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I had pierced nipples for about 8 years. I took them out after a couple of years so I could breastfeed my first child easier. She never did latch on right and I quit pumping and trying to breastfeed after 3 months. I got my nipples pierced again and now, years later am 7 months pregnant. When I found out I was pregnant, I removed the piercings due to them being constantly infected anyway. I would clean them and change them, but nothing helped. So I just gave up. Anyway... now it's 7 months later and they still hurt, bleed and are infected occasionally. The doctor says it's nothing, but it kind of seems gross to breastfeed with pus and/or blood coming out sometimes. Is it wrong for me to just use formula? I know breastmilk is best, but it would make me feel terrible to know my child consumed blood or infection. What should I do?

2007-01-17 06:38:48 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy & Parenting Newborn & Baby

20 answers

first of all, please be careful about the suggestions you listen to on this site... many people are willing to help you, but they may not have the right information...

secondly, i applaud you for bringing up this question! you are quite a mother to actually not want to drop breastfeeding. although formula has "measured" calories and "measured" servings, recent literature (published in medical journals) prove that your BABY is the best gauge for how much you should feed her. whenever she's hungry, she will cry to ask for breastmilk. some parents have been wondering if their babies receive enough nutrients via breastmilk because they don't get a tangible measurement of how much their babies get. so a study was done and weight gain was measured between breastfed and formula-fed babies. it was found out that breastfed babies actually GAINED more weight than formula-fed babies. that's because breastmilk has antibodies that help your baby fight disease (they are not yet capable of fighting disease effectiely so early in life). so there is less incidence of diarrhea (which by the way is the #1 cause of death among infants). in one hospital, a study spanning ten years was done. the hospital used to give formula to newborns, but their new director was a firm believer in all the benefits of breastfeeding. she then made it a policy of the hospital to institute breastfeeding and only breastfeeding. bottles are banned. at first this was met with much resistance because it seemed unorthodox, but the results were: the incidence of diarrhea dropped from 98% to almost zero. they now have NO admissions to nursery due to diarrhea.

the director of that hospital was then asked by World Health Organization to help fight for breastfeeding.

despite the many nutrients in formula, breastmilk can never be topped. it is readily available, it promotes bonding between you and your baby, it promotes good bacteria in your baby's gut, it is always the right consistency, the right amount (your baby will latch off if she's had enough), and it contains antibodies, something that no formula will ever have.

sorry for the long story, but i had to get the point through... :) that said, there are no ABSOLUTE contraindications to breastfeeding. but there are relative contraindications... if you have a frank infection with pus and blood, it would be advisable to make it heal first before resuming breastfeeding. if you want to breastfeed, you have to make that infection heal NOW, because if you don't start breastfeeding, you automatically stop producing milk. consult another doctor for this infection you've been having. but i suggest that you express milk while you wait for it to heal (not to give to your baby if it has pus or blood, but to make sure your breasts CONTINUE to produce milk).

if your baby can't latch on, it's most possible she isn't being latched on the right way. ask the nurse for instructions (i know you're a very good mom, but latching on is something to be learned with instruction, if it's to be done successfully... :D ). also, since the bottle provides a much easier way of feeding for the baby, the baby may develop a laziness toward breastfeeding. so if you truly want to breastfeed your baby, this would require a lot of work in your case... :/

don't give up! if you choose to give formula while you are healing, give it via a small cup instead of a bottle to avoid making your baby lazy for breastfeeding later on. you will have to prop up your baby while feeding her via a very very small plastic calibrated cup (can be bought in hospitals) to prevent choking.

this way, a compromise is made between formula and breastfeeding. a temporary one, hopefully, because after your piercing heals, you may finally be able to breastfeed. good luck! you are such a good mom for being so concerned about this. :)

2007-01-17 07:29:25 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Breastmilk is not always best. There is new research out now and formula is becoming better and better. The benefits of formula is that you know exactly what is in it meaning how many vitamins and minerals your baby is receiving instead of relying on your own diet to provide this. Also you can monitor the flow and the amount the baby drinks. With breastfeeding you never know how many ounces the baby is getting. All of my friends and family that tried to breastfeed could not do it successfully. Either the baby would not latch on or not enought milk etc. I would definately switch doctors if he thinks pus and blood coming from your nipples is ok. Good Luck

2007-01-17 14:47:13 · answer #2 · answered by HONEYB1 6 · 4 2

Breastmilk IS ALWAYS best for baby. However, breastfeeding is not always best for every mom.

There is no shame or guilt in truely not being able to breastfeed your child.

You really need to get rid of that infection, breastfeeding or not! Has you doc done a culture on it? If not, ask for one the next time you have pus. If a culture is done, you might be able to get rid of it for good.

I'd be very concerned about that recurring infection.

If you can (no infection) breastfeed your baby after he is born. Do it for as long as you can. Everyday offers more benefit!

Congrats on the baby!

2007-01-17 20:01:44 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Well you breastfed longer than me. I only lasted 2 months. I also had problems getting him to latch on. You just do what you feel is right. If your doctor says its okay then it probably is, but if you still don't feel you want to breastfeed whether it's because of the piercing or not, then you shouldn't. Formula's have come a long way and even though they aren't as healthy as breast milk they still pack a lot of the right nutrients and come pretty close.

2007-01-17 14:50:12 · answer #4 · answered by Beach bum 2 · 3 0

Use formula, and be okay with it!!! Today women are treated like bad mothers if this is the choice that they make, and it's not fair. yes, breast milk is best, we all know that. But you have to make a decision that you are comfortable with, not one that others have guilted you in to doing. My baby was formula fed after 3 months of breastfeeding, which I never became successful at (had to use a nipple shield the entire time), and once I made my own decision, I felt like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders.
My advice: Do what's right for you!!!!

2007-01-17 15:39:32 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I think that alot of people think that u are a horrible mother becayse ur not breastfeeding. But in my opion its all up to u honey....wheni had my son the hospital was trying to force me to breastfeed when really it hurt way to much......if u dont feel comfortable with breastfeeding because of the way ur breasts are well then dont do it.....ur baby having formula is going to hurt him they just say its because they dont get all the nutrition that they need......but my son has been on formula sice he was born and he is really healthy.....its all up to if u dont feel cmfortable doing it dont....dont let it bug u,ur going to be a good mother if u breastfeed or not......as long as ur there for ur child he/she is goinng to love u no matter what...

2007-01-17 15:24:33 · answer #6 · answered by mammakayla 4 · 0 0

Nope it's not wrong at all sometimes breastfeeding just doesn't work for mother or baby because I found that out myself even though I really wanted to breastfeed.....

2007-01-17 16:32:33 · answer #7 · answered by KDB 3 · 0 0

Its not wrong at all to give your child formula. That is what it was created for. Not all women can breastfeed for a number of various reasons. It'll all be fine and dont let anyone bully you into thinking that your decision is wrong.

2007-01-17 14:55:07 · answer #8 · answered by Mrs Z. 4 · 2 0

Regarding breastfeeding for any mom, including the pierced nipples (which I also have-31 wks preg)---I can't express enough how great information from Le Leche League is!!! I read the book, The womanly art of breastfeeding, and it was great! you can get the book online or just about anywhere you get other baby stuff....


also, contact your local le leche league group! they can be an enourmous support system for you!

Good Luck!!!!



2007-01-18 13:12:25 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

no, its not wrong at all. some people prefer to breast feed because of the nutrients and all that, but formula has its own benefits too. going with the formula sounds best for your health too though. if they arent healed by then, can you imagine how much pain you'd be in. ouch. :]
formula is the way to go girl. in the end the decision is ultimately yours. do what you feel is best for the little one and yourself.
good luck!

2007-01-17 14:49:56 · answer #10 · answered by Jessica 2 · 3 0

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