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Do you have this stupid idea you pay everything on earth and use your money to fund things like education and everything else when the entire world knows its not true. You have no money to pay for anything outside your own country as your TRILLIONS of $ in debt. Within a few years your country will collapes due to the evr growing debt and when that debt out grows your economy your up sh!t creak.

Stop living in a dream world when your country is in a worse state financially than alot of other countries and get your heads out of your ar$es before dictating to everyone else that your the reason they have money when Chinas the reason you have money.

2007-01-17 00:58:35 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Politics

idiot - im affraid you dont so why dont you get used to it. You owe the most money of anyone on earth so how you pay for anything is beyond me. I also believe the British pay for all there own stuff as we use a tax system so why we would need dirty money from a corrupt government like the bush administration.

Why dont you pay up your debts before you run your mouths

2007-01-17 01:05:32 · update #1

Im British, we have paid our war debt, we fund our own country, we owe america nothing and are far from 3rd world. In fact for our size and population compared to that of the US we are very very rich indeed. £2.5trillion GDP which is roughly the $5trillion mark. Over a 3rd of what yours is and your over 5 times larger in population.

Granted 3rd world countrys may need help but America doesnt pay for it on there own. Britain contributes large sums of money to poor nations but we dont gloat about it so what gives you the right? Nothing

2007-01-17 01:18:24 · update #2

Meghan - grow up will you.

To all who think the world will collaps if america does is a little big headed. It would make your money useless and the rest of the world would pick up stuff of you at knock down prices. Then sell it on. the EU is richer that you, China will be richer than you as will India. Stop being full of self worth and learn about the " OUTSIDE WORLD " as contrary to popular american belief it does exist.

For the last time Britain owes America nothing. Get it into your thick skulls.

And again Meghan grow up. I have not put any hatred or racism forward just a question on why the USA thinks its better than everyone but doesnt like when someone asks for an explanation.

2007-01-17 01:25:16 · update #3

Meghan once again you show how much of an idiot you are. Britain is a nuclear state and you will find we have your back at the moment as no-one else wants to know america. Also i am not abusing every american just those who think they are super humans.

2007-01-17 08:54:29 · update #4

26 answers

Not all of us are dreaming. Some of us are awake and trying to make a difference. Apathy runs rampant in this country, and I suspect, in yours also. Somehow a bunch of people got themselves elected and can't be bothered to worry about taking care of the elderly, the infirm, the handicapped and the homeless. It costs too much money to do that, and taxpayers money is needed to pay for the military. Not all of us are of that mindset. This is the price of apathy. As you said, it's not going to last forever. Unfortunately, I don't think what comes next is going to be much prettier, but that is the result of imperialism. Nothing lasts forever. And everyone is affected, whether they are asleep or not.

2007-01-17 01:25:21 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

You better hope and pray that the USA economy doesn't have any problems. As the USA economy goes, so goes the economies of the rest of the world. Maybe its time we ask and insist on your country paying back all the funding the USA has handed it over the years. How about the WWII debt your country still owes to the USA.

The world looks and studies every single day how the NY Stock Exchange does, so that gives you an idea how critical all US businesses the USA economy is. Maybe to get out of debt the USA should stop giving out any funding to any other country. Trillions of dollars a year would be saved and all of your countries will go into civil war due to collapsing economies.

Take a basic global economics class first before ranting.

2007-01-17 01:07:55 · answer #2 · answered by thunder2sys 7 · 2 1

you have have been given to be kidding mind-blowing... whilst I agree we don't have the terrific president at the instant, he would be out of workplace quickly and that i think we've found out our lesson and could vote extra advantageous in 2008. notwithstanding if England taking on is a shaggy dog tale you won't be in a position to take lower back something you probably did not supply. We took our independence and that i think we are able to shop it. thank you besides A Citizen of the united states of a BTW:thank you for the chuckle 2 different issues i've got not considered 4 Weddings and a funeral in particularly a whilst yet wasn't she American interior the action picture married to an Englishman? Hugh furnish performs a sturdy guy in a number of our video clips.

2016-10-07 07:06:20 · answer #3 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

And what do think will happen to the World Economy if the U.S. collapses? All the little boys and girls in India will be unemployed!!!! Besides, if we start running low on money, we will just come and take over another oil rich country....where did you say you were from? It really has to suck being from a 3rd world country like France or Germany or the whole EU for that matter. Don't even get me started on Russia and everything East of Russia.

2007-01-17 01:07:33 · answer #4 · answered by bennett9124 2 · 1 2

Sorry you hate us so much.

I guess we should have just let Hitler take over and done nothing to help your country.

OBTW I did some quick research on WW1 and WW2 war debts. I factored in interest at 5% on that debt. The US wouldn't even have to borrow money and would not be in debt if we hadn't forgiven all the money owed us.

2007-01-17 01:19:42 · answer #5 · answered by namsaev 6 · 1 0

I think us poor Americans paid for a tomahawk cruiser with your name on it. I wanna push the button and watch you go boomboom. Then we'll send the bill to your family, living in a cave somewhere.

I'm tired of messing around with these islamofascists and socialists. We need to start going to war the way we used to. Yes, that means when we stomp their butts into the sand, we DO take their oil and use it to fuel more M1A1s to level their tent cities. To the victor go the spoils. Screw the socialist UN pigs. I really don't care what they think. They are the most corrupt group on the planet, and I'm tired of letting them use up valuable space in NYC. Implode that ugly building and push the rubble on to a barge and send it over to france.

Oh - and we do pay for everything good and worthwhile on this planet. Who sent over the aircraft carriers to rescue the tsunami victims? Who drops pallets of food whenever some limo-lib hollywood scum starts crying about starving children? The rooskies? The chi-comms? No, I believe it is the AMERICAN TAXPAYER!

2007-01-17 01:20:07 · answer #6 · answered by boonietech 5 · 1 1

The US grosses over 1 trilion dollars in taxes a year. The debt to earnings ratio is not bad.

2007-01-17 01:09:06 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

For one, you have no right to make assumptions of the CITIZENS of America. Not all of us are responsible for the mess ups of our government. Yes, our debt and our leader is way past due but not everybody is to blame. There are many of Americans that also disagree but it is not fair to put ALL under fault..

2007-01-17 02:17:40 · answer #8 · answered by national_peppi 1 · 0 0

Well that is a really lovely rant I must say.

The United States will always be here, you must never doubt that, our leaders will undertake any dirty underhanded sadistic action necessary to ensure that our way of life continues for many years to come.

2007-01-17 01:09:57 · answer #9 · answered by Perplexed 7 · 2 0

We have the strongest military. And global warming will render all debts void in the face of environmental collapse. USA wins again.

2007-01-17 01:14:14 · answer #10 · answered by Draco Paladin 4 · 2 0

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