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I thought it would be nice to make a list here of hints and tips for new parents. Things that you have learnt and wish someone had told you.

2007-01-16 22:12:22 · 30 answers · asked by FUGAZI 5 in Pregnancy & Parenting Newborn & Baby

30 answers

#Everyone is eager to give advise, but that doesn't mean it will work for you
#It's ok to cry
#If you need to sleep ,then sleep
#Do what suits you and your baby and keeps you both happy, not what everyone else thinks you should do
#Enjoy the little things, because they only do things for the first time once, and you can never get that moment back

2007-01-16 23:57:22 · answer #1 · answered by morphed 1 · 2 0

1. Don't panic and don't expect to get everything right first time.

2. Remember as well that babies are more resiliant than you think. It took me a long time to stop holding him as though he was made of glass.

3. You will make mistakes. When I first had my son I would get really distressed when he was crying through hunger and feel awful that I hadn't been able to predict this and had his bottle ready. Although they will cry like there is no tomorrow, your baby is not actually going to starve to death in the few minutes it takes you to prepare his feed !

4. The sleepless night really don't last forever. My son is now 12 months old and sleeping for 10 hours at night.

5. Buy a vibrating baby bouncing/rocking chair. This calms my little one down a treat when all else fails !

6. It's true what they say, the first smile really does make everything worthwhile. Nothing is better than that first bit of baby feedback where he lets you know that not everything you've done is wrong and he's actually happy !

2007-01-16 22:25:17 · answer #2 · answered by Gail H 4 · 1 0

1. That babies usually sleep through most of their first 2 weeks of life, so it's the best time to catch up on sleep and rest. You've had a tiring experience through childbirth, get some rest. Don't spend all that time sending out announcements and on the phone being all excited, cause after those 2 weeks are up, you'll be struggling to get more than 3 hours sleep at a stretch.

2. Establish some sort of a routine with the baby as soon as possible. Always have them sleep in the same room, in their bed and at set times (as far as possible). It would save you from the nightmare of an older baby not used to sleeping on their own and/or in their bed.

3. Grandparents (if the baby has 2 sets, the better) are made for babysitting. Use them to your advantage. You need a break now and again, both of you as a couple or you'll go mad. Call up your mum and ask her to babysit while you go out for a nice meal or the theatre or something - she'll be more than happy to.

2007-01-16 22:17:17 · answer #3 · answered by 6 · 4 0

The best advice I can give a new parent is dont let children stop you doing what you want.

For instance if you wish to go out of an evening then do so. Most times a sleeping newborn will sleep anywhere if you get it used to doing that. And also DO NOT BE QUIET. Get them used to having noise aroung when they sleep so that you can have your music on and watch tv normally or be at that family party and it wont disturb them.

I was told this advice for me kids and it worked a treat, They sleep sound whether I blast my surround on a good film or turn my hi-fi up!

The best advice EVER!

2007-01-16 22:26:52 · answer #4 · answered by Mr_Moonlight 4 · 2 0

Enjoy every moment!

One thing that I wish someone would have told me is to rotate my son's head as he slept. It prevents flat spots.

Breastfeed on demand.

And... Hold that little one! No matter how much people try to tell you that you'll spoil him/her. I wish I would have done the whole "baby-wearing" thing. I did hold my son a lot but I could have had him on me more (which is HIGHLY beneficial to baby's psychological development and the maturing of their nervous system. Time in a sling on Mom strengthens a babies neck muscles just as tummy time does!).

A great book that I wish I would have read sooner...

"The Baby Book" by Dr. Sears

2007-01-16 22:19:47 · answer #5 · answered by Haulie 2 · 1 1

You love them to pieces, and usually too tired to enjoy them. While they are so young and little try to remember the most smallest of things that they do, as it brings you much joy thinking of those things when you are older and much joy to them as they love hearing things about themselves as they grow. Record all those special moments, you will be surprised how much you may need those dates later, for doctors, specialists, and their 21st. As they become toddlers it is very important to love them with all your heart, and just as important to positively discipline them,and follow through. You will find if you give in to them, it can cause you so much grief as they grow into teenages. Enjoy your children, although it may not feel like it sometimes, the years are gone before you know it.

2007-01-16 23:22:08 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I'm making good profit with penny stock. Check here http://trade-pennystock.checkhere.info

Many new investors are lured to the appeal of a penny stock due to the low price and potential for rapid growth which may be as high as several hundred percent in a few days. Similarly, severe loss can occur and many penny stocks lose all of their value in the long term. Accordingly, the SEC warns that penny stocks are high risk investments and new investors should be aware of the risks involved but you can even make very big money. These risks include limited liquidity, lack of financial reporting, and fraud. A penny stock is a common stock that trades for less than $5 a share. While penny stocks generally are quoted over-the-counter, such as on the OTC Bulletin Board or in the Pink Sheets, they may also trade on securities exchanges, including foreign securities exchanges. In addition, penny stocks include the securities of certain private companies with no active trading market. Although a penny stock is said to be "thinly traded," share volumes traded daily can be in the hundreds of millions for a sub-penny stock. Legitimate information on penny stock companies can be difficult to find and a stock can be easily manipulated.

2014-10-22 11:15:24 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Have Patience

A mother singing to her baby is often soothing for him, as he's already very use to your voice from being inside of you

If something seems wrong with your infant, don't hesitate to call your pediatrician and have him checked out, even if you think you're being paranoid. Better safe than sorry.

2007-01-16 22:19:04 · answer #8 · answered by mattysmommy2004 4 · 0 0

Send the baby back! The next 18 years are all down hill!

2007-01-18 10:21:47 · answer #9 · answered by LAURENCE B 2 · 0 0

Stock up...diapers, formula, bibs, you never know when you will need it....Its ok if a child cries this happens you will learn the meanings of the the different cries....Dont be afraid to take a breather if you get overwelmed it happens...most of all enjoy before you know it they are talking back at you, wanting to go places by themselves....so most off all enjoy it

2007-01-16 22:18:27 · answer #10 · answered by duffmanky 2 · 3 0

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