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am 33weeks of pregnancy and this is my first baby, i have a little fear about my labour.hoping to have a normal birth but will it really hurt and i have heard about epidural,when will they decide to give and in which situation.please tell me how should i be prepared..please tell me some of ur experiences.thnks and waiting for some news

2007-01-16 19:50:09 · 12 answers · asked by rishu 1 in Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

12 answers

No one decides to give you an epidural, it is your choice if you believe that you want to have one. You need to be well educated about what an epidural is, and the risks associated with introducing the drugs in question into your body and that of your infant child.

It is not too late for you to pick up some books and begin reading about the experience of childbirth. I recommend:

A Thinking Woman's Guide to a Better Birth by Henci Goer
Ina May's Guide to Childbirth by Ina May Gaskin
Birthing From Within by Pam England
The Birth Book by Dr. William Sears
The Complete Book of Pregnancy and Childbirth by Sheila Kitzinger

You should also consider taking a childbirth preparation class (preferably with your partner or whomever will be with you during the birth) and might want to look into hiring a birth doula to be with you while you birth.

You do need to act quickly on these last two matters.

I wish you happy, safe and healthy birthing.

2007-01-16 19:59:47 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I think the worst thing about your first baby is the not knowing what it will be like and knowing the baby has to come out- there's no going back! I'll try and describe my personal experience of 1st labour and birth and try to help if i can.

Throughout my pregnancy I had a niggling thought in the back of my mind at all times about how would i cope with labour and would i be able to do it. I didn't admit my fears really - i pretended to everyone i was confident! When the day (or days in my case) arrived I found that breathing exercises taught at the hospital were very helpful. It's worth enrolling in the class - if i hadn't i wouldn't have been prepared. I used breathing exercises until i got to the hospital on day 3 of contractions and then used entinox (gas & air) for the delivery (1 hour). Being able to stay alert & be in control of my body's urge to push is something i am very grateful for. It was easier than lots of people told me it would be because my partner helped me to focus on breathing. I kept upright and gave birth in an upright position.

Birth was a great experience for me - despite my initial fears. if you can believe in yourself then you are half way there.

Try to enjoy it - sounds crazy i know but it is amazing and once you have your baby it is possible to enjoy the memory of labour. Sometimes i wish i could do it all again!

Having said that - if it gets too much, don't be shy about asking for help or pain relief, everyone deals with pain differently and women shouldn't feel bad if they need some pain relief. Personally, i found it rewarding the natural way.

Good luck - you'll be fine x

2007-01-16 20:06:53 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I had my son at 35 weeks. The beginning of labor is okay... you'll feel a little 'cramp' in your stomach every 3 mins or so. All of this is really different with every woman.

By the time you're about 5-6 centimeters dialated is when it really starts to get overwhelming, the pain is bad. The best ways I dealt with the pain was (during contractions) pick a spot on the wall and just stare at it until the contraction is over with. Stare at that spot and let it take you to a serene place for those 30 seconds. I was also able to get in the birthing tub during contractions, but not for labor since I was early. Another thing to do that helps is find a ledge or table. Bend over at about a 90 degree angle during your contractions and swivel your hips back and forth.

One great tip a nurse gave me while I was in labor was to ride each contraction like a wave. Do not tense up because that makes it worse. Pretend when the contraction starts it's the beggining of a wave.. it gets worse in the middle.. then gets a little better until it's over. I never got the epidural because of the chance of it hurting the baby, I had an all natural birth (which is obviously more painful, but worth it).

Another tip: DO NOT sit on the birthing stool they may try to put you on. It hurts soooo much more during a contraction. Sitting on the toilet felt really good, but i wasn't able to deliver on it!

The absolute worst parts are 1) The contractions, and 2) They will make you push once you're starting a contraction (once you're 10 centimeters dialated).. and THAT hurts like you wouldn't believe. I would have a strong hand by your side to squeeze, and someone on your other side with a cold wash cloth for your face.

I never took lamaze classes, it just came natural. You just know when to breathe and the dr's and nurses (with me) should be excellent with advice. There's something about giving birth... in a woman.. you just find a strength in yourself that you NEVER knew you had. It's truly amazing. And after all the pain (and honestly, it will be very painful) you'll have such a little miracle in your arms.

One thing I promise you is that once they put that baby in your arms, ALL THE PAIN SIMPLY DISAPPEARS and you forget how much pain you went through to get that little one out into this world. It's the most amazing experience you'll ever have.

Good luck and I hope this was helpful. =)

2007-01-16 20:02:10 · answer #3 · answered by mattysmommy2004 4 · 1 1

You can request an epidural as soon as your contractions start spiking, they might even give it to you earlier. I recommend it for all first times. Its very uncomfortable, labour that is. I got to the point with my first one I just wanted to get up and run in place to see if I could speed her up. LOL. Its not really all that painful if you have a high pain tolerance, it just gets kinda boring and uncomfortable. Its uncomfortable because the baby is moving down the birth canal, so there is a lot of pressure. I found with both times I was in labour that laying on my side was more comfortable, than just laying flat on my back. When it comes time to push I recommend just bearing down and pushing but mentally go somewhere else. Take a mental walk on the beach or something, that really helped me. Pushing only hurts when the fullest part of the head comes out but its cake from there, and if you really bear down you shouldn't be in to much pain for to long. I hope I helped a little at least......Congratulations!!

2007-01-16 19:58:36 · answer #4 · answered by Shaz T 2 · 0 1

An epidural is the way to go they will not administer it until you have dilated at least 5cm, it pretty much numbs you from the boobs down. You can still feel the pressure but not such sharp pains! And like the other girl said before you know it you have a new bundle of joy and forgot all about it. Also ask your hospital if they have a birthing ball, it is nothing more than an exercise ball but after they break your water you can sit on this ball and roll your hips from side to side and it helps open up you pelvic bones for easier delivery!

2007-01-16 20:01:00 · answer #5 · answered by LSD 4 · 0 2

Sorry that happened. I was given that due to my blood pressure as well. I was told that it would make me feel like i had the flu, and i would have to stay in bed because of the effects on ME. I was never told it would do anything to the baby. (my baby was born w/out any problems.) I would advise to seek legal aid in that. Sometimes the heart rate will drop in a baby during pushing... if the cord gets around the baby's neck, or other factors. I hope both are doing fine now.

2016-03-29 01:15:18 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

obviously ,mattysmom didn't forget the pain after the labor was over...she gave you quite a description of it....

I wasn't going to comment...a lot of poster was pointing out the epidural to you..until I read the graphic details on the one..maybe that is what you were looking for....but just incase it didn't put your mind to easy....I thought I would give my take on it..since I had one with drugs and one without .....besides, I had a relative who took delight in terrifying me about labor before I gave birth to my first child..and it worried and scared me something awful..........you know, there are women who will do this to other women..I didn't know that....I was very naive to say the least.....

I have had two children...my first, I had the pleasure of having an epidural ....and if this option is available to you..than I demand that you take it...ok, I can't demand...but I will say this is probably the best thing for labor.... and the person/persons who invented this really should go down in history as some of the greatest people to have ever lived......ok enough I am being silly..well, ok maybe I truly mean it....after my first child was born..I was up within an hour-I wasn't suppose to be-but I did it anyway-I didn't even feel bad...AND IT WON'T HURT THE CHILD -IF ANYTHING ,IT WILL RELAX YOU ...WHICH CAN ONLY MAKE IT EASIER FOR THE CHILD TO BE BORN ........

with my second child..I had the great pleasure of having natural... he came really fast ..forty-five minutes total- fifteen minutes after entering into the hospital..we just about didn't make it there..which scared the heck out of my husband---he was carry me across the parking lot yelling with every step.. "don't you dare"..looking back on it ..it's pretty funny...so anyway, I didn't get there in time for any drugs....I won't lie..it hurt..and I tensed up all over couldn't keep from it...it was not a pleasant experience..but it wasn't something that I couldn't endure...and after I felt like I had been beat up...I still got up ,but I was sore all over.......

what I am trying to say (very poorly I know)..whether you have your baby using the wonderful medical advancements available..or going back to the days of adam and eve..either way ,you will do fine....women's body were designed to bare children... and I know it is hard.. if not impossible.... but try not to worry and stress yourself out....just look around...do you see women with more than one child....that in itself is telling...if it was unbearable..then why would they have more than one....there is children everywhere..and soon you will have one of your own....this is a time for happiness ....

I wish you best and congratulations on your babe..

2007-01-16 22:24:26 · answer #7 · answered by LeftField360 5 · 0 1

When you go into labour you WILL know. Once you get to the hospital they will want to check you over to make sure you are really having the baby. Next they take you to your birthing room. The pain of the contractions wil get worse and worse. They will continue to check you to see how far dialated you are. The closer you are to birth, they will give you the option of getting an epidural. If you chose the epi. they have you lay on your side and pull your knees up to your chin. They will give you a knumbing shot, then stick in the epi. Its a very long and thick needle, very scary try not to look at it. Once the meds start to kick in you will feel NO PAIN!!! and they will contiue to check you over to see how far along you are. My first baby labour was 20 hours long and my second baby labour was 10 hours long. Once you are ready to start pushing your pain meds will wear off and you will feel this horible pain *down there* and you will get the urge to PUSH! You will know whan you are ready! They will get your legs up in stir-ups, shine this huge spot light on your lady parts *down there* and tell you to PUSH PUSH. They doc will tell you when to push and when not to. Getting the head out is the worst part. You will feel like you are being ripped apart. Once the head is out the baby just slips right out. Unless your baby has a big fat head like my son did. His head got stuck and they had to get this big thing, looked like salad tongs, to grab his head and pull him out. But dont worry. You are in the hospital and if anyhting goes wrong they will fix you right away! Once the baby is out, they will have you push a little more and a nurse may even push on your belly to ehlp get the sac out. That just slides right out you will not feel a thing. You can email me if you want, and ask me any questions. I have 2 kids and I am 24. I will be honest about everything!

2007-01-16 20:41:46 · answer #8 · answered by I hate stupid ppl like you 4 · 0 1

The labor of childbirth is painful but not unbearable. You can request pain medications when you want. Don't be afraid to ask. The best part is, as soon as the baby comes it is over and you forget all about it. Millions of women have given birth more than once, so it can't be that bad. :)

2007-01-16 19:54:48 · answer #9 · answered by MeanKitty 6 · 1 1

well i wont lie by saying tht it isnt painful i freaked out 1 week b4 i due i was crying like crazy but whn the moment came i tried to be prepared it was very painful n whn the nurse told me to push the only thought in my minda was get the baby out safely...get the baby out safely n i wasnt thinking of the pain anymore n whn i saw the little angels face i swear i felt no pain at all

but the place is of course sore but not so painful trust i'm sure u will get thru this safe n sound..


2007-01-16 20:06:57 · answer #10 · answered by ♥ Sunshine ♥ 3 · 0 1

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