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as i woman who had a baby at 16 i just want to stress how hard it is bring up a child alone i had loads of help from family but still found it hard it makes me so angry when i hear young girls saying i want a baby cus my mates got one like its a toy or a new gadget and if i have a baby i will get a flat dont they realise that you cant get a flat until your 18 and then you have to work hard to keep it going

i know i cant judge as i was a young mum to but i never thought of my son as a way to get a flat or anything i just had to grow up

honestly these girls need some proper educting about these things and should think before they plan out these girly dreams of being a mum thats all it is cus its really hard work

does anyone else thing that more should be done to give these girls a realty check

2007-01-17 01:23:03 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy & Parenting Newborn & Baby

just to let people know im at college trying to get to uni to be a social worker and i work part time to and my fiancee is working so you dont think im a scrounger
i admit i claimed benifits when i 1st had my son 10 years ago

2007-01-17 01:42:07 · update #1

23 answers

This is a massive generalisation and a stereotype that is mainly perpetrated by the media. The vast majority of teenage girls don't think like this, even if some do. If all girls thought like this, there would be no abortions and teenage pregnancy rates would be even higher than they are already.
Maybe lots of teenage mothers find themselves pregnant, as you presumably did and decide to go ahead with the pregnancy.

2007-01-17 01:27:37 · answer #1 · answered by Ricecakes 6 · 4 0

The sad reality is that a lot of teenage girls don't have the support they need at home. A lot of parents can''t tell you right off the bat where there child is at 10:00 pm. I can! It starts at home. Now there are some teenagers that just want to be hard headed. I know how hard it is to raise a child at a young age. I had my first child when I was 15. It was non-consentual. I was raped. But I kept her. She is almost 15 now and she knows that her books come before boys. I do not allow her to date. She is yet a child. I didnt have the luxury of getting help. I had to go to school and work full time to provide for her. I paid for everything and my family including my mom did nothing. God gave her to me for a reason regardless of what the circumstance was. She's a magnet student and thankfully looks like me. She's my baby!

I think a lot of time before society gives the youth a wake up call......society shuold give the parents a wake up call. I was raped by my step father. There should be signs that parents and kids should know about. They have to be able to recognize when something is not right. I feel once the parents put their lives in perspective, the kids will follow. It's like these kids are being taught.....do as I say and not as I do. but they are molds of our lives. Like a mirror ....they reflect our images. they build off of those images.

You know what....hard work can't even describe mother hood......it's much more than that. Just so you know.....I am married and have 3 kids now. I'm 29 years old. I work for a pharmacutical company. My husband has a great job too. I own 2 homes and 3 cars. What does this mean? It means sacrifice as a person and a parent. I didnt want my kids to go through the same rat race i did. I wanted them to see there is more to life then struggle. But YOU have to work hard and earn what you get. Cause family or no family....noone is going to give you anything. All my kids are magnet students and I am proud of them. My husband adopted my daughter when she was 1. She only knows him as dad and its great. Cause he is her dad.

The last thing I can share with you all is the one thing I drilled into my 2 girls' head.

The 7 B's!

Books Before Boys Because Boys Bring Babies!

Thank you! Great Question sorry the answer is so long!

2007-01-17 02:10:56 · answer #2 · answered by bunnicula 4 · 0 0

Yes, some girls are stupid enough to want a baby even though they're barely out of puberty. Part of the reason for this is a lack of education on an understanding of all the responsibilities that come with being a parent. Better sexual education in schools would help this. Here in the States, the government pushes abstinence only sex ed, which is probably one of the tupidest things I've ever heard. Like ignoring the problem will make it go away. Another reason so many young girls want to have a baby is hormones. It's what our bodies are meant to do, so our natural instinct is to want to do it. The problem is that in the structure of today's societies, a girl will have extreme difficulty bringing up a child if she gets pregnant before her 20s. You seem to understand this. You could educate young girls on this topic. Tell them how hard it is, and make them understand that it isn't as simple as "oh, I'll just get a job and a flat and it'll be perfect, me and my baby."

2007-01-17 01:36:42 · answer #3 · answered by ~*Bubbles*~ 3 · 2 0

I do not know and I wish I did.

I had my first child at 19 and it was so hard! Even though I had support from the babys father and my family and friends, it was still hard, emotionally and mentally.

I saw a couple of girls out shopping the other day, each with a pram, either they were babysitting or the babies were theirs. they didn't look any more than 14. I am not kidding. I was gobsmacked. It is a kid having a kid.

I wish there was more done to teach the girls and boys that there is more to life than having a baby so young. Getting a nice handout from the government when baby is born doesn't help either! (they get about $4,000 at the moment, it goes up to $5,000 in July)

See why Australia's teen pregnancy has risen to an almighty high?!

2007-01-17 01:31:23 · answer #4 · answered by melfromhell001 3 · 3 0

I'm sure it will. I mean it has never really been non existent. It's just that it's become more normal now that ever. As sad as it is. Don't get me wrong I am a soon to be teenage mother, but I was also in a stable relationship for four years and we are married now. But I think it is terrible because there are 12 to 15 year olds getting pregnant. I don't think you should be having children until you can vote, go to the doctors yourself, drive, and most importantly graduate high school. But yes i do think it will increase because no one wants to really talk about it. For example sex ed in school is completely pointless. Also a lot of schools only promote abstinence. Which in all realty isn't effective because kids are going to do it regardless. So they should be protected.

2016-03-29 01:28:36 · answer #5 · answered by Emily 4 · 0 0

Where I live most girls get preganant as early as possible. They are given flats and benefits from the age of 16. They never have to get a job and they all hang around in the town smoking and drinking with their babies in prams. DISGUSTING!!

Makes you wonder what their parents are like! I am 23 and from the same area and wouldn't dream of having a baby even now. I work full time and pay full rent on a private flat. Really think it is down to my up bringing.

No offense to you as I know mistakes happen, I just hear teenagers bragging on the bus all the time about who can get pregnant next!!

2007-01-17 01:33:49 · answer #6 · answered by Mizzie 2 · 1 0

They've never had to work or support themselves before because they've always been supported. All the babysitting in the world will let a teen have fun with a baby but gives no actual idea what it takes to care for a child. I was 26 when I had my first child and it was a shock how much work a baby can be. It's worth it but thank goodness I had some life experience to back me up!

2007-01-17 01:33:33 · answer #7 · answered by Sylvia 4 · 1 0

You said it !
I am 24 years old and I myself have three young daughters under the age of 6! And it is very tough even with help from my husband!
It's not a joke,you HAVE to be there for your children 24/7!I had my first daughter at 17 and I had to learn how to bathe my daughter and learn and create methods that would soothe her colicy days,and be there every 2 months for vaccines,and it just goes on and on.......
I wish I could make a difference in teen girls lives too,speaking from experience.
Unfourtunatly,there is no lock on teen pregnancies,they will continue doing it,as long as the world spins round and round.But I know ONE thing!, MY three daughters WILL definately not follow in my footsteps! I mean my oldest who is six ,already knows how hard Motherhood is! She gets SO upset when I can't get something for her or can't do something for her at the very moment. She hears from me alot of times...." Jada,please be hold on,your sister needs her diaper changed,or I'm busy right now,please wait!"
She tells me "Mommy,when I grow up I'm not gonna have ANY children ,because they cry too much,and they get on my nerves!"And I tell her hunny,you got the right idea,having babies is alot of work!"
Yes ,I do think it should be mandatory just like getting your lisence,to have ALL teen girls on birth control pills as a law untill they turn 18.But,I don't think it will happen!
Thank You for bringing up the topic anyway! Have a nice day!

2007-01-17 01:45:33 · answer #8 · answered by ~*meli$sa*~ 4 · 0 0

It's such a materialistic society and they have no idea what they are getting into. They think a flat will give them Independence and they conveniently forget about the baby they will be responsible for. Genuine mistakes are made with teenage pregnancies....some regret it some don't. I think it's still all down to instilling family values and real respect for others. What chance will that little baby have. It's a selfish thing to do in many cases.

2007-01-17 01:35:56 · answer #9 · answered by minitheminx65 5 · 2 0

II had my first child at 18 and I didn't think anything like that. I decided to have a baby because I love my partne, we have enough money with his job and I want to start my family off firstthen work on my career, so that I don't have to put them in childcare. I can start working when they go to school.
I put a lot of thought into weighing out the positives and negatives and considering all the responsibilities and work involved., but in the end I knew I wanted a family and I think my plan was reasonable. I love my babies so much.

2007-01-17 01:29:08 · answer #10 · answered by cigaro19 5 · 2 0

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