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Is it because Americans are addicted to war, and to cold hearted and arragant to support our homeless, and and uninsured

2007-01-17 07:15:26 · 26 answers · asked by Doodie L 1 in Politics & Government Politics

26 answers

The government is set up to protect the country as a whole.. The government is not, and should not be set up as a charity to take away from the personal responsibility each of us have as citizens towards ourselves....

2007-01-17 07:19:36 · answer #1 · answered by DiamondDave 5 · 4 3

Government spending for entitlements has exploded in the last decade so stop the incessant whining. It is interesting that no matter how much is spent, it is never enough. The services are already available for the homeless and the uninsured must be treated if they go to the hospital (although a handful may refuse). One must avail themselves of the services available.

Socialized medicine is a recipe for disaster. Universal health-care is not the way to go. Americans abuse their privileges and will abuse their use of health-care (they do now).

2007-01-17 07:55:04 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

"Is it because Americans are addicted to war, and to cold hearted and arrogant to support our homeless, and and uninsured"
You use Americans and then our. Well are you addicted to war, cold hearted and arrogant to support our homeless, and uninsured?
Come on, Universal Health Care is bring down the quality of the health care system. I have an idea. Why dont people get jobs...get benifits...so they can get health care?? If they cant get a job because they are too stupid. GO TO SCHOOL. You cant afford it? Take out student loans. Universal Health is a way out for people who are to lazy to do anything themselves.

2007-01-17 07:26:42 · answer #3 · answered by Michael Q 1 · 2 2

I don't recall having adopted anyone. Health insurance is a commodity like anything else. If it's important to you, you'll find the money. If it's not important enough for you to invest YOUR money in, why should Uncle Sam have to pick up the tab?

Be careful what you wish for, my friend. Canadian-style healthcare is not all it's cracked up to be. They have interminable waiting lists for anything but the most routine medical procedure. The days of a 10 month waiting period for delivering a baby are right around the corner :-)

2007-01-17 07:22:38 · answer #4 · answered by Rick N 3 · 4 0

We can't afford either. Universal Health care would cost much more over the long term than say the Iraq war.

Bear in mind tho- that Universal health care wouldn't be free-- it would have to come with more taxes. Eventually, even the war will have to be paid for with some new taxes as we all know the jokers in DC don't know how to cut spending.

2007-01-17 07:21:29 · answer #5 · answered by dapixelator 6 · 3 1

Why would Americans want watered down health care that would be vastly sub standard to today's health care
Where would Americans go for good health care as Canadians and British come here for better care where would Americans go?
Rid the US of Illegal alien invaders and cost will go down and more be spaces on the dole for the poor instead of using up resources on Illegal Alien Invader rejects

2007-01-17 07:27:34 · answer #6 · answered by bob b 3 · 2 0

Obviously from your spelling, it's going to take a lot more than billions of dollars to teach you proper grammar. I mean for the love of God at least use the damn spell check, it's sitting right on top of the box you're typing in.

To answer your question; there are priorities that the government has to sort out. Your question may have been valid had 9/11 not happened, but it did happen. Illiteracy may make one look stupid, and lack of health care is a serious problem, but they don't kill you while screaming "Allah Akbar".

I find it convenient and at the same time intellectually repulsive that people who like to make anti war statements, such as yourself, always make them out of any kind of historical or worldwide context.

2007-01-17 07:24:46 · answer #7 · answered by billy d 5 · 2 2

The return on investment for war far out weigh the monetary gain for health care for the poor.

2007-01-17 07:34:21 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Why can't the homeless and the uninsured provide for themselves? Why should the American taxpayer have to support them?

2007-01-17 12:55:12 · answer #9 · answered by jonn449 3 · 2 0

America is in an exceedingly difficult time - internationally. The cold war was a war of manipulation of small nations between the capitalistic and communist communities. It was a maxim of Leninist-Marxism (Lenin said it himself) to collapse capitalistic governments across the globe through communist revolution in order that communism was to survive.
Even though the United States has historically found itself in many a war or warlike situation, the Federal Congress has been most civil in character. Immediately after the American War of the Revolution (1775-1783), the Congress disbanded the Continental Army in the midst of hostile and apparently aggressive European monarchies and Native American tribes.

Why? We must look to history - Rome, the only previous successful Republic was turned into a monarchy of sorts when Julius Ceasar marched his army into the Roman capital and thereby threatened the Senate. In the mid seventeenth century Oliver Cromwell disbanded the British Parliament with a handful of armed men after the beheading of King Charles I.
Aware of these historic precedents, the United States Congress has been historically obsessed with the supremecy of the CIVIL power. President George Washington had to rebuild the United States armed forces from the ground up during the establishment of the Old Northwest Territory.
The U.S. flew British and French planes and used French machine-guns in WWI because we were behind in weapons technology. Fleets and aircraft have historically been scrapped immediately after the cessation of hostilities.The U.S. was exceedingly far behind most nations of Europe and Asia in weapons development before WWII.
Why? The humanitarian needs of a distressed American populace during the Global Depression of the 1930's and the close relationship of the People's representatives in the Congress with the TAXPAYER [why bother to maintain what does not readily finance prosperity? (i.e. Guns, bombs and tanks)].

I assert that the United States of America has historically, and still is, a quite circumspect nation due to its active press and the doubtful attitude of the populace in ite relationship with its elected officials.

Only since WWII has this peace-loving nation [rising prosperity(capitalism) is a result of peace - per President George Washington's farewell address, and other writings] has this nation been put upon the defensive by communist nations and their rising influence (the global communist revolution appealed to our very own work force throughout the twentieth century). This nation, in the defense of the free world and the re-emerging Global Economy and its promise of peace through free-trade was forced (by Lenin's own dogma) to be offensively upon the defensive (U.N. and U.S. in Korea and the U.S. in Viet Nam) to protect this peaceful ideal.
This American militaristic effort, dating from Russia's rise to superpowerdom since WWII has been most costly yet effective (politically, Viet Nam may be counted as a moderate American Victory!). Once the Peoples and their nations of the planet realize that "the point of a gun" is not the only Law, America can settle down and accomplish (and afford) the humanistic efforts required by her People - once again (a la depression era).

I ask this simple question: If the point of a gun is the only law understood by international rogues (Al Queda and "sovereign" nations included) what are the options of the Peace-loving?
Until the World Community settles down there will be little money available but for mere collective survival. The rights of the individual must, of necessity, wait.

2007-01-17 08:59:38 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Why should Americans who work and support their own family want to pay into a system and support the families who refuse to support themselves? I don't mind supporting the military that keeps us free but I don't want to support the lazy bums who refuse to get a job. I am also going to say that our government can't run health care without driving the cost through the roof because of red tape and party lines.

2007-01-17 07:23:50 · answer #11 · answered by joevette 6 · 4 1

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