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21 answers


2007-01-17 00:58:22 · answer #1 · answered by tcbtoday123 5 · 1 0

How's about thinking about the good things in your life - be honest - try not allowing that big black cloud to hang over your house. As you asked, my answer is to create some better times and that cloud will grow smaller...pick up the issue when you have strength to do so. Don't worry, we all know it's not realistic not to deal it's just that sometimes we just have to give ourselves a break. We all have trials but choose not to convince ourselves we are not loved or believe trials will never end because life proves they do - it's absolutely ok to feel sorrow it's a test of strength. Have you ever read the book of Job...I don't know anyone that went thru more turmoil and trials.

Also there is a movie out with Will Smith called The Pursuit of Happyness. I kid you not - it's a good one and I do believe it's still showing at the theater. Why not treat a friend to a matinee or evening show and a bucket of popcorn? I'm not sure what the trial is but things can get better.

2007-01-17 09:29:21 · answer #2 · answered by GoodQuestion 6 · 0 0

dear freind look every one have some porblem in the world so u need not to feed up u should try to change all u r negative as positive take role models so many person have try to became u also one of them DIE is a not a soolution be bold and face the problems then only u achieve don't belame the world u r also part of it read some good books ie motiviation.move with good friends who is well wisher of u god is great just thing so many person very poor and below u r level pl satisfy u r self that u r great ok all the best

2007-01-18 14:47:04 · answer #3 · answered by sampath k 1 · 0 0

see ur aim is not to die but is to live ur life and enjoy it. u have no athority to die because god has send u here and when he wants will call u up in heaven. there are times when people think that they must die but that is not a rational thinking. u are here to perform work u should only perform ur work and let every things else in gods hand. there are some thing that are not in ones destiny and if the person is mature enough then he will not get frustated in that situation but act maturelly.dont say that there is no option the only mistake is that u are not trying hard to find the option there is nothing in this world which one cant achieve but the only thing is that u need to be prepared to do the hard work. a person is fed up when he thinks that nothing is going right in his life but all depends upon ur thinking if u this that this was in the destiny and i will try by best to do anything or i will do something else in this world in which i get success. u need to think positive when u are fed up every body in this world get fedup but they dont end their life rather they fight against the odds of this world and emerge winner. i know that i have not given u any suggestion about how to die because i dont think that it is right think to do. see this world with different prospective. and be confident in what u do. remember one thing in life that only cowards die when they think that nothing is working.

2007-01-17 09:08:18 · answer #4 · answered by Gaurav 2 · 0 0

First of all, believe in yourself!! You are one of a kind, and be proud that you are what and who you are. Think of the past, of course more painful memories stick out only because we take happiness for granted. But stay strong, as life is not about painful memories, nor is it about happiness...life is about learning how to deal with the ups and downs we encounter along the way. Trying to escape it all makes you lose touch with what reality is. You will eventually get out of this hole, and you will look back on it as just a painful memory...and it becomes part of the story of your life. Don't end it with a sad ending...we all want to skip chapters and reach the Happily Ever After part, but these complications are what shapes and molds, we learn from them, and usually we don't regret that they happened because we feel proud that we overcame the obstacles. Hang in there, life is a challenge, and it is the greatest adventure of all...don't miss any of it!!

2007-01-17 09:06:01 · answer #5 · answered by gnomus12 6 · 0 0

look around you see the faces of people who care for you and need you. being selfish is very easy and life is not. get a hold of yourself do something everyday that excites you and you can look forward too and most important speak out ur problems sometimes others can help sort out our problems much better than we expected, as when we think of our problems we only end up thinking the worst and horrible effects but your friend or family will look at it more carefully and will try to find something positive out of it.
also one more thing one can never commit suicide if he has something to look forward too the next morning. One should never be coward in life, life respects only fighters no matter if you win or loose.

2007-01-17 15:09:30 · answer #6 · answered by Santosh S 3 · 0 0

I have felt that too, and it's not easy to cope in this stupid world. But listen:

I don't know if you are a christian, or any other religion, or none at all. If you are a christian, I can tell you to kneel and pray. If you are from other religion, you can pray too. If you are none, take a walk outside.

For all three options:

You can take a walk outside, and forget for a moment what's happening to you. Relax, take a break, and relax. Take a moment and feel yourself and what's you are doing right now.

If you go outside, you can see many things: people walking, wondering of things they have and don't have and want to, people with dreams and with dispairs like you. We will always be like pilgrims in this world.

When every possible door closes into our noses, there are other ones that open up for us to cross. But we have to have the courage to see them. We can't just lay down and cry, because with tears we can't change anything. You can cry, yell, anything, but that will not change anything. Look at the song "raindrops keep rolling on my head", you know, the one that appears on Spideran 2? Look at the lyrics.

I will say to you to have courage and try to do things one at a time. The world isn't going to change all of a sudden, but one bit at a time. One drop of water cannot make a hole on a rock, but many of them, with time and persistence, can carve out a big hole in that rock.

Think of yourself as you are that drop of water: with persistence you will achieve your goals. Go ahead!!!! Don't just die in your bed. Fight for it!!!

Strenght my friend!!! Strenght and courage!!! You can do it!! Look for that opened door!!! Go ahead!!!

2007-01-17 09:12:34 · answer #7 · answered by roxifoxiv 3 · 1 0

Here's a suggestion: Go out and do something for someone who needs help. That way, you're not paying so much attention to your own problems and doing a bit to change the world you're fed up with.

Give it a try, and e-mail me with the results this evening.

2007-01-17 08:57:08 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

IIn our country, we have a saying that when in misery, look down and think of all those who are more miserable like people with painful, incurable illness, beggars out in the cold without shelter, without food, children getting abused - the list is endless. Similarly, when you feel too proud look up and see all those who have done much better than you. You will feel humble.Get out, interact, try to help those who are even less fortunate than you. You will automatically stop brooding and will feel much less miserable.

2007-01-17 09:04:54 · answer #9 · answered by Traveller 5 · 2 0

Well, the quitters way out is suicide, but someone who's just tired will grow fat and old and later die.
I recommend that you do everything that you've always wanted to do. Go skydiving or bungee jumping, if you're gonna die, might as well go out having fun, right?

2007-01-17 08:57:10 · answer #10 · answered by Estevan R 6 · 1 0

the desire to die is something that a large proportion of people feel at some point in their life, but it's transient. i think the best thing to do is to visit a psychiatric hospital and request to be admitted. time to think, time away from everything, and help available in confronting and dissecting the reason you felt so bad in the first place, all under the watchful eye of the people there who's job it is to guard your safety from yourself.

2007-01-17 08:58:40 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

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