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I'm reading the Detroit News, and there's an article about Del. Frank D. Hargrove Sr. (R) igniting "a hot exchange in the House of Delegates on Tuesday after criticizing a proposal for the state to issue an apology for slavery and likening it to requiring Jews to apologize for 'killing Christ.'"
He "told lawmakers that his comments were intended only to make the point that 'not a soul in this legislature' had anything to do with slavery - and that there is no point on dwelling on a chapter of US history that all agree was repugnant."
Hargrove went on to say "If we keep bringing this up, bringing this up - I think this is a harmful idea just to keep recycling this thing which we all know and all despise and have no respect for."
He added that slavery ended 140 years ago with the Civil War, and said "our black citizens should get over it."
Just wondering if we all feel that slavery was repugnant. I know I do. Also, should black citizens "get over it"?

2007-01-16 21:21:33 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in News & Events Media & Journalism

15 answers

Of course it's repugnant. (And still going on in some places in Asia I believe!) Black people are concentrating on it because it HAPPENED and now they have the power to criticise it they are continuing to bash us over the head with it. (Understandably!) However, substituting one kind of racism with another is not making the world better for all of us. And if we don't make the world better for ALL we destroy everyone including the people who feel we should be punished for the past. How many of us were instigators of slavery? None! It's historical. While we are concentrating on what injustices occurred in the past we are making ourselves unaware of the racist attacks which are happening to other groups in the present. As a member of one of these "invisible" groups I can tell you that it is terrifying to think what is ahead for us, and the media and popular opinion is making it happen. So when anyone is making a nasty remark about anyone elses culture don't kid yourself that it's harmless.

2007-01-16 21:44:52 · answer #1 · answered by survivor 5 · 0 0

It's all very well to say 'just get over it.' But slavery is part of many black peoples personal family history. Just as the holocaust is a part of many Jewish people's family history. How would you feel if your great great great grandparents had been taken from their own country and forced to work for no money and beaten and chained? That kind of experience will leave an indelible mark on any family and it's important that it is not forgotten or brushed under the carpet. It's important that we don't forget it - so that we can be aware of ways in which it is still occurring today- e.gl.child trafficking and exploitation in the manufacturing industry. Just as we must never forget the holocaust so that the NF and other nazi parties never that kind of power again. We must never forget the cruelties that human beings are capable of. However, constant apologies are pointless. All human beings, regardless of culture, race or creed are capable of inhuman cruelties and this must be acknowledged and understood.

2007-01-16 21:39:07 · answer #2 · answered by Peace 2 · 1 1

Oh my God! Yes. Get over it! The Romans enslaved the Greeks for THOUSANDS of years and they're not still going on about it.
The British Empire enslaved any and all those they conquered or lorded over, and they're over it. Napoleon (the French) enslaved all he conquered and they're over it. The Spanish enslaved the Moors and they're over it.
The blacks enslaved in the early colonies in America were sold to slave traders by other black Africans; so, Why is the focus not on the betrayal of Africans to their own brothers???
Without the Africans knowledge and help in Africa, the white slave traders would've never have succeeded. Let's put the blame where it belongs!
Slave trading is as old as the world, and the US had the shortest, least murderous slave traders in the world.
I'm so bored with the race wars, the beauty wars, the fat wars, the money wars people seem to focus on instead of the really important issues at hand in our country.
I think it's a wonderful suggestion he made: when the Jewish people make amends for the murder of Jesus, they'll set the tone for true forgiveness for these other issues.
But don't hold your breath because the Jewish community could care less about what their ancestors did and they aren't even trying to apologize for it.

2007-01-16 21:37:08 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

9+6=11 ?

2016-05-23 23:29:44 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I find it as repugnant as I do the fact that the slave trade began in New England and continued to be funded by the NE. Also repugnant is the fact that African tribal leaders were willing accomplices in this and were paid quite well.

Equally repugnant is the fact that slavery is alive and well in Africa today. NOT ONE of the many and vociferous voices bemoaning our awful "chapter" lift one finger or send one dollar to eradicate this.

I think Hargrove was insensitive, but unlike most of us, he spoke his thoughts. And you know what? Most of my black friends have "got over it". Their belief is: they live in the world of 2007 and will do whatever they have to do to get a good job, start a family, etc. They have not forgotten, but do not dwell on past injustices. And they refuse to see themselves as "victims".

2007-01-17 11:33:36 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Repugnant is a fair word, yes that's one of many we could use. If I remember my history right, from books, guys! I don't recall a single book that said the ****** from Africa were waiting on the shore begging to come to the U.S. and be treated worse than dogs or pigs. Seems to me they were hunted down and forced to board the ships. Torn from family and all they ever knew, to come to a new country and become someones "slave", all due to the color of their skin. I will not debate the issue of the Jews killing Christ. Open your Bible and it's right there. Should the black people "get over it?" Could you? I believe that some use it as an excuse for their chosen life style. Many more, if not most use their history to better themselves and achieve more with their lives. All said, my personal feelings are, we were All made in Gods image. I don't look at a persons color or race, I look at their heart and what kind of person they are. For all of you who think only blacks are drug dealers and criminal, think again, it simply isn't true at all. Slavery was a dark time in our history, get over it, no, get past it, by all means, put it to bed and go on. We can't change it so let's learn from it and not let it happen again.

2007-01-17 07:02:43 · answer #6 · answered by lucysmom 4 · 0 1

Institution of slavery is old. It was not confined to America or black people. In Germany Jews were treated worse than slaves. All similar events are part of history. It is unwise to discuss these issues. We should talk only about things good to the people of the world.

2007-01-16 21:43:43 · answer #7 · answered by snashraf 5 · 2 0

Slavery is a global issue not just an outdated us issue. White slave traders bought slave from black slave traders, in africa. Black on black slavery is still happening today. Are we going to generalize and say all blacks are slave owners? All races of people are guilty because their ancestors and their relatives have all been slave owners at one time. Stop with the bleeding heart pussy liberalism. Scr#w the apologies. White hatred is all it is.

2007-01-16 21:28:49 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

Can we agree that slavery is a repugnant chapter in any country's history? Especially those countries that allow it to exist today in its various forms.

2007-01-17 00:17:47 · answer #9 · answered by iraq51 7 · 1 0

Slavery is only relevant today because too many young blacks have become slaves to drugs, crime and poverty instead of plantation owners. All people are slaves to anything that controls them.

2007-01-16 23:05:07 · answer #10 · answered by Debra D 7 · 1 0

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