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22 answers

global warming is happening, very slowly, but all this stuff about how we can reduce it, is so that future generations dont run out of natural resources and so that the climate is kept as normal as possible....but no, i dont think the end of the world is coming soon, not in my lifetime, as i said, future generations, no-one really knows how quickly it'll happen!

2007-01-16 23:57:38 · answer #1 · answered by J9 3 · 1 0

Yes, global warming is taking effect on our lives, but?.

Changes in climate have occurred over many thousands of years, and we can only monitor changes in the past to a few hundred years.
There could be times when our weather changed over say, fifty years, from one extreme to another, but we would not be able to show that so accurately, I don't think, if we go back a thousand years.
As for the end of the world, I feel that is down to us.

Nature and weather has been changing for millions of years, long before we humans started interfering, and will continue for millions of years after we have gone.

All we can do is our best to protect our planet, because all the changes in climate may just be a natural cycle that has been going on from the day life first evolved.

Oh, and by the way, the end of the world, it is only the time you live here, so don't you think we should stop wars and the like, and all live the life we have in peace?

A very good question you have asked, let's hope it does some good and makes people think.

2007-01-19 15:10:04 · answer #2 · answered by Dr David 6 · 0 0

Global warming effects are seen all around us nowdays. Have you seen the day after tomorrow? There was picture of snow in New Delhi in india for the 1st time in recorded history. That actually came true this past year..it did snow for the first time in New Delhi. Then you have seen the effects of katrinia and other hurricans lately as opposed to the past. There is also extreme cold weather going across the US that is not normaly as cold. People tend to think that global warminng means taht things will get warmer. They tend to forgget that it means that winters will be colder and summers will be warmer...it won't be HOT all year around. it just means an extreme form of weather with very little moderate weather that this world has enjoyed for so long.

The end of the world is not coming. Mankind's greatest weakness is also our greatest strength. The ability to be innovative. 6 billion people on earth exist...and there are a few TRILLION ideas that crosses indiviudals mind any given day. These ideas can help preserve the future and solve the problems plaguing mankind. If people would stop trying to find ways to blow each other up they could actually settle down and find a solution for all the problems we face as a society today.

Unfortunately, I don't think that the world will unite until there is a common problem that faces the survival of our entire species..then and only then will mankind be united and people will be able to see the true strength of the human race.

2007-01-17 00:09:40 · answer #3 · answered by Cre-Ve 2 · 1 0

Everyone is driving themselves nuts over this global warming thing.I watch the news here in southern Ohio alot.The strange thing is, that during our weather forcasts, they always give the record highs and lows for the date it is.Last week, the record highs for here in Ohio were mostly in the 60 degree range, and were mostly in the 1930's.No one ever mentions that the record high temps that are from the 1800's or early 1900's were caused by global warming, because they weren't.The weather runs in cycles, just like some animal populations, diseases, and other things that humans have no control over.Maybe mankind has something to do with the warmer than usual winter this year, but I don't think it is on the scale that everyone thinks it is.Maybe it has something to do with the earth's orbit. Maybe this year we are a few miles closer to the sun, and maybe next year we might be a few miles farther, and it will be fridgid, who knows?As far as the world coming to an end, only God knows that answer.

2007-01-17 18:57:50 · answer #4 · answered by whitey3169 3 · 1 0

Take the time to do your own research on global warming and don't just accept what people say as the truth. Global warming and cooling are natural cycles that have taken place for millions of years. Mean global temperatures have increased slightly over the last couple of decades but there is not one shred of evidence it is being caused by human activity. Katrina is no proof of anything. It was a cat. 3 hurricane that just hit in a very vulnerable area. Had it hit the coast of Florida it would have been just another hurricane. Short term trends or events cannot be blamed on global warming since global warming is a trend that takes place over decades or centuries. People who think humans are causing global warming either just believe what they hear as the truth without researching for themselves or have a political agenda in which global warming fits the template. As far as the end of the world is concerned, only God knows that answer.

2007-01-17 13:30:06 · answer #5 · answered by pilotmikea 1 · 1 0

Yes Global warming is taking effect but the end of the world is not coming soon, however the ice caps in greenland and the antarctic are melting sending huge amounts of fresh water in to the ocean effecting the salinity of the water! This will cause another ice age i think!

2007-01-17 23:54:26 · answer #6 · answered by azman5998 3 · 0 0

No. But you never know.
Overall I think we (human beings) will muddle through. Maybe not all of us though.
I hope that the end of the world of the internal combustion engine and global petrochemical addiction is coming soon. It is probably going to happen whether we like it or not. But I think we have the chance to soften the blow.
One thing to add is that the warming taking place may be a lot faster than in any other point in history (except when the asteroid hit. I bet that was hot). But, human beings are not gong to wait around trying to 'evolve' a response, we are a lot fast too.

2007-01-17 00:22:29 · answer #7 · answered by mince42 4 · 1 0

A very interesting question. As a Christian, I believe the world is indeed coming to an end. But when? Well, the Bible teaches that only God, the Father, knows the time. The Bible also teaches us that it will come with fire as St Peter informs us in 2 Pt 3.10. This fire will be both a destructive fire for the wicked and a purifying fire for the righteous. Obviously this is a lot to digest and mull over in one's mind.

Now what has this to do with global warming? I don't believe there is necessarily any connection. I am enjoying reading James Lovelock's book "The Revenge of Gaia" , the earth's climate crisis and the fate of humanity. I agree with much of what he states. As a meteorologist I have come to learn that the earth has a wonderful way of correcting for many of the mistakes we make in our way of exercising "dominion over the earth" as given charge to the human race by our Creator. You may find Lovelock's book of interest.

2007-01-17 02:46:14 · answer #8 · answered by 1ofSelby's 6 · 1 0

I do think that global warming is taking place.

I am in my 20s and when I was a kid it snowed - it doesn't do that any more.
The planet will probably make it and over thousands of years get back to normal.
But the life of people and animals over the next few generations will be affected as a result.
Famines, droughts, floods, plagues and the like will be as common as they where in the dark ages the last time the ozone was in danger, but then it was caused by volcano eruption pollution of the sky.

2007-01-17 00:22:05 · answer #9 · answered by PETER H 1 · 1 0

The changes in climate will not spell the end of the world, but it will change the world as we know it.

Most of the changes in our life time will be gradual and un consequential to humans. If the changes continue and keep accelerating as is the indication; many animal and plant species are, and will increasingly be wiped out as their native habits are disrupted by unusual weather patterns, floods, droughts.

If the weather changes became too drastic is may destroy all complex organisms and eventually all life. Although this is a worst scenario.

2007-01-17 00:31:08 · answer #10 · answered by Mr Corky 1 · 1 0

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