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i would like to say i am only dealing in fact here it is not rastis to bring up facts so dont act like it is

2007-01-17 05:44:38 · 16 answers · asked by bond1254 1 in Politics & Government Law & Ethics

um lets see aferican americans make up more then %50 of the prison pop. So thats a fact

2007-01-17 05:49:28 · update #1

sry one more thing also 90% of all theft in america is for non needed goods in other words ps2 games cds that kind of thing not food

2007-01-17 05:50:55 · update #2

16 answers

YES!!! I work for the District Court in Hawaii. Here the population of black people is less than 1%; yet, they account for 23% of the crimes perpetrated within our state. There are no excuses for racial discrimination since every demographic group is a minority in our state. Additionally, there are no excuses for poverty since most of the perpetrators are employed.


2007-01-17 09:06:28 · answer #1 · answered by syaw10 3 · 3 0

The question itself is racist if you are saying that you are just stating facts but do not give the statistics where you took these facts. At least Jena gave some established statistics in her answer we can use to evaluate your statement.

If the statistic is accurate and is based on national figures, my opinion would be that blacks face racism and bigotry every day, and they are often discriminated against so they do not always get a better job. They also tend to be poorer because they are not given the same chances as non-visible minority groups.

Imagine if you had a society where everyone looks and speaks the same, and believes in the same religion. The only difference in all of these people is that anyone who is left-handed is considered inferior to the rest of us. Try as they might, they cannot switch to be right handed no matter what they do.

Do you think that it is right for society as a whole to treat these people differently or that they should not be allowed to get a high paying job because of that?

A minority of right-handers (rightists) are constantly harrassing the lefties. Rightist policemen stop the lefties car for no reason. A restaurant tells the leftie that they are sorry that they have no available seats, but then make room for a rightie. The rightie landlord refuses to rent to the leftie at his apartment complex. Do you think all of that resentment and disappointment will just disperse, or will the lefties eventually say say "enough"! We are fighting back for leftie rights!

Now replace lefties and righties with blacks and whites....

What I would like to see is a statistical comparison of blacks vs hispanics vs middle-easterns. All of these groups face persecution and discrimination in today's society due to their race. Now break up those statistics into families that earn above the national average for family income, and those that are below it. Look at that graph and I think that per capita, the ones listed below the national average for income will be more likely to be guilty of both petty and violent crimes, regardless of their race.

2007-01-17 06:02:18 · answer #2 · answered by SteveN 7 · 0 4

I think that crime is correlated with many things. It is a cycle, one thing affects the other. Crime is higher is poorer, low income areas. And so if you are poor you are more likely to live in the "ghettos," in poorer areas, attend poor public schools, have friends that are in similar situations, and then the child grows in an unnourished environment...not all of course many overcome these obstacles... and well it also starts at home. the parents also modeled bad behavior because they grew up in poor conditions... and that's how it goes... it's a vicious cycle...
had the child been adopted by a rich african american family, the child probably would not be likely to be a criminal and break laws. it has to do with poor living conditions, who raised you, what you were taught was important early on in life, the friends you hang out with...etc. but it is not about race as much as it is about money. no money =struggle, stress... etc.
many african americans have come from families with no money are in poor conditions... and have not broken the cycle and so their kids lead their ways too.... am I right or wrong??

2007-01-17 05:55:30 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 3

Well you will be pleased to log this fact in your collection. Race has nothing to do with crime rate. It is strictly a function of geographic area and location, and for any given race, there are racial ghettos due to feeble attempts by liberals to legislate poverty out of existence. These geographical areas are predisposed to higher crime rates because the liberals don't quite understand that a welfare check for every resident is not conducive to attitudes of self sufficiency and strong work ethic, but (here's that ugly fact again) it does foster a high crime rate (and the votes of those receiving the welfare checks). minority races living outside these geographic areas have no higher a crime rate than the majority....My my... there's the real facts.

2007-01-17 08:54:37 · answer #4 · answered by Gunny T 6 · 0 2

You are VERY right Bond 1254. I been a Bail Bondsman for 32 years, and thats why i know your right. Ask a real African from Africa what he thinks of the African Americans you will be surprised what you here. A true African always goes to court for me.

2007-01-17 06:07:44 · answer #5 · answered by bondsman022 1 · 4 0

I think it is the vicious cycle of a self-destructive subculture within the black community. While poverty does play a factor, it is not the only factor. Fatherless households, welfare-entitlement culture, plus a heaping dash of "we're being kept down by the Man" adds up to a criminal breeding ground.

This isn't a black thing, either. The Boston Irish ghetto had very similar characteristics and results.

2007-01-17 06:21:15 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

The Color of Crime, a New Century Foundation study based on federal crime reports, has found significant differences in violent crime rates for different racial and ethnic groups. Blacks, for example, are many times more likely to commit crimes of violence against whites than vice versa. Of the approximately 1,700,000 interracial violent crimes involving blacks and whites reported every year, blacks commit 90 percent and whites commit only ten percent. Blacks are therefore more than 50 times more likely than whites to commit interracial crimes of violence. The differences are even greater for multiple-offender interracial crimes, with blacks 100 to 250 times more likely to be involved in gang attacks on whites than the reverse.

Blacks are as much more likely to be arrested for violent crimes as men are more likely to be arrested than women.

there is also a graph of arrest rates and for what crime.....here are some more facts for you since people were asking where your facts come from.

i believe they have higher crime rates because typically they are lower class (not ALWAYS...typically) so they steal more and commit more robbery's. also they result to gangs and drug dealing to make money. they are brought up around crime their whole lives so they are more prone to being criminals themselves.

2007-01-17 05:53:59 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

They also have higher blood pressure. They usually run faster and jump higher, they are more in tune with their physical being. They tend to shoot first and ask questions later. I think we have failed socializing them in our school system to some degree. You also have to take into consideration the trauma of slavery and their genetic propensities. We can not deny the role of genes. Medical research is taking into account race because not all races react the same to the same treatment.

2007-01-17 05:53:02 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

I feel it may have to do with where you live, this place of livings economic position in fluctuation at the time, being without, which also makes for feelings helpless and hopelessness, which sometimes leads to drugs, and to include this addicted circumstance, which also may drive one to crime by way of also being without, and the effects of drugs on behavior, is not a racially relevant issue.

What psychological and sociological studies have you looked at in regards to the causing of criminal behavior and activity?

2007-01-17 05:53:32 · answer #9 · answered by Garret Tripp 3 · 0 2

The FBI Uniform Crime Reports provide statistical confirmation for what most people already know from personal experience. Blacks have higher per capita perpetration rates for violent crimes than any other race does.

If you want to examine the FBI Uniform Crime Reports, you'll find them online at

The most relevant information comes from a document called "Crime in the United States," which is published every year by the US Department of Justice. Every single year, Black US residents exhibit per capita murder perpetration rates that are seven to nine times higher than those of White Americans.

Year after year, this has been documented. It's a fact. It does not show any significant changes over time. It will be true again this year, and next year.

The lopsidedness in the Black-to-White ratio in violent crime rates at the national level is revealed again when you sample the data by US counties. Here are the county-level crime data.

And, to go with that crime data, the racially resolved populations of US counties can found at American Factfinder.

More US population data can be found from the Census Bureau's "National Population Projections, Detailed Files, 2001-2010."
(PDF file, 282 kilobytes)

Another source of crime statistics is "Statistical Abstract of the United States," a publication of the US government. Here's the download link for Section 5: Law Enforcement, Courts, and Prisons.
(PDF file, 272 kilobytes)

Typically, however, the Statistical Abstract will not put racial demographics and crime data in the same table. So you would need to correlate the crime information in Section 5 with the population data in Section 1, and here's the link:
(PDF file, 692 kilobytes)

You'll notice that the most violent areas are the racially darkest areas, and the trend is too clear to be coincidence.

Poverty cannot be the cause of the disparity between Black and White crime rates. Liberals (and Blacks) always make this excuse, but the assertion that Black poverty causes Black crime is false. I'll show the proof...

According to the US Census, 11.2% of American Whites and 29.0% of US resident Blacks lived in poverty in 1995. Yes, a higher percentage of Blacks than Whites were poor. But how many poor Whites and poor Blacks are we talking about? Obviously poverty can't motivate anybody who is not poor to commit a violent crime.

In 1995, there were 218.3 million American Whites and 33.1 million US resident Blacks, which shows, after multiplying by the respective percentages, that there were 24.4 million POOR Whites and 9.5 million POOR Blacks living in the United States that year. Poor White Americans outnumbered poor Black US residents by a ratio of 2.57 to one.

If poverty were the fundamental cause of violent crime, as the liberals say it is, then for each 100 murders in the US committed by Blacks, about 257 murders would have been committed by Whites. But that is not what happened. The fact is that ~ 55% of the murders in the United States in 1991 were committed by Blacks.

In other words, for each 100 murders committed by Blacks, only 82 murders were being committed by non-Blacks. By ALL NON-BLACK GROUPS COMBINED.

Even if you were to assume that Whites committed all the murders in the United States in 1995 that Blacks did not commit, Whites could be responsible, at most, for only 82 murders for each 100 murders perpetrated by Blacks.

These facts are in conflict with a prediction that comes from the liberal theory about racial equality, which means that the theory must be wrong. Poverty isn't the cause of Black violence. Poor Whites do not behave as poor Blacks behave. The "poverty causes crime" hypothesis is a liberal myth.

Yawhosucs challenged the asker: "Where does that claim come from? What source?" This is *his* answer, as well as the Asker's answer.

Several answers appearing after mine raise the standard liberal canard about poverty causing crime. As I've proved, it does not. The Black tendency to commit crimes does not come from poverty. If it did, then poor Whites and poor Blacks would behave the same, but they don't.

Ravensgirl's answer is good, except for the last paragraph. Blacks were conspicuously more violent than Whites before they began dealing illegal drugs. That activity merely gave them one more thing to be violent about.

Race has EVERYTHING to do with the crime rate. There is no social factor that is as well correlated with crime rates as race is. None! The best predictor of how much crime an area has, whether it is a city or a rural state, a high school campus or an old folks' home, is the racial demographics of its population. Refer to the JPG graphs linked in my sources.

2007-01-17 05:48:28 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

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