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I am a first time mom, my son seems to have really bad gas, he passes it all the time, when i feed him he takes some of the bottle then starts straining and his legs bstart kicking, and starts crying, he has had mylicon drops but thgey don't seem to be working, i feel so bad nothing i do seems to help him, i tried changing him to soy but that doesn't seem to be helping, he would not breast feed so that is out of the question. What about gripe water? getting desperate, please help, His bowel movements seem to be firm, before soy he was on siilac advance with iron, could this be the problem?

2007-01-17 04:11:08 · 11 answers · asked by natalieT 1 in Pregnancy & Parenting Newborn & Baby

11 answers

Did you try getting help from a La Leche League Leader and/or a Lactation Consultant to get him to nurse? A LLL Leader will help for FREE and it's not to late to try again. If he still won't latch on after seeking professional help, you could try pumping your own milk. If you don't have a pump, you could probably rent one from your hospital.

2007-01-17 04:14:40 · answer #1 · answered by momma2mingbu 7 · 1 0

If your baby has gas it may be due to the position he is eating.
1- Try holding him up in your arms and hold the bottle for him. Make sure he is in a semi-seated position so that the fluid goes down and that his airways are open. Sometimes when the baby is lying on its back, the milk/fluid just sits in the back of the throat if they don't swallow.
2- Check the nipples; there are many types out there that reduce flow. Maybe the baby is getting too much liquid and the excess feeding is causing him to become gassy.
3- Contact your local clinic and ask for help. They can suggest methods/schedules of feeding among other useful and helpful tips.
Don't feel that you have to rasie this baby on your own. When you feel up to it, join a playgroup or support group and see how other mothers are coping and dealing with their newborns. You may come across some very helpful topics and also give you the notion that you are not alone.
I breastfed both my children. My first, for only 5 months and then he was on the bottle. I loved it! My daughter then came and she was breastfed as well but an awful latcher; it was painful for me but I went on with her for 19 months! Why? Because she refused a bottle for when she was 6-12 months! I never knew that they could do that! See sometimes you just have to live through it. You will be fine.
If you feel that you have exhausted all you options, take your child for an appointment and tell the pediatrition of your concerns.
All the best. If you would like some support or just someone to talk to, e-mail me at crystalize_27@yahoo.com
Take care.

2007-01-17 12:26:43 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

i think that it could be the quick change of milk that you have been doing.See there stomach is not working properly yet.There
for when you are going to do a change of formula you need to give enough water so that you clean out the stomach and then try the next formula.And if the baby still has a lot of gas then it`s proberly because your not burping the child correctly.And when
that happens they start to have lots and lots of colic pain.My point here is that it might not be the formula and it might be the way you burp and give milk to a child this age.At this age the child should drink no more than 2 ounces at a time and then burp.After the child has burped from the 2 ounces then you contuinue to give milk the same way.So this way the childs body can act properly.

2007-01-17 12:27:24 · answer #3 · answered by www.sexybabe25 1 · 0 0

My son did the same thing,you can always try switching him to a dairy free fomula,he could have a sensitivity to dairy.Infimil makes one called Nutrmagen and Similac makes one called Alimentum.My son is allergic to dairy and soy.He may also have acid reflux where the doctor will prescibe Zantac,it is totally safe for babys,lots of babes take it,mine is on it right now as a trial for the last 3 days.My son is 5 months and still puts up a fuss like this and eats very little for his age.Gripe water is alright but i would try oval,it works way better,i find gripe water works best for hiccups.I wish you the best,be sure to drill your doctor for answers,I am going back to my pediatritian again today because for 3 days now i dont see much of a difference,my baby does not spit up so she figures it is called silent reflux.Try to look up the symtoms of acid reflux and dairy allergys this may help you alot.Best of luck i know what your dealing with.Iron is also hard on young babys,mine has to take iron drops,that is due to another health issue for his heart prescribed by his cardiologist.

2007-01-17 13:35:34 · answer #4 · answered by Baby Pearce 3 · 0 0

It sounds like your baby has colic. Mylicon is only for little gassy episodes. You really need to call his doctor and just ask for advice. But you can help him relieve his gas at home.

Lay him on his back and grab his feet. With his knees bent gently push both knees up toward his chest. Hold it for 5 seconds and slowly bring his legs back down. You can make it a game and sing to him while you do it.

You can also help by laying him on the floor with a blanket. He needs to lay on his tummy on a hard surface and to get his digestion moving. You can also just lay him across your knees or in his crib tummy down. The key is more tummy time. Try burping him sometimes, even if he isn't eating.

You may want to invest in an Avent bottle appropriate for his age. They have the best system for eliminating air from the nipple. I used them with my kids.

2007-01-17 12:23:04 · answer #5 · answered by blazenphoenix 4 · 0 0

Instead of giving him drugs (boy don't people love drugs! how can you give any to a newborn?) try gently massaging his tummy a few times a day and when he starts being uncomfortable. The warmth of your hand will also make him calm down quicker. He will enjoy it a lot more than mylicon drops, and it works just as good, believe me.

And make sure his formula does not contain iron. Iron can make even an adult badly constipated! Try Enfamil Gentlease, it is supposed so be very gentle on baby's tummy, as it's specially formulated for babies with gas.

2007-01-17 12:20:48 · answer #6 · answered by DM 3 · 1 1

It also could be colic, which all the books say there really isn't a cure for--it just goes away, usually by about three months. I'd definitely try breast feeding again, though. Also be very sure that he's not getting a lot of air from the bottle when feeding.

2007-01-17 12:21:07 · answer #7 · answered by Woz 4 · 0 1

This happens to a lot of babies. It is usually constipation and their tummies are hurting.
Try a spoonful of freshly squeezed orange juice first thing in the morning. You could give him this every morning to keep him regular. It might make his stool runny at first but as his system gets use to the juice...he will be fine. As he grows, increase the orange juice until he is having an once or two per day

PS. After about 6 months or so...when he gets constipated...Try adding a little cod-liver oil to the orange juice.

2007-01-21 11:41:07 · answer #8 · answered by Afi 7 · 0 0

My first child did this and it turned out to be reflux. Her esophagus was getting raw so it hurt plus they are hungry but dont want to eat because instinctively they know if will hurt.

I am not suggesting this is your situation but if you have ruled out gas you might want to consider it. At 7 weeks she went on a baby dose of previcept (sp?) and was "cured" with 48 hours. It was SUCH a relief. Other signs are if they spit up more than normal or more than normal amounts (as first time parents we didnt know what normal was) and if they are not sleeping well. GOOD LUCK!!

Oh, one more thing....DR BROWN baby bottles are designed to prevent air from getting in and GREALT reduces gas. They are expensive but I recommend them 10 times over.

2007-01-17 12:20:06 · answer #9 · answered by KB 3 · 1 0

Ask your doctor, he could also have acid reflux. my baby went through the same thing, though he wasn't pooping, I tried half a suppository and a splash of apple juice in his bottle, and that seemed to help alot. now he's 2 months old and we are doing great.

2007-01-17 12:20:11 · answer #10 · answered by jstar104 2 · 1 0

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