example, Preident Clinton managed to raise this country out of a deficit before leaving office. President Bush has put us back where we were before Clinton took office...miilions of dollars in the hole.

It's ultimately YOUR decision as to whether or not you want to switch party affilliations.

2007-01-17 19:17:36 · answer #3 · answered by iwannarevolt 4 · 1 1

I have no illusions that any amount of answers will sway you, but.....
1. Shall we take them out and shoot them if their bank account falls below a certain level? I would like to hear an alternative to what we are doing now for the poor, if you have a better one. And I would also like to know whose standard you would use as to whom is a "contributing member of society."
2. Well, gee, it is either one way or the other. You don't want to pay a decent wage, yet you complain about all the people on welfare. There is just no pleasing you, is there?
3. We aren't so far apart on this though. I think abortion should remain legal, but only in cases of rape or incest. There are too many couples who would be happy to adopt unwanted babies to justify abortion as birth control. I really don't think this is the norm though, in spite of the propaganda to the contrary.

Democrats and liberals are great because they have hearts and are willing to try to come up with solutions that will work. We may not be right all the time, but at least we do more than close the checkbook and yell every man for himself. And instead of just spouting Bible verses, most of us try to live by its precepts. Remember, judge not lest you be judged.

2007-01-17 18:57:14 · answer #4 · answered by Slimsmom 6 · 1 1

you should be a democrat because of those reasons!!

1. Why should you be paying tax so that $500 Billion tax $$ goes to fight a fake war = Welfare for Halliburton and Exxon

2. We should raise the minimum wage so that stupid southern conservatives are able to pay for gas

3. Ask Bush why he force so many black women to have abortions. Those that refused somehow committed suicide in Sugar Land, TX

2007-01-17 19:20:14 · answer #5 · answered by Taco 2 · 1 1

Democrats are the party of the people as its history attests.

Republicans want to increase costs to students. Cutting education in the Information Age is like cutting defense at the height of the Cold War. The cold hard truth is that many students who are unable to go to college will end up on welfare, on the street, or in jail if they aren’t subsequently taught skills now in demand.

Democrats exhort job training and retraining programs, both public and private, while Republicans cut funding. These are indispensable in an era when trade and technology bring rapid change to the job market, and these programs need constant retooling and reexamination.

Democrats think low wages are a problem. Republicans think low wages are a solution.

Reps curse the middle and working poor class and refer to them as useless to the economy. It is the labor performed by poor as well as middle-class persons that makes possible this nation’s productivity and wealth, including job opportunities. Where would Wal Mart be without the middle and working poor class? Not on the Dow.

Republicans unclear philosophy claims the rich will work harder if given more breaks and the poor will work harder if given fewer breaks.

Republicans have and will continue to cut programs that help families get food stamps, provide breakfasts and lunches for low-income schoolchildren, nutrition for poor pregnant women and infants and the Medicaid program which offers healthcare for millions of ill and disabled children. They want to eradicate proven programs like the Family Leave Act, Head Start, childcare, earned-income tax credits and affordable housing for low-paid workers.

JFK said “If a free society cannot help the many who are poor, it cannot save the few who are rich.”

Some of the democrats’ achievements:
GI Bills
Earned Income Tax Credit
Peace Corps
Head Start
Human Genome Project
Clean Water Act
Medicaid Medicare
Brady Law
Ban on CFCs
Direct Student Loans
Social Security
Meals on Wheels

With social security, 9 percent of America’s elderly lives in poverty. Without it, 48 percent of elderly Americans would be thrown into poverty.

2007-01-17 18:47:04 · answer #6 · answered by GOP - Going Out of Power 2 · 4 3

If you take a look at it from the other side of the coin. Then think. What if you were 18 and made a mistake, What if you made one financial mistake in your life and it cost you dearly and you can no longer do the job you were trained for, What if you couldn't afford to go to get an education even if you wanted one. These are the questions you should look at. Think about it. What would happen if you lost that 3 hundred thousand dollar house you live in and lost your job, stocks and investments(Savings) at the same time. What would you do...no termination pay, no fall back money.

I really don't care if your a democrat I am in favour of outright dictatorship socialism but these are my takes on your arguement

2007-01-17 18:43:12 · answer #7 · answered by angothoron 2 · 4 3

Wow! You suggest that when my father was murdered while I was six years of age, we went on welfare becaues our desire was not to be contributing members to society.

My brother is a chief accountant and ex-marine. My sister is ex-army. I'm ex air force but we were welfare recipients interesting.

Your sick question is the reason that it is better to be anything opposed to the prejudicial ideology that you represent.

As for min wage, you appartently look down on everyone just as true conservatives often do. I guess you suggest that CEOs should make $300,000,000 a year, send jobs overseas, and screw the little guy. Thank you for showing what your kind is all about, yourself.

As for abortion, which I oppose, who are you to tell anyone else what to do with their life?

2007-01-17 19:00:15 · answer #8 · answered by Chi Guy 5 · 4 3

By the sound of your question, my guess, if God came down to earth and answered your three questions, that wouldn't convince you. Another thing skippy, some people don't make the choice to live in poverty, some work very hard but never make a decent wage and your intolerance in thinking proves the point that there are those among us who would never pay a decent wage no matter how hard a person works. One last thought, women are not impregnating themselves, how about men take some responsibility to not get them pregnant.

2007-01-17 18:43:56 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 9 4

They're great at stifling your freedom of speech.

They are AWESOME for appeasing to terrorists.

They are the absolute best in giving illegal immigrants hand outs more than their fellow American Citizens.

This and what you wrote above is all political correctness, if you can handle being politically correct and not demand your party be held accountable for their actions, and not care or ignore how bad liberalism is for this Country, then that is the party for you.

Me, ha, I wouldn't touch that party with a ten foot pole. I've got my senses and I'd like to keep it that way.

2007-01-17 18:46:23 · answer #10 · answered by patrioticpeladac 4 · 1 4

He who is convinced against his Will -
Is of the same opinion still.

2007-01-17 19:42:51 · answer #11 · answered by fatsausage 7 · 1 0

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