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45 answers

Yahoo may have introduced the star rating but its done nothing to improve the quality of questions, has it ?

2007-01-17 02:52:02 · answer #1 · answered by Michael H 7 · 7 0


(ANS) Islam will NEVER DEFEAT other religions in my opinion, why? because it hasnt so far succeeded in the last 2,500 years and I cannot see other religions being washed away.

The fact is that the great monotheistic world religions (Christianity & Jewdism) have exsisted along side Islam for an awefully long time, wheather muslims like it or not.

Buddihism also has exsisted for as long possibly even longer than Islam, buddhism is showing explosive growth in the face of many western religious traditions, is showing growth because it address issues that face many westerners and offers a creative way to deal with life.

**Islam at its core I'm sure is a wonderful tradition & I sincerely believe it has very good things to say about life & living. Sadly, islam has been totally perverted by the extremistis, the fanatics, the islamists, the fundmentalists and has been mixed up with power politics into the insanity of the so called global jihad. This is doomed to failure!! Why? because you cannot impose your belief's on others by force of will power and if you try it can only end up in violence in the attempt.

**Just like the USA cannot impose its idea of democracy upon the Iraqi people, look whats happened there. Enough said I think?


2007-01-17 03:15:48 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

It is not defeating or winning the so-called war between the religion.At present the tension is due to religosity not the religions att all.All true religions had come to create a communion between the God and the man.This does not require a physical victory at all.The question could be framed, when all the human beings shall make peace with their Creator.At present the developed countries are in the persuits of worldly pleasures but getting more and more involved in acts resulting in disobedience to God.God has everything which humans should require to maintain their physical and spritual life and excell in it.But at the same he has given full freedom to chose for them.If someone chooses fire despite the forewarnings it is upto him.The holy Quran has said that the most developed nations shall be so badly entangled in the mess created by them, that they shall openly cry that now they have no escape.A very preliminary example is entangling of Americans in Afghanistan and Iraq.They can attribute their failure of might and money to socalled arrgogancy because of teachings of Islam, although all the Muslim states are their subservients.When this failure shall become more pronounced, they shall revert back to the Almighty Allah and seek guidence of Islam to make peace with their Creator.Hazrat Mirza Nasir Ahmed, the third successor of Imam Mehdi made an extensive tour of Europe and America and warned them of the destruction they were heading towards in seventies but nobody paid heed to the warning.Almighty has made timely arrangements for affording a chance to the West for returning back to Him, by accepting the leadership of Imam mehdi but they are overwhelmed by their worldly might and resources.When this shall end is not far away.This is the time about which all the scriptures have prophecies.

2007-01-21 01:17:50 · answer #3 · answered by shahinsaifullah2006 4 · 0 0

I am well clever so i know the answer

There are two billion christians in the world and 1 billion muslims. the countries where christians are based are largely more developed militarily so if it came to a war between religions (which it won't) Christians would annihlate islam easily - double the army and better technologies.

As for atheist taking over the world this may happen - but that is when judgement day would begin. read revelations people, when atheists come to power their reign will be shortlived.

oh and now i've just read your question - no islam can't defeat christianity at least because the doctrine of islam is pathetically weak compared to that of christianity. it's best bits are taken from christianity, its worst bits from Arab pagan religions and the medium bits are taken from the Torah. The kabbah, which they worship as part of God's throne, was actually part of ancient Arabic pagan practicises - they used to face jersualem to pray, incidentally like christian churches, and then changed it to mecca 100 years after the prophet's death. Mosque designs were based on early Christian basilicas, taking off your shoes is also a custom of christians and our stories of jesus have some how made it into the hadith literature so that muhamed becomes and exemplary figure like Christ

so when you say well christ did this good thing now muslims can say yes muhamed did likewise - but he didn't, they took these stories from the apocryphal arabic gospels and christian oral tradition.

rant over - but see why christianity is a far superuior religion morally and intellectually and as a tradition and culture is responsibile for the freedom of speech which atheists and religious people cherish alike

thank you

2007-01-17 03:05:24 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

I didn't know that there was some sort of fight going on between the "relgions". You can't defeat someone who doesn't even know that there's a fight going on.
Many of the present and past religions have had the plan to convert the whole world to their beliefs. So far, after all the thousands of years, there are more religions popping up instead of fewer.

2007-01-17 02:59:59 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I reckon at about tea time this friday.

why does it have to "defeat" other religions? Why can they not co-exist in peace? The question shows an attitude that lacks tolerance or respect for others and promotes violence. As long as attitudes like this remain, there will always be death and destruction in the world.

So in answer to your question, the islamic extremists who promote this insane barbaric view will hopefully never succeed in the defeat of all other religions, as if this were to happen, it would only result from oppression and murder of the vast majority of people in the world who don't hold this same minority viewpoint -which I really don't want to see happen!

2007-01-17 03:02:54 · answer #6 · answered by Benjamin J 3 · 1 0

In the words of Chris Tucker's character in the film Dogma.
'People should learn to celebrate there religion, not mourn it'.

I think this is true, but i also suggest that all a religion is, is a fictional story written hundreds of years ago, which was 'best sellers' of their day, and thus people believe it to be true and practice their daily life around worshipping a story.

So to put it into perspective, the difference between Christianity and Islam, is pretty much the same as the difference between the lord of the rings books and the harry potter books.

So why dont all you 'over-religious' people start thinking about the impact your having on the young children of today, confusing them with the many forms of both the religions christianity and islam, good and evil, and concentrate on building trust between religions in communities.

It sounds so cheesy, but the only way this world will be a peaceful place, is if religions dont get in the way.

2007-01-17 03:08:34 · answer #7 · answered by Mappy~Jazz 2 · 0 1

By "relgions", I take it you mean "religions"?

What's the competition?

Silliest religious leader's costume? Football? Most Nobel Peace Prize winners? Most tolerant religion? Not strong areas for you.

Cricket? Most children killed by own parent shooting a gun in the street in celebration? Worst dressed old people? Surviving in hot climates? Worth a flutter... oh no, sorry, you can't gamble. Oops.

Well, ask a silly question...

2007-01-17 02:56:54 · answer #8 · answered by dr.twaticus 1 · 2 0

It's a good question, so I have awarded you a star, however as far as the answer is concerned, I sincerely hope it never happens. Islam seems to be so severely split that it would certainly cause more problems than it could ever hope to cure. A very scary thought and one I don't intend to dwell on. Peace be with you.

2007-01-20 07:34:48 · answer #9 · answered by maria bartoninfrance 4 · 0 0

Islam wont DEFEAT anything, it will be learnt by those who wish to, and not by those who dont.
I dont think the purpose of any religion is to defeat another!
(usually to control people once the leaders of the religion get hold of it!)

2007-01-17 03:01:34 · answer #10 · answered by divisions_weaken 1 · 1 0

It's people like you who give Islam a bad name. You people are faster than I thought that it's just no use trying to turn things around because everyone believes what you say about Islam and reject the truth. Anyways, I am happy to know that Islam is not like that and never will be.

2007-01-17 02:55:35 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

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