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I can understand the first few, because basically they just stand there looking cute and helpless, but Belle (from Beauty and the Beast) seems braver, and more independent. (I'm referring to the Disney films, but if you have a comment on the original stories, I would be equally pleased to hear it.)

2007-01-17 02:09:59 · 11 answers · asked by Strange Design 5 in Society & Culture Mythology & Folklore

11 answers

I can't comment on the movies because I haven't seen them, but I have read both Grimm's and Anderson's fairy tales - as a child myself, and later, to my children.

I think we have to look at them through several lenses. Why were they written? To entertain children...which includes scaring them (we all love to be scared), reassuring them (happy endings), and teaching moral lessons. I always thought the original "Beauty and the Beast" was especially poignant because it taught us that beauty is something deep within. (But some taught life lessons: Red Riding Hood taught little girls that it was unsafe to walk through the woods alone). We have to consider, too, the social framework in which they were written. The context was a patriarchal society in which women were expected to cook, clean, raise children, appear inferior to the male and defer to him. These tales have enjoyed a long life because many themes, like the wicked stepmother, are universal. Alas, the handsome prince does not always arrive on cue to bail us women out, so fair dues to the poster who said she raised her daughters to be self-sufficient!

At any rate, it's unfair to judge a 19th century tale by 21st century standards. Let's just enjoy them for their intrinsic value.

2007-01-17 05:08:07 · answer #1 · answered by keepsondancing 5 · 3 0

They are a bit out there, I don't know about sexist, I think the common theme, is, if you are abused, and wait, good will come out of your messed up lofe, but being treated like crap, people just don't live happily ever after, some come out of the situation mental, and some become porn stars, some can never forgive the ones that hurt them. I did not like the way Disney redid the mermaid story, in the original story the mermaid never got the prince. When disney redid the movie she did. The story was more realalistic the way it was originally written by the author. I do believe, however, that if you can forgive and go on with your life in churst, you can have a pretty decent life, even if you were abused or abandoned ect.

2007-01-17 03:25:53 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I never really thought sleeping beauty was sexist just a tale of foolishness. If you think about it, it sort of teaches kids to not play around with sharp objects since Briar Rose touchs the spindle as for the rest well in the days of yor we woman had different plans in life so it's only natural the orginal stories would reflet what people were thinking of back then. As for Disney movies there just cartoons made to make money especialy now with all the sequals like for example Mermaid-2, Cinderella-2 those Disney folks must be pretty desperate for money right now. The orginality/ideas for movies are disappearing I think so no I don't think the old movies are sexist. Just lovely cartoons made to entertain children. Also the movies did reflet the time period when they were made very much like the orginal tales.

2007-01-17 03:54:54 · answer #3 · answered by missgigglebunny 7 · 3 0

The only way it would ruin the ''fantasy'' part of the movie, would be if this blow was thrown to the kids watching them!

In a way yes, they are. But then again, not really. They are, because the girls always go running to the guy, and usually sort of helpless, or injured, or they fell in love. I don't want my boy and girl growing up that it's ok for the girl to run to the guy whenever she's helpless. I want them both to know that a woman doesn't ALWAYS need a man, that she can fend for herself, and take care of herself, without a man around.

But then again they're not, because the guys are always gentlemen, very repectful. Pretty much everything that woman actually want. I would know, I've been in love with prince Eric(Little mermaid) since I first saw it, like, 12-13 years ago! LOL He's my perfect man. So by having some sort of knowledge about what type of man I wanted, I grew up looking for those qualities in men. Never finding any, I was about to give up when I met my husband. So boys(if they watch them, which they should!!!) that see that these beautiful girls are crawling all over them, then maybe my boy(s) will start to act that way.
And the girl(s) will find what they want their perfect man to be like, and have something to look forward to. And they can see that you can depend on a guy when you REALLY need him to be there.

Cinderella was a strong woman, because of the crap that she went through, and look what happened to her. She got what she deserved, her princh Charming! Belle was a very stong woman, because her father was totally out there but not insane, and she had to live with that. And she had an imagination, and a strong drive to learn, which was unnaceptable in those times(hence Geston).
Snow White, was totally helpless, and was quite sexist. She had to rely on men to save her. She stayed at home to cook and clean for the men. However.....I like the fact that they made a woman the bad guy! LOL(sort of)
Ariel(Little mermaid) was strong, because she knew what she wanted, she wanted to learn about a totlly different world, and she wasn't afraid to stand up for what she wanted.

If you look at all these female characters, you'll notice that they're all smart, and would be the perfect woman. They all have dreams, granted that most of them are the same. They're all kind to animals, even thought it doesnt' quite work like that lol.

The movies try to teach morals in children, but often times teach the wrong morals, if the parent has a closed mind, or is just plain stupid! If the parents will sit down with the kids and watch the movie, I mean really watch, then they'll see that the movies aren't just about the girls being helpless, having to depend on a guy(who are usually pretty hot for cartoons! LMAO)

2007-01-17 02:40:42 · answer #4 · answered by Pluto 3 · 2 0

They are not "just fairy tales", at least that's not how they started.
They were the remnants of the ancient myths, and only in the 18.th and 19.th century were they collected and "tamed" for the consumption of children. A nordic version of the "Beauty and the beast", which is really only a version of the antique story of "Amor and Psyche" the heroine, after breaking the tabu of looking at her lover in his sleep, has to go to all kinds of trouble to get him out of the clutches of an evil hag. There is nothing sexist there, as I think the sexism crept in after patriarchy got hold of these stories which used to be told in the spinning chambers, where women were among themselves.
But I think Cinderella in the shape it's told now is one of the worst stories for young girls: " be good and don't complain, and your prince will come.." But even with this one Maurice Walsh, an Irish author of the first half of the 20th century, wrote a lovely version called "A Cloak of Raven Feathers" where the prince is punished by the heroine for not recognising her, and forced to accept her "unglamourous" side before she takes him.

2007-01-17 02:57:58 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

No, these stories are not sexist to me. I do not apply any PC judgements to stories that were written ages ago. Today I see more than enough PC stories/cartoons/movies/TV shows with enough females kicking enough male a*s*s* to make up for whatever harm Sleeping Beauty ever caused.
Today when I watch America's Next Top Model, I KNOW there are still females out there who do not care that much about the content of Grimm's Fairy Tales, but who are more than content to "just stand there looking cute and helpless" and expect to get paid well to do it. Oooh, I can't wait for the thumbs down from the "holier-than-thou PC types...

2007-01-17 02:32:45 · answer #6 · answered by WMD 7 · 3 2


2007-01-17 02:56:26 · answer #7 · answered by Linda 7 · 1 1

Well one of my favorites is Sleeping Beauty and I don't think that it's sexist or anything it's just about finding true love and learning how evil some people can be..jealous..ect...It's just a fairy tale of how you want your life to be...

2007-01-17 03:41:48 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

They are just fairy tales. Don't try to put todays logic to them, it ruins the "fantasy" part.

2007-01-17 02:15:34 · answer #9 · answered by INDRAG? 6 · 1 2

I agree with the person above, they are just fairy tales.

2007-01-17 02:18:25 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 3

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