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Please Dont just say "Send them all back Home" and other racist rants. The BNP have been in the media a lot. Does anyone actually know what their policies are? I say this because I was on a web site looking at speedlimits and the BNP want to raise the Motorway limit to 90 MPH. Do any of the other political parties have a view other than pricing us out of existance with Speed Camera Piggy Banks. Does anyone know what their other policies are?

2007-01-17 03:45:33 · 16 answers · asked by malejocelyn 2 in Politics & Government Elections

16 answers


try this website tells you all you need to know.

Added...People really should read their policies.I just have and I have to admit to agreeing with a lot of what they say.I found nothing racist what so ever

2007-01-17 03:50:21 · answer #1 · answered by snikleback 5 · 6 2

The trouble with BNP is they have had a lot of bad publicity due to a few extreme members, I think overall that they could be good for Britain, providing they get their house in order. I am not so sure about some of their policies of sending back all non born British citizens, anyone with an once of sense would have to say that all immigrants in this country are not terrorist or spongers, a lot do good and contribute towards our economy. If you started sending Iraq's and Asians back, then you would have to remove every Jew then Irish catholic, then anyone who has roots in Wales, Scotland, France etc etc. What state do you think we'd be in then, For instance Irish are re known for their Nursing skills lots of Jewish people are Doctors and other highly skilled jobs, A lot of Asians were kick out of Uganda and set up their business here with nothing, should this type of people be repatriated ?. But there does seem that we need some controls and Labour,Liberal or the conservative don't have the guts to stand up and be counted for Britain, So should the BNP start getting seats in the House of commons, I'm sure you'd soon see these parties start to panic, and get their @rse in gear and start doing their job properly and more importantly do whats right for Britian.

2007-01-20 08:38:44 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The BNP or British National Party together with UKIP or United Kingdom Party represent the best chance we British have for change. New Labour (old Communist Party), Conservative and Liberal Parties policies are so much alike on constitutional matters (Europe), Immigration, devolution etc to make them almost a one party state. Both the BNP and the UKIP are fighting for the British indigenous populations right to exist, where as the three mainstream parties are using ethnic cleansing by mass immigration that is steadily eroding Britain's nationals to some areas of our country where we are minorities. Two years ago New Labour increased the intake of immigrants into this country from 50000 to 250000 a year it doesn't take much working out to see that if this carries on the English, Scots, Welsh and Northern Irish will be killed off within the next fifty years. Although, change will take place it is a long haul back to safety and without the BNP and UKIP Britain is finished. It is important to get as many BNP/UKIP members of Parliament in as soon as possible. The conservatives will not be putting the best candidates into seats, the numbers of MP'S are going to be chosen by political correctness i.e 20% will be Gays even though Cameron Knows the British will not vote for Gays unless they have proved themselves and I think that both BNP and UKIP will be able to punish the conservatives on this issue. Why would the conservatives hide it they are the first to find fault with BNP candidates if they can are they not? I believe that the BNP/UKIP parties will Deliver up to 50 or 60 new seats in the houses of parliment, when this happens Britain will again have a chance to recover.


2007-01-18 09:15:07 · answer #3 · answered by Redmonk 6 · 2 1

Apart from some racist undertones the BNP as policies very similar to those of the Conservatives before they adopted a "Tony Clone"as leader.Like it or not "Call me Dave"as driven more people towards the BNP than a million pound advertising campaign.

2007-01-17 11:53:41 · answer #4 · answered by geoff t 4 · 4 0

I understand the BNP to stand up for the rights of British people and THEIR way of life. People that want to overrun this country of OURS and have us looking after others when we cannot even look after ourselves, focus just on their supposed racist tendencies. If being racist is caring about ALL people in THIS country, of BRITISH 'race', then I guess I am racist; in fact they are not, and I am not racist........just Nationalist!

Most people on here that bang on about racism, don't even understand the meaning of the world, should we continue to ignor the problems we have here for fear of offending these people that do not even understand what THEY want?

Given the dire problems this once 'Great' Britain now faces, and the lack of leadership we have endured from all the so called 'normal' parties during the last fifty years, I have to say that YES, if they fielded a candidate in my constituancy, they would get my vote; even if only to keep the cosy present parties on their toes and thinking about what is best for THIS counrty and the areas of it they are supposed to be representing!

If British people (of all colours and religions) would put their prejudices asside for a moment and properly hear what the modern BNP has to say, they would gain power at the next election to put this Country back on track. The sad thing is, most people only THINK they know what they want; that is why everything just gets worse (and will continue to until SOMETHING CHANGES)!

2007-01-17 14:08:47 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 5 3

If the Imams can incite racial hatred throughout their communities why can't a legitimate political party have some moderate views themselves? Their policies are for the good of our nation as a WHOLE, not for minority groups and lefty bed-wetters.

2007-01-18 05:57:37 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

The BNP are the british national party - and although they do come across as racist - it is not that.
They are just looking out for britains best interests in the long run

2007-01-17 11:50:12 · answer #7 · answered by Gem 3 · 9 5

BNP is the british National party, and they strive for a white britain only.

2007-01-17 18:30:55 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 2 6

Not worth answering then is it, as one can only think what the BNP are mostly about.

2007-01-17 11:52:29 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 2 5

i would not trust any thing the media says.

2007-01-21 08:56:15 · answer #10 · answered by RED WHITE AND BLUE 4 · 2 0

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