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Please, would you mind sharing all your birth stories with me, (as well as those who read this page...) I am interested in all types, home, hospital, birthing center, water, induced, twins, breach, c-section??? Please share...And please share anything you have learned with those experiences!!!?

2007-01-17 04:14:48 · 21 answers · asked by Boppysgirl 5 in Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

I have had 1 son, a few years ago...I had a terrible induction & c-section. I am really just trying to give any proud, frustrated, happy, bitter, excited moms a place to share! (I don't want to have another baby in the hospital!) So hearing others stories is very encouraging!

2007-01-17 04:21:50 · update #1

They don't give me enough room to tell my birth story! I labored 18 hours & pushed for 1.5 hours before they said I nedded a c-section. Although I am the extremely proud mother of a rambunctious healthy 3.5 year old. I feel cheated out of one of life great experiences. I know some will not understand that at all, but those of you who do, know what I mean. I want to have a VBAC (vaginal delivery after cesarean). It has been difficult to find supporters. I love hearing/reading all your stories, keep them coming! I will be TTC in May of '07.

2007-01-17 04:51:00 · update #2

21 answers


I was a week over due, I had to be induced. I went in at 9pm Sun. night and they started the cervidil at midnight. By 4:30 am Mon the babys heart rate was dropping and theywere worrried and at 6 am they had to remove the tablet. Too much stress for the baby.

Then I spent all day on pitocin got to max dose and stayed there for a couple hours, never dilated past 1.5cm, no contractions. They finall had to stop the pitocin and decided to inflate urthreal cathiter balloons in my cervix to force it to open. They did that 2 times and taped the cord to my leg as tight as they could and when I moved it was supposed to put pressure on my cervix forcing it to open up and eventually pull the balloon out. then the gave up Mon night.... and restarted the pitocin at 6 am Tues morning!

i managed to get to a 3 by them breaking my water and giving me the epidural.

I finally after hours of crying and telling the nurse I could't handle any more 6 Dr's walkin to my room! Stumped and wanting to try even more things on me!

All I could do is tell them point blank, NO MORE! I want a C-section now!

He was born on Tues at 3:32 pm.

After all that i am TTC again. It was worth it.

2007-01-17 04:26:41 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

I know what you mean, my first pregnancy was a nightmare, I had HG from 5weeks and lost loads of weight, spending most of the time in hospital. When my daughter was born I went through an 18 hour labour, had to have my waters broken, Lasted just using gas and air until the last 1/2 hour when I had 2 injections of pethidine so the midwife could detach baby's head from my cervix, she got stuck. She is 2 now and I'm currently 34weeks pregnant, I'm booked in to have a home birth and can't wait, the only thing is you have to be over 37 weeks or you have to go into hospital. I must say though, regarding my first daughter the best thing about the whole labour was delivering sitting on a birthing stool, it helped ease a lot of pressure and was sooooooooooo much more comfortable than laying down.

2007-01-17 04:30:23 · answer #2 · answered by SARAH S 3 · 0 0

i have had two hospital births. My first was a hard and horrible experience .I was in labor for 32 hours ! I was only 18 and wanted to have the baby natural .No..... after 28 hours and a whole lot of pain i was at 3 cm .I told the doctor when ever i could get the epidural i WANTED it . I finally got it and 4 hours later i had my son . (i would go threw it all over again if i had to ) My second birth i had decided that when the contractions started i wasnt going to rush to the hospital .I waited about 3 hours till we went to the hospital .When i arrived at the hospital i was 3 1/2 cm.
After getting me all situated bout an hour later i was in some pain i ask for the epidural they come immediatly to put it in .When they layed me back i was still in a lot of pain i told nurse i thought i had to push she lifted the cover and u could see my daughters hair i pushed two times and my baby was born .I loved being pregnant but i love having them here alot more. My son was 7 lbs 13oz 19 1/2 in.Chandler Drake my daughter was 9 lbs 18 1/2 in. Camreigh Dacoatah they also broke my daughters collar bone when they pulled her out because she was so fat she was a short little rollie pollie

2007-01-21 12:49:57 · answer #3 · answered by whitney82101 1 · 0 0

My second and third deliveries were uneventful. My second labor was about 4 hours and I pushed 4 times and my third I was in labor for 22 hours and pushed 3 times. I did almost have to have my second child in the hallway, because L & D was so busy. My first child was another story. I was in labor, pushed for 2 1/2 hours before they had to deliver him by forceps ( his heart rate dropped down to around 30) I felt for a long time that I was fauiler. Then I relized that leaving the hospital with a healtly and happy baby was all that mattered. I personal would not try to do a VBAC at home, even if you live near the hospital.

2007-01-17 05:13:21 · answer #4 · answered by applecrisp 6 · 0 0

My pregnancy was awesome - hardly any pain. I was 1 week overdue and they had to induce me. I went to the hospital on the day that I had made my appointment for. I rested for a while and watched TV. The doctor came and gave me an epidural. It kinda felt a little funny - a pinch but nothing really more. I rested a little bit more while the nurses came every so often to check if I was dilated enough. Your contractions will come, then more often once you're almost ready to give birth.

When I was ready, my doctor came and told me to push and push some more. It took like 3 pushes. Voila the baby is here : ) ..Like I said, it didn't really hurt just a lot of pressure. It's like cramping but a little worse. As long as you relax, you should be fine.

Afterwards, the nurses cleaned me and the baby up and did a quick check up on her to make sure she's fine. You can opt to have her taken to the nursery or have her in the room with you. You can immediately start breast feeding if you'd like. I had my daughter with me for a while but she cried too much during the night so I had the nurse take her to the nursery so I could sleep.

After that, you probably stay for about 48 hours. Rest, watch TV, eat, etc. My nurse brought me pints of Haegan Daaz : ). I was like whoa..not cheap hospital ice cream. Yea!

2007-01-17 04:29:43 · answer #5 · answered by Laynee 2 · 1 0

Since I haven't given birth to my 3rd yet(34 weeks!) I'll tell you the birth story with my youngest. She was due October 26,2008. When I was about 37 1/2 weeks, one night I started having extreme back pains and lower stomach pains. Since it was in the middle of the night we held off for an hour or so.. just to see if they were more Braxton Hicks(which I had been having a lot of.) About 11 pm that night, my water broke, so we figured it was full on labor! I had a 23 month old at the time, and no one to watch her at the very moment, so we quickly had to get her, grab my bag and head to the hospital. During the 15 minute ride to the hospital, we called my mother(who lives about 45 minutes away) and told her what was going on. She and my dad immediatley headed over to the hospital. It was close to 1 am before we actual got into the hospital and into a room. Doctor came in to examine me and I was only about 3 cm dilated. Having had such a horrible labor with my older daughter(14 hours, no meds!) I begged for an epidural. So a while passed, not too much progress. My parents finally showed up, along with my sister so they were able to watch my daughter(who was at this point exhausted, it's about 2 am!) Finally after about 2 1/2 hours, we finally started making progress. I was up to about 6 cm. dilated. After that, it all went pretty smoothly. Though my little one seemed pretty stubborn to come out, the last 4 cm flew by and I started to push. I swear, it felt like about 2 minutes and she was out! At 5:33 am, on October 10th,2008, we welcomed a beautiful,healthy baby girl. Evangeline Kylie weighed in at 7 pounds 7 ounces :) Though I still had several long hours of labor, it was nothing compared to the labor/delivery with my first. 14 hours, no pain meds=no fun! I'm due February 18th with my third.. my husband and I are pretty sure I'm going to have an epidural again, but we'll see. :) *forgot to add* My stay at the hospital went really smoothly. My husband was pre-med at the time and his father was a doctor, so we were friendly with all of the staff there. The nurses we had were fantastic, I was really pleased :) We sort of had a birth plan, but when the actual thing came about, we didn't stick to it that much.

2016-05-24 00:16:03 · answer #6 · answered by Charmaine 4 · 0 0

Looking back on it, I can honestly say that everything about my FIRST pregnancy was a dream (compared to this one), and that includes labor and delivery. I had started with the painless contractions about 20 mins. apart on Saturday night (After spaghetti dinner at my MIL's) They continued on until I went to bed. The next day(Sunday) I woke up around 12 and they were about 5 mins. apart but were still painless, so i called the health line to see if they thought i should go in. Of course they said yes, but I didn't want to spend the whole day in the hospital, so i waited. Now this was the May 2-4 weekend of, and my husband and his father were planning on setting off fireworks to celebrate, so we left the house around 7:30 to go there. By this time, the contractions were a little more uncomfortable, but not painful yet - Until the car ride. Then they started to hurt and I began to wonder.... By 10,(AFTER the fireworks) I was really not sure what to think. Was this labor, was this false labor? I decided to go to the hospital and get checked out b4 going home. (but this couldn't be labor could it??). Turns out i was 3 cm dilated, and they put me on the oxytocin to speed things up. Checked in a little after 10, got hooked up to the oxytocin drip, and just waited. After a while i decided to go with the epidural (I really don't think i needed to, but hey, i was tired) That worked so well, that i actually went to sleep at least for an hour or so. And pushing baby out was not so hard either. My son was born at 6:52am on Monday, May 23rd.

2007-01-17 04:35:03 · answer #7 · answered by Cyndi Storm 4 · 1 0

I had an induced labor hospital birth. The doctor claimed he thought my baby was getting too big but I think he just does all of his deliveries on Fridays, so it was convienient for his schedule. Anywho, everything went pretty good. By the time I was in my 2nd stage of contractions, I was in terrible pain so I decided to get an epidural. Made the pain go bye-bye. I hear being induced brings on stronger, more rapid contractions though. I got my baby out in two pushes thereafter. They called it a textbook delivery. :)

2007-01-17 04:23:04 · answer #8 · answered by come_on_kiss_the_gun 3 · 1 0

I just gave birth to my first, a baby boy named Trysten, in Mesa Arizona. I was induced due to PIH (pregnancy induced hypertension) at 35 weeks and put on Magnesium. I am an ob/gyn RN, and I deal with people like me everyday...I have such an appreciation for my patients now! Any way, the Magnesium made me trow up like the excorsist and the pitocin was fighting with the magnesium, making me crazy. I was in so much pain, I had an epidural. I was in labor for 10 hours, and pushed out my 5lb 8oz boy in 2 hours! And it hurt like hell, even though I had an epidural on board. Trysten tore me and I had a laceration. I cried during my first bowel movement! I really feel like I missed the delivery due to being on all those medications, but I am so happy that Trysten is happy, healthy and so beautiful!

2007-01-21 17:19:10 · answer #9 · answered by Susan 3 · 0 0

I've had 3 hospital births that honestly as long as your child is healthy all the other stuff doesn't matter

I did wish however somebody would have told me about the pain of getting stitches and the six weeks of bleeding afterward and the afterbirth was actually worse than the delivery

Just my experience! I would have love to tried a water birth!

2007-01-17 04:22:40 · answer #10 · answered by Catherine A 3 · 3 0

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