Dream interpretation isn't a precise science, but many, including Freud have made some astonishing discoveries related to dreams and our current psychological state.
Dreams can be incredibly real, so much so that they can be disturbing for days, weeks or even months afterwards. I've had a few dreams like that myself - however rationally - once awake we know that they weren't.
Often dreams deal with situations that would either be impossible, improbable or disturbing. Things like flying, floating, being chased or trapped are common.
I'm not an expert, but off-hand I would say that it represents something in your life that is currently oppressing or restricting you. Perhaps a difficult decision approaching, a bad relationship you feel trapped in (significant other, parent or friend), a job you don't like.
Remember that you shouldn't let your dreams direct a course of action in your life. You need to be rational and logical and only recognize that these are symptoms or indicators of potential problems - not problems themselves. Don't be rash by quitting a job, leaving a spouse or move only because of your dreams. That's not a reasonable course of action.
You can keep a pad of paper and pen near your bed and record your dreams just as you wake up. A lot of dreams are quickly forgotten once we pass into consciousness. If you see a pattern, then you may want to consider counseling to resolve any issues which are causing the disturbing dreams.
Otherwise, if you are able to move on with life and simply observe them objectively, then just enjoy and have fun with them. If that dream is re-occuring, try to see if you can change the outcome by talking to yourself about it before you sleep...
2007-01-17 07:59:05
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
It may not have been a dream. Could have been a condition called "sleep paralysis". I had it a few times in my late teens.
2007-01-17 15:34:48
answer #2
answered by rob m 1
Scotty, that's a good question!
It is a typical fear/stress dream. Watch any scarey movies lately?
2007-01-17 15:36:07
answer #3
answered by amlikam 2
It sounds like you feel like you are losing control somewhere in your life. Is work going well?? How is your personal/family life??
Good Luck
2007-01-17 15:36:05
answer #4
answered by Should be Working! 4
It is sleep paralysis!!!!! I have it to! I hate it!!! You have to force some part of your body to move.. and then your ok. Feels terrifying though!
2007-01-17 15:41:53
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Why would you post this question under the movies category??
2007-01-17 15:31:06
answer #6
answered by Scotty 6