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OKay.... here we go..... I got drunk at a party on saturday...like major drunk and I had some weed aswell... then after that party I was with this guy and we kinda got it on but like we didn't have sex......... but...... there is a chance that his *** could of got into my system coz he came and I was like wearing no underwear!! lol, but that's not the point... so we got the morning after pill on monday... but I feel really sick... what do u think is wrong with me?? could I be pregnant or do you think it could still be the hangover??

2007-01-17 03:40:21 · 22 answers · asked by Girrrl 3 in Pregnancy & Parenting Adolescent

22 answers

You have had the morning after pill so should be ok... sigh of relief... but its not 100% effective and depends how quickly you took it.

Hes you dont have to have sex to get pregnant as yes any way the tiniest amount or sperm gets in or even near (so can dribble in, get whiped in or if that area is wet it can swim a short distance then go in.

Hecen a good idea somone of your age being on a depro injection or implants...

Like the pill only if you get say drunk at a part you wont forget to take it the next day or take it to late.

Hoever certain medicines and er drugs stop it working for a while so you need to find out exactly how it works and use it properly and say if taking antibioltics, st johns worth and I think E to be away you may turn your protection off.

Said pill is powerful... Go and see a doctor.

Girl please think like this... Much as we may try and help... Odd are we aint doctors and may not know for sure... its like me asking you how to fix an airplane engine.

Your behavour shock horror is er normal for a teenager.

Immorality is about not hurting others... But you still put yourself at risk if really drink as not sure what you are doing... you are lucky hes a nice guy whos probably shitting bricks as well.

You could have got into an unlicenced cab and been raped or killed which happens a lot to drunk girls who get into any car .

You do realise as well panties and thongs etc are not made from rubber and if water can get though so can spu-nk especailly if wearing really sexy skimpy lacey undies.

Im not going to tell you to keep your legs shut... I would want you to have a life and not be lonley...

Likewise take it easy on the dope...

Just dont end up like sad twats who go all the way to Australia then spend the whole time in Sydneyes red light and bar district getting pissed and stoned as opposed to surfing, swimming with sharks and seeing the country.


Not gonner be the Hangover... too long ago... mybe your spliff had something nasty in it.

You could be pregnant or could be the morning after pill...

Either way go to the docs... then let us know the result...

And ask about depro injections or implants.

and next time get the morning after pill that night or in the morning.

Also if pregnant you can get a type of pill to induce an abortion but as only a few days would be like a period... not like the nutty anti abortions pics.

That would be best, sorted done with no operations or anything.

Also you may have an std... even if both virgins as they transmit via blood and eye contact too.

So deff doctor tommorow morning girl... Boy too. for a check up as well.

And dont let people call you a **** or slapper or anything... you just fucked up thats all... Learn from it abd be more careful

this may help cut and paste

ask what you are asking us to these agencies









Ask those whose job it is to answer these things ho tell you the truth.

Not your mates or any tom dick or Harry here.

That’s like asking a Hairdresser how to fix you cars breaks

Truth is yes especially if you are a teenager whose cycles may not have stabilised. Though most guys would be like euuuuw

Sperm stays around for a week inside you and sometimes especially teen girls have multiple ovulations or varying cycles.

Whilst at it

You can also get pregnant is the guy pulls out as

A) Guys in teens come in seconds with no control, be even if they *** over your vagina it still works (see below)

B) Willies as soon as still leak drops of sperm to moisturise and lubricate the willy... Guy can't feel them but each drop contains millions of sperm, one will do the trick. When he comes its billions instead that’s all.

2) You can’t get pregnant from a BJ unless you spit it out onto you fingers or other item which touches you down there

3) Anything oil based i.e. chocolate or ice cream makes tiny holes in condom rubber like acid that sperm can get through in seconds. (Polyurethane ones like Durex Avanti are immune to them)


ANY way ANY sperm get on, in or near you vagina can get you pregnant... sperm swims in wet environments and can swim across your thigh and into your vagina. If it’s wet its alive outside the body. If the guy spills drops, drips, humps your leg and cums near, on you belly and it dribbles down on you butt even in it and it dribbles out and down between you legs, is wiped,

You sit on a 'wet patch' he comes on you panties and it goes through the material (well are they rubber? if water gets through so does ***).

Or on fingers say when he took the condom off and got some on fingers and did not wash his hands or willy after.

ALL can get you pregnant... So it’s smart to get on the patch, injection or implants... Follow the instructions i.e. certain drugs, medicines, vitamins like antibiotics or St Johns worth will stop it working temporarily.

But won’t stop STDs which you can get from oral sex if cuts or ulcers in mouth (likewise herpies from cold sores) or eye contact say touching eyes.

And as blood borne say STDs can come from first aid or open wounds say in sports or an accident.

So still wear condoms as well.

And practice using them as it’s not as easy as it sounds. One **** up and life fucked up.

No extra lives.

And practice getting morning after pills ie where to go so you know and on a sunday or say xmas day.





2007-01-17 04:28:30 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 5

You did really well by going and getting the morning after pill. I would say the chances of you being pregnant are incredible slim as he didn't actually ejaculate inside you and you took the morning after pill. As far as i know you wouldn't get morning sickness 4 days after conception anyway.
It may be the pill, maybe its just a bug, i doubt its still your hangover (how much did you drink !!!)
Its very early days so your not going to be able to get a pregnancy test, do you know your cycle (the date which you last came on) do you know when your next period is due as you can take a test after that. Also counting the first day of your last period as day one, what number day was the day you had sex? If it was the 9th to the 15th your more fertile then but still to get pregnant you really would of needed to have had intercourse.
I really do think its very very doubtful your pregnant so try not to worry, keep an eye on the sickness (maybe its just worry) if your not happy and still feeling un well go see your doctor or family planning advicer.

2007-01-17 09:56:59 · answer #2 · answered by cynical kitten 2 · 0 0

The morning after pill is a very agressive treatment. You will be sick, I've taken it and I couldn't hold anything down for about 4 days. They say it "creates a hostile environment" in the womb so that the egg doesn't implant. It does all of that and more! You've taken some very harsh medication and can expect to feel sick until it's out of your system.

2007-01-17 07:25:21 · answer #3 · answered by anna 7 · 1 0

First its you drank at a party not you drunk. Second you feel sick because of the morning after pill. Maybe you should think about going on birthcontrol if your going to "drunk" at parties and go around messing around with random guys while your wearing no panties.

2007-01-17 05:19:46 · answer #4 · answered by angel01182 3 · 1 0

If you didn't actually have sex and you took the morning after pill, then there is no chance that you are pregnant.
The morning after pill is a big dose of hormones and can often make you feel sick.
I've just read the first post, and can I say the idea that the police spend their time tracking down people who say on the internet 'I smoked weed' is utterly ridiculous!

2007-01-17 03:52:56 · answer #5 · answered by Ricecakes 6 · 2 0

Hi there hunnie
well sometimes the moring after pill can have side effects like feeling sick etc, but when i took my friend to have the pill, she was told to go back in 3 weeks to have a pregancy test becuase sometimes they do not work, ask the doctor or the family planing clinic about it, ask if you can have a pregancy test in 3 weeks so it can be accruate, also it could be STI, so i would check at the doctors there as well, also yeah it could be the hangover, so give yourself time hun x

2007-01-17 03:48:18 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 4 1

i would think it's still a hangover with a side of PMSing and maybe even the side effects from the morning after pill. i'm not sure if there are side effects for it, but the main thing is that i wouldn't worry about being pregnant since you took the pill.

2007-01-19 05:35:24 · answer #7 · answered by yung_boricua 1 · 0 0

first of all be more responsible. second of all i can't honestly say yes you are or aren't pregnant. i mean if you were ovulating then yes theres a chance you could've gotten pregnant but then you said you took the morning after pill. so my conclusion is that you are worrying yourself sick. hangovers don't last this long.

2007-01-17 05:33:15 · answer #8 · answered by *~*Jon-Jon's Mommy!!*~* 5 · 0 0

hi there i dont think you are preg as you wouldnt start being sick this soon after conciveing !
the moning after pill is very relible so i wouldnt worry too much and ignor the other pepoles silly replies !

2007-01-17 09:08:11 · answer #9 · answered by me and my kids 1 · 0 0

the morning after pill will get you sick

2007-01-17 05:55:08 · answer #10 · answered by crodriguez1010 3 · 0 0

The morning after pill will make you feel sick. Don't worry, you're not pregnant.

2007-01-17 04:19:23 · answer #11 · answered by Away With The Fairies 7 · 0 2

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