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I'll be in the Highlands staying at San Lucas Toliman, it will be my base. Going to nearby mission sites each day. Need tips on clothing for day and night. If insects a problem that time of year. Etc.

2007-01-17 08:35:39 · 15 answers · asked by nellie 3 in Travel Latin America Guatemala

15 answers

San Lucas Toliman is right on Lake Atitlan, 1 mile above sea level. It is also the gateway down to the Pacific coast. On the coast, insects are always a problem. It will be hot and sticky, and March is the start of the rainy season.

Up around the lake, insects won't be a problem. Jeans and a t-shirt during the day. It will be sunny every morning. Even in the rainy season it rarely rains before noon. Add a sweater in the evenings, or if you go up out of the caldera, to Chichicastenango for example.

When you come up from Guatemala City to San Lucas, try to come on the "old back road", thru Patzun. The scenery is spectacular!

2007-01-18 15:20:12 · answer #1 · answered by guido1900us 3 · 0 0

An economy Size Bucket of Bug-B-Gone for se' Tarantulas ect..., a cal.357 Magnum Revolver (no Automatic!!!), and a AK 47, 6-10 30 Round Magazines (military) and Plenty of Ammo! A Pump Action 12 Gauge Shotgun & a 500 Case of 00-Buck Lawenforcment Shells.

Guatemala is not a Land for Puzzies! If you can't defend yourself then the People WILL take ADVANTAGE of YOU!

So let the People in your Area around you KNOW that you are LOCO & INSANE in the MEMBRANE!

Go ahead and shoot a couple of Dogs that growl at you with your Pocket Howitzer 357Magnum and then just holster the Gun and continiue with the things that you were doing before killing the Dog, as if nothing happened.... it shows those People that you ARE NOT AFRAID TO PULL THE TRIGGER!

Flash around your Dollar Bills! That's a SURE WAY to attract unwanted Company in a dark Alley Way, while you stumble home, drunk, from the Cantina after MUCHO SERVEZA!

And consider that MOST Pretty Girls are NOT Virgins anymore! So using a Rubber is ALWAYS a good Idea!

Boil you Water or use Bottled Water! Always!

Try the Local Cuisine, but make sure the Stuff is cooked Thouroughly!!!! There is NO USDA in Guatemala!

Always have a knife handy and on you!

Always have a Several Packs of American Cigarettes ready, even if YOU don't smoke! Lighter of course too! (A War Corrospondent told me that one, it saved his BEHIND a PLENTY OF TIMES!)

That's it for now! Have FUN in se Jungle Man!

Then you should have no Problems

2007-01-17 08:55:07 · answer #2 · answered by Rembrandt 2 · 0 0

I agree with "sweetdol..." - dont pay any attention to the people warning you about Guatemala. I am a 25yr old female that lived there for 6 months. I traveled alone all over the country and never once had a problem. Of course, I have experience traveling so I kept aware of my surroundings etc etc, but for the most part Guatemalans were very kind and happy to help. There are dangers there just as there are in LA, Houston, Seattle etc.

For 5 of those months I lived in the highlands as well and there were NO bugs. Its cool there all year round so bugs are at a minimum. If you travel out of the highlands, definitely take plenty of deet, especially along the east coast. Mosquitoes and sandflies are abundant. You wont find yourself in the jungle unless perhaps you go off-trail in Tikal - the highlands are more like an exotic Rockies :).

No worries - if you forget something, you can always head down to any local market and pick up a parka or jacket etc for a couple Q. Happy Travels!

2007-01-18 19:27:14 · answer #3 · answered by JeSui 2 · 0 0

Do not take serious the other's member comments. You are not going to a jungle. Maybe Guatemala is not a paradise but it's not hell either.

I live in Guatemala.

Get comfortable clothes, t-shirts, shorts, jeans tennis, hiking boots, hat/cap, lotion, insects could be a problem because of the weather it changes from an hour to another. Do not forget a sweater for the night or maybe for the day. I suggest cotton clothes. What is your mission about? Have a nice trip......

2007-01-18 06:45:21 · answer #4 · answered by sweetdolphinboy 2 · 1 0

Whether or not you decide to go depends on a few things. What is your purpose? Spending time with your friends away from your parents? Self-enrichment? Doing God a service? Weigh out the pros and cons 1) You could get hurt really bad if you do something contrary to the rules laid out. 2) It could be a learning experience. 3) Doing God a service outside of His will never wins any points with Him. Is it possible to do something for God and it not be pleasing to Him? Sure is! In Mark 7:6-8 (King James Version) the Bible states, "He answered and said unto them, Well hath Esaias prophesied of you hypocrites, as it is written, This people honoureth me with their lips, but their heart is far from me. 7 Howbeit in vain do they worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men. 8 For laying aside the commandment of God, ye hold the tradition of men, as the washing of pots and cups: and many other such like things ye do. Many people go to church and worship Him in vain because they do not come the way He wants them to. It is important to go to church with a true desire to know His will for your life and take home what you've learned, talk to Him about it and do your best to draw closer to Him. I know a young lady that was about 19 years old and went with her uncle on a missions trip to the Honduras. She had some tremendous experiences there. A woman handed her baby to her. The baby had been ill for a long time. The young lady and had no idea what to do and that is exactly what she told God while she was holding the crying child that lay limp in her arms. But she believed that God is a healer and something happened to that baby. When she gave the child back to the mother, the mom spoke with great gratitude because her baby was not crying anymore and was not limp anymore and was not sick anymore. That trip changed her life. Life's trials and friends and peers no longer have the power over her that they used to have. She now has faith in God that takes her through everything, no matter how foreboding it seems to be. I would not go the Guatemala on a missions trip if I were you unless I have prayed about it and really believed that it is God's divine will for me to go. I have experienced His permissive will where He permitted me to do something because I thought I should or because I wanted to and the results were disasterous. Yet, He knows how to take bad things and use them for a a good ending and I thank Him for that. I pray that He gives me wisdom and grace to ALWAYS seek His divine will for my life. I don't want His permissive will anymore. And I pray that you also seek His divine will in everything that you do. God bless you.

2016-03-14 07:11:28 · answer #5 · answered by Susan 3 · 0 0

pack light! Remember that it gets cold in the highlands and if you visit the ruins in the jungle, take long sleeves and mosquito repellent.

Many native people don't like their picture taken unless you are their friend. They find it very offensive and disrespectful. A real shame since there are so many colors and beautiful potential images :-)

Find some time to visit the market at Chichicastenango, it's magical. Tikal is a must also!

2007-01-17 15:32:55 · answer #6 · answered by Miri 2 · 0 0

Spiders in Guatemala can grow to be the size of small cats. Keep your eyes peeled for them....

2007-01-17 08:38:18 · answer #7 · answered by Crackoa 2 · 2 0

I wish you luck in your mission, unfortunately I have not been to that part of Centralamerica.

2007-01-17 08:41:10 · answer #8 · answered by a.j. 5 · 1 0

don't forget to get any shots that you would need traveling to a foreign country

2007-01-17 08:43:29 · answer #9 · answered by ken s 6 · 2 0

One thing - check WHO site (World Health Organization) for any warnings concernings diseases/vaccinations...

2007-01-17 08:38:50 · answer #10 · answered by waynebudd 6 · 2 0

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