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I'd like the opinions of both men and women on this device.
The link shows it and has information on it but what it is basically, is a device that can be inserted to a womans vagina. It has 'barbs' on it that tear at the mans penis when he removes it, damaging the man and leaving DNA evidence for the woman to use when she reports the rape. A woman can wear this comfortably at anytime and it recommends that she use it if she is going to be in any situation where she worries for her sexual safety. Some the examples they give are going on a long journey alone, working late, or going on a date when she is unsure of the man and his intentions.

What do you think. Good thing or bad thing? What are the drawbacks, if any, as you see them? What are the benefits, if any, as you see them?

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2007-01-17 04:38:14 · 22 answers · asked by angelkarmachic 4 in Social Science Gender Studies

22 answers

I think it's a device with good intentions but I don't think it'll work out. Some women may use it as a revenge weapon. Some may get DNA evidence just to blackmail or threaten a man even if the sex was consensual.

I think the product needs further thought.

2007-01-17 04:44:53 · answer #1 · answered by Laynee 2 · 6 1

I agree with the others. An inanimate object cannot be racist. And if a device such as this exists (this is the first time I've heard of it), then I would assume that it's debut would be introduced into a place in the world with the highest number of rapes. You have to remember, for every rape that is reported, another 5-10 rapes are not. If South Africa has the highest number of reported rapes, then I can imagine that the actual number of rapes occurring are mind boggling. All I can say about this device is that it is about damned time something like this is available. To rape or not to rape is the mans choice. What? It's okay to rape a woman causing both physical and emotional scars but he don't have to pay for it? BULL****!! If you stuck your hand into a fire, would it be racist if you got burned?? Is the fire racist? Cuz it's certain that if you stick your hand into that fire, your skin is gonna change colors when the skin is burned off and the meat beneath is exposed. When are they going to introduce these devices here, in North America? We need it just as badly!

2016-03-14 07:06:36 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

"Bonzai Betty" is right. This device was created by a blood technician in South Africa, as a deterrent to rape, which is rampant there. The device protects women and girls from STD's and HIV, because it works the same as a female condom. As far as the man killing the woman after he's injured, that could happen anyway. The website says that the device is incredibly painful (MUCH worse than a kick in the crotch) and will momentarily disable the attacker, giving the girl time to get away. And with HIV being the problem it is in S. Africa, the girl is very likely to get a death sentence anyway, even if she survives her attack (and wasn't wearing the device). And yes, like anything, it could be misused, but there are legal repercussions. I think in countries like South Africa, where rape is a significant problem, this is a good solution. (Believe it or not, there is a superstition in S. Africa that men who have HIV, can have sex with a virgin, and be cured by doing so.) As for Europe and the U.S., I'm not sure how necessary it is. Rape is just not as big of a problem here, and there are other ways to protect yourself. But for places like S. Africa, ANY solution is a good solution.

2007-01-17 07:48:45 · answer #3 · answered by wendy g 7 · 2 0

looks like it could make the rapest an even more violent person. Bad as it is rape isn't good and whoever commits it should be punished but this doesn't look like the answer. The best defense a woman today has is to take some Ju Jitsu classes and learn how to defend herself. An 80 pound girl can defend herself against a 300 + pound attacker with this kind of defense course. I would suggest getting daughters, wives and sisters enrolled in these courses instead of buying something that will make an aggressive man even more aggressive.

2007-01-17 07:20:39 · answer #4 · answered by Jeremy M 2 · 0 2

I don't buy the website, it can't be real. But let's just say it is real:

If a guy has a girl under his control, he's ready to rape her ... what's to stop him from taking this device out of her and then raping her?

I'd think that a woman who actually used this thing would definitely have a beating (or worse) coming from her attacker. Plus if a guy gets his wang ripped up by barbs, you know he is going to find an object with equal viciousness to use on her as revenge.

2007-01-17 06:10:19 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

Owwww!! If this device can inflict so much pain, can it also accidentally harm the woman when inserting or removing? How long can it be worn? If it does work, you know some attorney will turn the rapist into a martyr and sue the victim and company creating the device. Is this even legal?

2007-01-17 07:57:57 · answer #6 · answered by Kate O 1 · 0 0

Ive thought it was a good idea from the moment I heard about it. Unfortunatly some groups try to claim thats in inhumane for the rapist, as if we are all supposed to be concerned about the welfare of a rapist who rapes girls and passes on the AIDS virus. This device will also mark the rapist as a rapist, and match his DNA to his victims. Africa has a bad problem with rapes occuring, and innocent women being infected with AIDS as a result.

2007-01-17 06:10:53 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 4 1

that could be a good idea, except most of the rapes are usually caused by someone the victims already knows. and some brutal rapes, the man refuses to wear condoms. so what do you do? learn self defense and learn how to fight. and if you are ever going out at the night on the town, bring your girlfriends and never stray from them

2007-01-17 04:50:46 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Well, it's pretty sad that women's safety has come to this, wouldn't you say?

Here's an idea; how about men stop raping women. If any man is unfortunate enough to encounter one of these, I'd say he asked for it. Not raping a woman costs you nothing.

2007-01-17 11:10:05 · answer #9 · answered by heathen 4 · 0 1

assuming this incredibly stupid thing is real, how many ***** do you think would have to get shredded before men started checking for the prescence of one (with a stick or something), or more likely, just not risk it in the first place and pork them in the butt instead?

Yeah, call me crude if you want, but the people that are peddling this thing want money, not to guarantee anybody's safety. And psychos in pain rarely run off and howl and give you a chance to get away. They kill you.

This is profiteering nonsense, and will be about as useful in preventing rapes as weekend self defense classes.

It's all about money.

And every kind of crime is "rampant" in South Africa. One of the benefits of the hard-won "liberation" of the native people worked for so actively by the liberal Western press.

They don't seem as anxious to report on the world they created as they did on the one that existed in the Apartheid days, do they?

2007-01-18 01:30:52 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

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