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All this crap about BB girls being racist...

Is Jermaine racist ... he was asked if his wife was black.. his response 'of course"......

why of course????

one rule for others

2007-01-16 22:48:18 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous in Social Science Psychology

29 answers

All races are racist,everyone has a right to their own opinions.

2007-01-16 22:50:42 · answer #1 · answered by MANC & PROUD 6 · 6 0

Sorry don't try to be a victim ! That makes me sick when any racist of any colour or race tries to come up with an excuse...Anyone can be racist !!!!!!! YOu claiming it's all blacks is a racist stereotype.Their are many blacks who are racist and many whites who are ....ones who are tied up thinking about such nonsence usually are the worse
ps it also goes for other races like asians etc..Maybe you made this remark and someone told you ...it was a racist ideology and now it stuck in your head that everyone thinks only whites are racist ! When my friend and I were in a subway travelling through in New York and saw a black women reading a book we both glanced at what she was reading and were both shocked that it was blatant racism ...when we heard on the road ( but mind you we wondering around and did not know what type of community we would find ourselves in ) and heard a black man preaching that blacks and whites should not associate not just us but we heard many people rebuke him for that ...one being a black girl as well .I'm South American with aboriginal decent (among others) and trust me their are people in South America who are ashamed of being mixed with aborigial indian and only say the other far back mixes they have in them ...if that is not racism in ones own community and has nothing to do with either blacks nor whites. My next door neighbour is Indian and her dad disowned her for dating the wrong type of Indian ...Yes racism exsist way beyond race and is by individual not by mass group
I think these issues though are more predominant in the USA though because of your history that was not long ago ...in the 50's where blacks and whites could not use the same facilities.Example little rock ,arkansa ...where the goverment brought in an army for black children to go to school in safety ..Perhaps if it was the other way around and blacks held whites...in slavery and segregation then the scale would be turned a bit . It will take generations to grow up smarter and not let hate control them

2007-01-17 06:53:55 · answer #2 · answered by HAPA CHIC 6 · 2 0

If there was a holiday commemorating a White leader it would be deemed offensive to the political correct crowd. This partyly why we no longer celebrate Washington's and Lincoln's birthdays as federal holiday. Instead We celebrate "President's day"

But low and behold we have a "Martin Luther King Jr, Holiday" seems to me the majority of people shouldn't have to bow to a dead black leader because a small percentage of the populations wants us to.

A racist is someone who assumes genetic superiority over another race.

A bigot is one that doesn't like having someone's race crap shoved down their throat.. I am a bigot. I have friends who are black that don't make a big deal of "being black".

Ferrikhan, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Charlie Wrangler are every bit the racist David Duke, or William Luther Pierce

2007-01-17 11:12:22 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Jermaine possibly answered `of course` to this question because to him it is the most obvious thing in the world, to marry someone who is similar to him.Too much attention is paid to this business of "race", it seems to be the only thing on peoples` minds. If we stopped thinking about black and white, arab and jew, muslim and christian, perhaps we might start to think about people. We all tend to choose friends who have similar tastes in life to our own whether that is music or clothes or people. Some people are more comfortable being with someone of their own race, but that doesn`t mean they don`t like other races ! All this political correctness has gone mad. we cannot call a scot `jock` or an Irishman `Paddy` a Welshman `Taffy` or an Englishman `Tommy`. A blackboard IS a blackboard and black sheep ARE sheep that have black wool (Their skin is the same colour as other sheep, it is the wool that is different) Over the last few years, I feel as though my life, as it has always been, has been turned up-side-down, by other people trying to tell me what to say and who to like and how I should conduct my self. Well I want them to mind their own business, I have always conducted myself in the proper manner and I have always taken people at face value and liked them until they give me reason not to. What is more I intend to continue to live this way, and I wish a lot of the `know-alls` would follow my example.

2007-01-17 07:17:00 · answer #4 · answered by Social Science Lady 7 · 0 0

Different races will always have different views on other races of people because they don't understand their culture. But if you called an Asian family paki's you'd be in court for racial intimidation but if they call you white trash you have to take it, that's not on because it's equally as racist ! I have many coloured friends and they all agree the law is on their side.

I wouldn't call Jermaine a racist just ignorant to the fact that he's been brought up by people who at the time brain washed him into believing that black is for black and white for white.

And his statement that Jade Goodies Mum is White Trash could insight racial tension had it been said elsewhere !!

He is stiring up the "racial" issues saying "it's a colour issue" when that was never on the table

2007-01-17 07:12:31 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

The whole racism thing is so messed up. I agree that white people seem like the only ones who can be called racist. Other races can be racist and get away with it.

Think about this.....

There is the NAACP, if there was a NAAWP (Nat'l Assoc. for the Advancement of White People), oh we'd be hearing about it left and right. It's prolly be shut down because it was a "racist" organization.

Think about things like that.......
If racism is wrong for whites, it is just as wrong for black, mexicans, arabs, etc.

By the way, before anyone calls me racist, I am a white woman and am in a 3 yr committed relationship with a black man.

2007-01-17 06:54:04 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Don't worry, the words "racism" and "hate" in todays popular culture are reserved for anyone who wins an arguement with a liberal.

When their debate is lost, they hurl "racism" in a last ditch effort to discredit. The fact is minorities harbor much more racism than does the majority.

It isn't just white kids that score high on SATs, recent black immigrants score better than the liberal blacks in America who have been here for three generations.

Minorities know that playing the race card PAYS. This is why even though Republicans have elevated blacks to the highest positions their race has ever held, liberal blacks still vote for Democrats because they dole out the welfare checks and social programs.

Data on recent black immigrants from Africa easily suggest that the liberal culture of blacks in America is far more determining than their skin color in regards to success..

New black immigrants find American schools tolorant, jobs easy to find and become part of society instead of living off of it.

You are right, the white majority needs to stick together much more. We are the majority. We created and founded this country.

DNA testing proved once and for all that "native" Americans are not native to the Americas at all. They are actually Asians. In fact the oldest remains ever found in our hemisphere were found along the banks of the Columbia River, it (Kennewick Man) has the skull of a white man not the Mongolian shull of the Indians.

White people can and should be AT LEAST as proud of their race as any other minority is of their race.

It is not anymore racist for us to be proud of our race than it is for the congressional black caucus to be proud of theirs.

WE SHOULD STICK TOGETHER! Join the Nationalist Movement. The Nationalist Movement is our counterpart to the Congressional Black Caucus, Negro College Fund and the NAACP put together.

Just don't listen to LIBERALS of any color. They only want to destroy America and they know the easiest way is to destroy the very people who founded it: White Males

The term "political-correctness" is also a liberal term, it really should always be understood as "liberal political-correctness" as it is always a fad that only benefits liberals and minorities.

The new push my friend is MAJORITY RIGHTS. We are the majority and we should be proud.

Join the Nationalist Movement at: www.nationalist.org

Now just watch all the people that respond after me. -Even though I said NOTHING at all negative about blacks, they will hurl the race card time and time again or they will say that I am full of "hate." God forbid being white AND proud. To them the only good white is a liberal one who panders to them.

2007-01-19 06:45:35 · answer #7 · answered by patriot333 4 · 1 0

People don;t always like each other, it's a fact of life. Shilpa has a a brain and a current career while all the others are floating on past fame and don't have much in the way of brains. It's pretty ovious that they weren't going to like Shilpa, just because they are different people, if you don't get on with someone personally the easiest thing to blame is obvious differences, such as race or size. Give them a day out of the house and their publiscists will spin it & try to explain the things they've said.

2007-01-17 07:03:01 · answer #8 · answered by Skippy 4 · 0 1

OH MY GOD! enough enough just because two people have a difference of opinion or a cat fight with someone of a different colour or race /creed /origin why is it labled racism? I am a light skinned black woman if I have an arguement with someone darker than me does this fall under racism?if I as a Jamaican woman argue with an African woman does this make me a racist? GROW up not everything is about racism.

2007-01-19 08:35:07 · answer #9 · answered by Hope 1 · 0 0

I agree with you. I also noticed the "of course" and in addition to that he raised the point of saying to BB that he and Shilpa are the only people "of colour" in the house. I can't understand why it's now that this racism thing has come up - for goodness sake, there have been other people in the house, including blacks and Asians so I think people should get lives and stop being pityful...

By the way, I'm black!

2007-01-17 06:52:39 · answer #10 · answered by kemmanuel07 2 · 3 1

im not sure if you would call it racist but they are definately BULLYING shilpa. anyone with common sense can see that. WHY because they are somewhat jealous of her, possibly bored and thats what SOME people do when there's nothing else to do. from what i saw last night including unseen footage. BIG GOB JADE is fuelling the fire by carrying on her rants towards shilpa especially in front of the other two 'jo' and 'danielle'. i wished i could have been there last night to give the three of them an honest piece of my mind!!
from what ive seen of jermaine he's not involved himself in their childish bullying and hasn't done or said anything that is racist. the FACTS are that the THREE who are showing BULLYING behaviour are JADE, JO AND DANIELLE AND THEY ARE OBVIOUSLY WHITE.
big gob jade has unsuprisingly been dropped by the organisation which is against 'bullying'. serves her right!!

2007-01-17 07:07:10 · answer #11 · answered by emzc 4 · 0 0

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