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i-Many agendas,many promices.
ii Funds are collected in lacks to crore of Rupees
iii. Displays their properties in lands and Jewelleries.
iv.Always hungry for money,why?

2007-01-17 03:07:25 · 16 answers · asked by vaman m 1 in Politics & Government Politics

16 answers

This is a very relevant question. The obvious answer is that nobody monitors the elected representatives after they are elected. The media is always running after new stories instead of ensuring follow through on the old issues as well. The politicians have no goals and therefore there is no follow up. The media does not do anything beyond reporting stories.

Supposing each local area had a website where people could ask questions like these to their elected repsrentatives, they would be forced to respond. The website should also have clear cut goals on what each reperesntative's goals are and what he is doing to implement them. It can also list the promises made by the politicians before the elections so that they cannot escape fulfilling them. Anybody can ignore the spoken word but once promises are given in writing on a website, they cannot escape performance. They can also not ask for money to ask questions in parliament for which some of them were expelled recently.

Each MP is allocated some fund per constintuency. That can also be monitored regulary as to what is happening to it. All this can be done without necessarily meeting the concerned MP and so administrative hassles can also be avoided.

f nursery children, companies and sports people have goals, why not elected representatives?. They are responsible for something that is far more important- good governance.

We keep blaming politicians for everything but it is the lack of proper followup on our part that we are suffering. We should use the information revolution and mass communication to our advantage. Every boss has to monitor his subordinate/servant. Elected representatives are public servants and for the first time in the history of mankind, it is possible for a majority to monitor them without inconvenience or hassle.

Whatever management it maybe, without proper follow through and an effective monitoring system, nothing can work in life. There is a saying in Hindi, "Agar malik laaparvah hai tau naukar tau ash karegahi". It is upto us whether we want to track the represetnatives through websites or not. Earlier, it was not practical to do this but internet has now made it possible. Maybe yahoo can oganize such a facility and instead of answering President Kalam which is more of a theoretical exercise, we can ask the elected representatives about our practical problems.

2007-01-17 19:46:50 · answer #1 · answered by Hiren 2 · 0 0

Very good answer Hiren.
The Government of India should have a website of the Ruling and opposition parties. Infact every political party should have their links on the GOI website.
Election commissioner should make it compulsory for elected representatives to list their Agenda on the websites. Action on this Agenda should be updated on a quarterly and Annual basis.
This will create a system of benchmarking performance of the parties to their agendas and promises.
A special column on increases / decreases in output like GDP, Income levels, Life expectancy, crime rates etc should be published on this site.
I am sure the likes of TCS, INFOSYS, IIT's and IIM's could provide inputs that can go into the making of the website.
India should take the lead in producing systems of governance for the world to follow. After all we pride ourselves of being the largest democracy on earth.
With the penetration of the Internet, and the availability of information, the Indian public will be better equipped to make their decision when voting the next time and not be treated as Toilet paper by the people they elected.

2007-01-17 23:20:17 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

There is no denying the fact that voters are being ingnored after the elections are over by their representatives. the genesis lies in most cases with the attitude and behavior of the voters who have only themselves to blame. During the election period, the voters will make it a point to visit the candidate's hose and ask for all kinds of assistance, particularly 'cash'. This is repeated by the voters who will do the same with all the candidates and also assured them of their votes/ family/community/villagers' votes in return for the financial assistance. These promises materialise only for those candidates who are willing to shellout more cash in return for the votes. Such behaviour encourages the candidates to distance themselves from their own constituentcy(S)/ voters soon after the elections are over. The voters by behaving in uch a way also encouraged the elected representatives to corrupt in order to make up for their financial loss during the election period.
There are candidates who on being elected forgot the fact that the voters are responsible for making them what they are and ignored them totally even staying away from their areas for a long period. Take the case of meghalaya state politics where the congress MLAs are too busy fighting for the chair of the chief minister that they now have no time for the people and totally forget about development. Such political crisis have cause so much proplem for the people and also brought more shame to the state as a whole. the voters in meghalya are totally ignored as the repesentaives are more engaged in activities concerning their personal gains so much so that they forgot about the voters and their people's interest while keeping themselves busy with achieving their their interests.

2007-01-18 18:56:39 · answer #3 · answered by dmalcolmw 1 · 0 0

You should live in Texas...
Rick Perry campaigned for strict border control...changed his mind fter the elections!

Senator Kay Bailey Hutchinson voted for "the fence" campaigned to get tough on illegals...changed her mind after the election!

Tom Craddick (speaker of Texas House) so intimidated other representatives that no secret ballot on electing a new speaker failed. Opposition said Craddick gave out assignments & allowed only bills on the floor that upheld his views and not those of the people in Texas....so they wanted a secret ballot so they would not be "punished" by Craddick

Yep, everything is bigger in Texas - even blatent corruption in politics!

2007-01-17 03:25:37 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Because most voters fall for anything a politician says. They tell you what you want to hear. Then proceed in a destructive mode. I just wish they would stick to their oath to uphold the Constitution! That is the first road to the liar's den.

2007-01-17 03:14:54 · answer #5 · answered by TexasRose 6 · 0 0

They begged for you vote and after elected they kick you to the side as your just yesterdays trash. They don't need you anymore friend.

2007-01-17 03:15:15 · answer #6 · answered by Scott 6 · 0 0

see the polititians today are more interested in making to the parliament than to govern the country.they want to make money
by looting a common man.if you want all this changed than do something, enter politics civil services etc.

2007-01-17 03:13:09 · answer #7 · answered by palpable 1 · 0 0

After the election is over they don't need your vote til next time.

2007-01-17 03:11:31 · answer #8 · answered by boatworker 4 · 0 0

Your vote is no longer needed. You have been persuaded to vote for them and their promises, but after elected, they do not follow thru.

2007-01-17 03:12:38 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

from India? they are doing a little better this round in the US.. ever one got a wake up call in the midterms here.

2007-01-17 03:12:53 · answer #10 · answered by pip 7 · 0 0

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